SCOTUS Rulings Today

If he is he should do so soon prior to the mid-terms. If the Repubs take back the Senate they would just refuse to hold a confirmation hearing on anyone at all for 2 years.

His replacement has already been confirmed I believe.
Inexplicable, Sotomayor cited the "separation of church and state"....which...appears nowhere in the Constitution. I'm nowhere NEAR a lawyer and even I know this. All the founders meant by that term was there would be no actual State Religion as in "The Church of America" as there is a "Church of England". Somehow too many people take that to mean the Church of America is secularism. It's not (and scary and a Justice seems to think this too).

Many think if the Govt gives a religion funding then it becomes the state religion. As long as the money is given to more than just Christian schools I have no problem with it at all.

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