SCOTUS signals upcoming historic approval for gay marriage

Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

What I find amusing is that you defend groups that have, for over a century, made people 2nd class citizens. So you are perfectly fine with there BEING 2nd class citizens. You only get pissed when you think YOU might be part of one of those 2nd class citizen groups.

News flash for you: Other groups being equal does not make straight white men 2nd class. I see why you are confused, because you prefer to keep the other groups down. Times change.
News flash for you: Other groups being equal does not make straight white men 2nd class. I see why you are confused, because you prefer to keep the other groups down. Times change.
Except that your premise is flawed. In our American legal system, where penal and civil codes are all about regulating human behaviors, you cannot suddenly elevate just one of them the majority finds repugnant to "exempt and special" status. Either all repugnant behaviors are exempt from regulation or none of them are...

You don't want to appear "bigoted" do you?

Plus, the most significant thing about this thread is that the US Supreme Court is signaling to the American public that they've already made up their mind without holding an official Hearing (besides Windsor 2013 where they weighed HEAVILY in favor of states defining marriage, mentioning it 56 times in 26 pages; and only once suggesting "unless constitutionally protected"..which is a question still unanswered...).

When your American Supreme Court tells you it's already had a shadow kangaroo Decision without the public invited, you better pack your bags and move to Red China or North Korea where there is more democracy..

Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...
Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.
The bible doesn't agree. It is between 1 man and six women.
The nation is so divided now that something more to increase the division should be welcomed.
This was unfortunately bound to happen sooner or later. With the general loss of morality and decency throughout the world, and more recently across the United States it was simply a matter of time. Though I am very happy to see that at least one member of the Supreme Court is unwilling to take part in this rape of American Society.

That having been said, this changes nothing for me when it becomes law. I have lived in a state and a region which has legally approved of this depravity for several years now. I will continue to treat these couples the same way I always have, just like dog shit. I will not hire an individual who I know (or believe) is homosexual. I will not work with/for one. I will not frequent businesses owned or run by them. I will go out of my way to avoid any and all contact with them. It's that simple. The law can say they are acceptable, but that does not mean I have to accept them.
This was unfortunately bound to happen sooner or later. With the general loss of morality and decency throughout the world, and more recently across the United States it was simply a matter of time. Though I am very happy to see that at least one member of the Supreme Court is unwilling to take part in this rape of American Society.

That having been said, this changes nothing for me when it becomes law. I have lived in a state and a region which has legally approved of this depravity for several years now. I will continue to treat these couples the same way I always have, just like dog shit. I will not hire an individual who I know (or believe) is homosexual. I will not work with/for one. I will not frequent businesses owned or run by them. I will go out of my way to avoid any and all contact with them. It's that simple. The law can say they are acceptable, but that does not mean I have to accept them.
There's nothing anyone can do about it either.
Plus, the most significant thing about this thread is that the US Supreme Court is signaling to the American public that they've already made up their mind without holding an official Hearing (.

The plaintiff requesting the stay must have a plausible chance of winning their case for a stay to be granted. The justices are *required* to assess the likelihood of Alabama's appeal winning when deciding if they grant the stay. The court found no credible basis to grant the stay.

Far from being 'illegal', that's what the courts are required to do. Its the same denial of cert they've offered every other state that appealed a federal court ruling overturning gay marriage bans. With the court responding in the same manner each time.

Only now do you start to clue into the implications of those denials of stay. We've been telling you about them for a year.

besides Windsor 2013 where they weighed HEAVILY in favor of states defining marriage, mentioning it 56 times in 26 pages; and only once suggesting "unless constitutionally protected"..which is a question still unanswered...)

You say the Windsor ruling heavily favored states. And you don't know what you're talking about. Scalia lays it out for you, how comically wrong, how laughably inept, how hopelessly confused your interpretation of the Windsor ruling actually is:

"In my opinion, however, the view that this Court will take of state prohibition of same-sex marriage is indicated beyond mistaking by today’s opinion. As I have said, the real rationale of today’s opinion, whatever disappearing trail of its legalistic argle-bargle one chooses to follow, is that DOMA is motivated by “ ‘bare . . . desire to harm’ ” couples in same-sex marriages. Supra, at 18. How easy it is, indeed how inevitable, to reach the same conclusion with regard to state laws denying same-sex couples marital status. "

Justice Scalia in dissent of Windsor v. US

So we have you insisting that the Windsor ruling strongly favored the States. And Scalia telling us that its 'inevitable' that the court will rule AGAINST the States using the very rationale of Windsor.

But you know more than Scalia, huh?

When your American Supreme Court tells you it's already had a shadow kangaroo Decision without the public invited, you better pack your bags and move to Red China or North Korea where there is more democracy..

And you've already started practicing your excuses for why you lost a ruling that isn't coming for 4 more months.

Good. I want you well rehearsed when the court finally pops the last of your little bubble of denial.
This was unfortunately bound to happen sooner or later. With the general loss of morality and decency throughout the world, and more recently across the United States it was simply a matter of time. Though I am very happy to see that at least one member of the Supreme Court is unwilling to take part in this rape of American Society.

That having been said, this changes nothing for me when it becomes law. I have lived in a state and a region which has legally approved of this depravity for several years now. I will continue to treat these couples the same way I always have, just like dog shit. I will not hire an individual who I know (or believe) is homosexual. I will not work with/for one. I will not frequent businesses owned or run by them. I will go out of my way to avoid any and all contact with them. It's that simple. The law can say they are acceptable, but that does not mean I have to accept them.

Sigh....eventually there will be a fringe right conception of 'freedom' and 'liberty' that doesn't involve treating someone else like dogshit.
Facts are marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. Always has been always will be.

It doesn't matter what you think or how you define a word.

What you say make no difference to anyone.

You're free to believe anything you want. Just know that most of the population will believe you're stupid and wrong.
This was unfortunately bound to happen sooner or later. With the general loss of morality and decency throughout the world, and more recently across the United States it was simply a matter of time. Though I am very happy to see that at least one member of the Supreme Court is unwilling to take part in this rape of American Society.

That having been said, this changes nothing for me when it becomes law. I have lived in a state and a region which has legally approved of this depravity for several years now. I will continue to treat these couples the same way I always have, just like dog shit. I will not hire an individual who I know (or believe) is homosexual. I will not work with/for one. I will not frequent businesses owned or run by them. I will go out of my way to avoid any and all contact with them. It's that simple. The law can say they are acceptable, but that does not mean I have to accept them.
*snort! As if you have a job, let alone a business. :lol:
Sigh....eventually there will be a fringe right conception of 'freedom' and 'liberty' that doesn't involve treating someone else like dogshit.

Where have I ever supported either of those concepts?

So your argument boils down to just treating other people like dogshit.

It is also the essence of freedom. The courts can impose whatever laws they wish but they can not. impose a right to basic civility.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.
In 20 years, the Right will be trying to take credit for gay marriage.

Its not that we "opposed" gay marriage but thought it should be left up to the states
It is obvious what the SCOTUS decision will be.

Regardless of the temper tantrum from an Alabama judge trying to remain in the dark ages....its going to happen

Alabama might as well accept it

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