SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

Hospitals are that way now due to anti vaxxers who are crowding hospital ER's showing up with severe cases of Covid, numbnuts.

Keep watching Faux News & Newsmax to have more smoke blown up your ass by Trump's asseaters who all took the vaccine, gullible fool.
Amazing how sub-moronic jackasses like you never ask yourselves why those in the medical field wouldn't want themselves polluted with your BigPharm juice, if it's so fucking effective.

That would require an IQ higher than a turnip, which leaves you out.
That man has done a horrific job with Covid

thank God Omnicron revealed Fauci and friends crime against humanity
What should he have done differently?

Nevermind, I have no desire to watch you throw the embarrassing fit you will throw instead of answering the question.
Amazing how sub-moronic jackasses like you never ask yourselves why those in the medical field wouldn't want themselves polluted with your BigPharm juice, if it's so fucking effective.

That would require an IQ higher than a turnip, which leaves you out.

Hey idiot

Maybe you should then ask yourself why 90%+ of them took it voluntarily.

Gotdam you are stupid.
So this very dubious “preventative measure” being forced upon us has been nixed . Next up needs to be the useless, virtue signaling mask mandates.
But upheld mandates for healthcare workers. Of which, some are employed by providers with more than 100 employees.

Conservative pretzel logic.

Nope. The size of the company is irrelevant. Did people in small companies not get COVID?
They are covered in this ruling and such a dodge is not permitted

No. So far not one court I have seen has ruled against a private company choosing on their own to require the vaccine
No. So far not one court I have seen has ruled against a private company choosing on their own to require the vaccine
Not one company has been successful with firing people who won’t provide proof of vaccination
You just got your ass handed to you by SC and are madly scrambling to suggest there are easy ways to work around it to effectively vacate it. Not happening.
See the super brain dead emoters will stick with the 800k+ because that’s what their feelings mandate.
That number was just very forcefully reduced recently by the issuing entity and for 2/3rd time to boot but facts don’t matter to the emotionally disabled.
Those who reference the 800k make it easy to identify them as idiot liers, or paid/voluntary trolls and thus easy to ignore.
3P principle


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