SCOTUS Lifts Injunction Against Most of Travel Ban.

Libs shop for leftist judges to ram their policies down our throats. That's the single best reason I voted for Trump, the SCOTUS is the crown jewel.
The Supreme Court on Monday said it would allow the Trump administration's controversial travel ban to largely go into effect, while setting a hearing on the entire executive order for October.

The court's decision means the justices will now wade into the biggest legal controversy of the Trump administration -- Trump's order temporarily restricting travel from six Muslim-majority countries.

"An American individual or entity that has a bona fide relationship with a particular person seeking to enter the country as a refugee can legitimately claim concrete hardship if that person is excluded,” the Court wrote. “As to these individuals and entities, we do not disturb the injunction. But when it comes to refugees who lack any such connection to the United States, for the reasons we have set out, the balance tips in favor of the Government’s compelling need to provide for the Nation’s security.”

The justices decided to review the broader constitutional issues over executive authority on immigration with oral arguments to be held in the Fall.

Take that activist judges! :D
The meat of this case will be heard in the fall.
The meat has already been ruled upon.

“As to these individuals and entities, we do not disturb the injunction. But when it comes to refugees who lack any such connection to the United States, for the reasons we have set out, the balance tips in favor of the Government’s compelling need to provide for the Nation’s security.”
Libs shop for leftist judges to ram their policies down our throats. That's the single best reason I voted for Trump, the SCOTUS is the crown jewel.

SCOTUS was my motivating factor

we got a suitable replacement for Scalia (or it looks good in the early stages)

with Kennedy stepping down (*rumored) - the court shifts a liitle to the right

Thomas probably retires before 2020 as well

all we need is for RBG to "retire" and the courts are effectively saved for a generation...
How bizarre is it that it takes the USSC to enforce a power the President was given in the Constitution?
Case won't be heard til October, when they reconvene.

By then, there may be a new Justice.

(or two)
I don't know what parts of the ban are now allowed, but most of it, it sounds like, so wouldn't that mean by October a case is no longer needed? It will have been more than 90 days?
I'm a little confused how this will work. Will definitely need to watch PBS Newshour tonight. I'm sure they'll explain it.
P.S. Not surprised by this. I think most everyone knew the S.C. would rule in the President's favor on this one.
We need the throw the leftist assholes that blocked the ban off the bench. They are NOT judges.

the good guys won this one.

The filthy ass Liberals must really be crying over this one. Obama's Muslim buddies are going to be restricted.


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