SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

This was the only decision that fit in the Constitution. OSHA does not have that power
I agree. I worked in healthcare for a couple of decades - medical imaging, mostly. The work was fulfilling and as much as I dislike and distrust these particular vaccine mandates, those for point of care workers can be justified if ANY can be justified. Regardless of this, the whole industry is taking a hit at the worst possible time. I hope that those who lose their jobs will be able to transition into something else that they care about.
MY BODY, MY CHOICE comes to mind. You republicans treat women as 2nd class citizen, next thing the republicans are going to take away voting for women.
Seems to me that they punted.

Oh well maybe that will help send more workers back into the offices where they belong during the morning and afternoon hours instead of cluttering-up the town roads/stores with "work at Homers". ;)
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they do on the worksite; I know my husband is in construction. they will be sorry. Hopefully individual companies will mandate the vaccine.
No need, if your husband is vaccinated, job done, he's saved from the virus so he doesn't have to worry about anyone else.
Ole Joe's fascistic tyranny is crashing and burning on all fronts.

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I’m counting on the moderate and independent voters to remember it was the USSS that had to come in to rule out Biden’s handlers’ plan to strongarm millions of American workers who just happen to be registered voters!
But, but healthcare facilities who recieve Medicare & Medicaid funds can still require the vaxx. Which entails practically every hospital in the Country, Trump asslicker.

Don't come bellyaching to me when the hospitals are partially shut down and ER waits skyrocket because of understaffing, fascist peckerhead.
If blithering dipshits that don’t feel sick stop rushing to hospitals to get a test to confirm they “aren’t sick” then the hospital issue is resolved. So like Democrats to blame elsewhere when it’s their conjured up hoax that is the true cause.

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued mixed rulings in a pair of cases challenging Biden administration vaccine mandates, allowing the requirement for certain health care workers to go into effect while blocking enforcement of a mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

Well done SCOTUS


A WIN FOR FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2up:
they do on the worksite; I know my husband is in construction. they will be sorry. Hopefully individual companies will mandate the vaccine.

So in your pointy little head the Gov now cannot mandate the Vaxx but a private Company're special.
Don't come bellyaching to me when the hospitals are partially shut down and ER waits skyrocket because of understaffing, fascist peckerhead.
Hospitals are that way now due to anti vaxxers who are crowding hospital ER's showing up with severe cases of Covid, numbnuts.

Keep watching Faux News & Newsmax to have more smoke blown up your ass by Trump's asseaters who all took the vaccine, gullible fool.
Hospitals are that way now due to anti vaxxers who are crowding hospital ER's showing up with severe cases of Covid, numbnuts.

Keep watching Faux News & Newsmax to have more smoke blown up your ass by Trump's asseaters who all took the vaccine, gullible fool.

Move along kid, the SC stopped it.
Million dead? Fauci and CDC 'revising' those figures. Not what it appears.
See the super brain dead emoters will stick with the 800k+ because that’s what their feelings mandate.
That number was just very forcefully reduced recently by the issuing entity and for 2/3rd time to boot but facts don’t matter to the emotionally disabled.
Those who reference the 800k make it easy to identify them as idiot liers, or paid/voluntary trolls and thus easy to ignore.
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