SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

With a recovery rate of 99%, that means that 1% of the 1,300,000 daily infections, or 13,000 could bite the dust every day from Covid.

The 1% must be some kind of political exaggeration. Or maybe it's addressing bird flu or something?
So tell me duck, how does all that shake out in Canadian numbers--You've been locked down--how much better off are you?
BidenLaughing StockofAmerica.jpg
The Court ruling makes no sense to me. Why put a mandate on the Health workers if they pull back the one for other, non-health companies? The basic problem is still that the so-called vaccines don't work, so why mandate them??
Which half Bill? That's as ambiguous as your comments on Garland rifles.

On a bright note, some medical professionals are hopeful that Omicron, due to the severity, is signalling the beginning of the end to Covid.

Never mind 1.3 million new cases in 24 hours.
I guess you still think the vaccine will keep you from getting
Not sure how they will be able to enforce this when they haven't defined fully vaccinated.
That's a joke in itself. Went to the ER a while ago, first, two guards BSing w/o masks, donned them to let us in. Go into ER, staff cleaning room w/o any mask. Doc comes in masked, then takes it off to BS.
Never saw so many lax people.......many wore masks, but then.
That's because they've figured out the masks don't do shit.
The Court ruling makes no sense to me. Why put a mandate on the Health workers if they pull back the one for other, non-health companies? The basic problem is still that the so-called vaccines don't work, so why mandate them??
This was a Constitutional issue. The question was whether OSHA has the power to address public health in general.
So tell me duck, how does all that shake out in Canadian numbers--You've been locked down--how much better off are you?
Number 12 is a self portrait of me and the others are my family. We're doing just quackingly well thank you.

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued mixed rulings in a pair of cases challenging Biden administration vaccine mandates, allowing the requirement for certain health care workers to go into effect while blocking enforcement of a mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

Well done SCOTUS
Not a mixed ruling either as the insidious media tries to undermine the ruling
The small segment that’s in the health care field must. The rest of us that are just trying to go to work do not have to.
Never any doubt that, despite lying ass unwise Latina and few other like kinds, the judges of integrity would prevail
So safe space bitches, your love for the garish death tally took a wack with a 75% numeric reduction, people are seeing the utter folly of ruining the nation over 200k deceased or roughly 300 per day in a land of 330 million, and you piss ass illegal mandate just got shit canned. Your preposterous edicts including “Get the jab” are rightfully going down the tubes.
Christ that idea comes mostly from people that I am already taking care of their life expenses and now I won’t be forced into complying with their Hate America will.
As this always hoax runs out of gas-what do you think they will conjour up to replace if?
How wait, i told you muthas on Day 1 of this idea that there was no way it would survive the legal challenges. That people cannot even get appointments to schedule a free test because of a shortage of kits shows how idiotic it was to think they were going to be able to get employers to force people to be tested.
Health care worker in facailitites that take federal medicare / medicaid funds.
1: Federal $ = federal rules. Always been this way.
2: HCW are critical infrastructure
3; HCW run a zillion times greater risk of exposure and thus need whatever questionablr protection the vaccines offer.

That said, if mandated, I would still refuse.
I think there was a law suit somewhere challenging the 'take fed money' issue.

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