SCOTUS signals upcoming historic approval for gay marriage

Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

Moore doesn't want the spotlight??? LMAO!! Moore is an attention whore of the highest order!!

What aid will they need? In Alabama the federal judge has ruled and the SCOTUS has said they will not overturn it. It is a done deal. There is no need for anyone to come to their aid.

"...defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised..."????? Please show me where there is any guaranteed right that you will not be disenfranchised?? In fact, show me where anyone's rights are being violated. That same sex couples can marry does not change your life one iota.

Please tell us all why allowing gays to marry makes straight white people "2nd class citizens"?
Facts are marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. Always has been always will be.

Yeah, so you say. But the reality is that gays are now marrying in one of the last states expected to have gay marriages.

In fact, 38 states have added to the definition of marriage. that means that a shade over 3/4 of the states recognize same-sex marriages.

But you keep telling yourself whatever you need to.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

Moore doesn't want the spotlight??? LMAO!! Moore is an attention whore of the highest order!!

What aid will they need? In Alabama the federal judge has ruled and the SCOTUS has said they will not overturn it. It is a done deal. There is no need for anyone to come to their aid.

"...defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised..."????? Please show me where there is any guaranteed right that you will not be disenfranchised?? In fact, show me where anyone's rights are being violated. That same sex couples can marry does not change your life one iota.

Please tell us all why allowing gays to marry makes straight white people "2nd class citizens"?
The courts and politicians have created special class of citizens,homosexuals,blacks,women,disabled,latino's,jews,indians etc anyone that's not a straight white the end when things fall apart and they will they always do I doubt all those special citizens are going to fight for the system but those that you screwed over and shit on will fight back.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.
In 20 years, the Right will be trying to take credit for gay marriage.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

Moore doesn't want the spotlight??? LMAO!! Moore is an attention whore of the highest order!!

What aid will they need? In Alabama the federal judge has ruled and the SCOTUS has said they will not overturn it. It is a done deal. There is no need for anyone to come to their aid.

"...defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised..."????? Please show me where there is any guaranteed right that you will not be disenfranchised?? In fact, show me where anyone's rights are being violated. That same sex couples can marry does not change your life one iota.

Please tell us all why allowing gays to marry makes straight white people "2nd class citizens"?
The courts and politicians have created special class of citizens,homosexuals,blacks,women,disabled,latino's,jews,indians etc anyone that's not a straight white the end when things fall apart and they will they always do I doubt all those special citizens are going to fight for the system but those that you screwed over and shit on will fight back.

How is allowing gay couples what we straights already have, creating any special class?? Are you just pissed because you can't look down on someone anymore?

The fundamental fact is that allowing gays to marry has no effect on you. It extends benefits to same sex couples, but does not, in any way, hamper or remove any rights you enjoy.

And as for the claims about social degeneration, the gay couples are already out there and living together. The only change is a license and their benefits.

Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...
Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.
Hasn't always been that way....and when it has been that way, it's often 1 man one woman...oops man another woman...oops divorce....another man one woman...oops......
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

Moore doesn't want the spotlight??? LMAO!! Moore is an attention whore of the highest order!!

What aid will they need? In Alabama the federal judge has ruled and the SCOTUS has said they will not overturn it. It is a done deal. There is no need for anyone to come to their aid.

"...defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised..."????? Please show me where there is any guaranteed right that you will not be disenfranchised?? In fact, show me where anyone's rights are being violated. That same sex couples can marry does not change your life one iota.

Please tell us all why allowing gays to marry makes straight white people "2nd class citizens"?
The courts and politicians have created special class of citizens,homosexuals,blacks,women,disabled,latino's,jews,indians etc anyone that's not a straight white the end when things fall apart and they will they always do I doubt all those special citizens are going to fight for the system but those that you screwed over and shit on will fight back.

Please tell us who was screwed by this and how?? Not some vague "society is failing" bullshit, but an exact statement of who was screwed.

The answer is that no one was screwed. Quit playing victim and get on with your life. No one screwed you and you have nothing to fight back against.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens...Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

Moore doesn't want the spotlight??? LMAO!! Moore is an attention whore of the highest order!!

What aid will they need? In Alabama the federal judge has ruled and the SCOTUS has said they will not overturn it. It is a done deal. There is no need for anyone to come to their aid.

"...defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised..."????? Please show me where there is any guaranteed right that you will not be disenfranchised?? In fact, show me where anyone's rights are being violated. That same sex couples can marry does not change your life one iota.

Please tell us all why allowing gays to marry makes straight white people "2nd class citizens"?
The courts and politicians have created special class of citizens,homosexuals,blacks,women,disabled,latino's,jews,indians etc anyone that's not a straight white the end when things fall apart and they will they always do I doubt all those special citizens are going to fight for the system but those that you screwed over and shit on will fight back.
Straight white people are such whiny victims these days. The Man keeping them down and all..................
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.

The Klan is a bunch of cowardly rednecks dreaming of the days of their former terroristic glory.

Go ahead and try to start something with those groups. There are PLENTY of us who will happily shoot back and put them down like the rabid strays they are.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.
In 20 years, the Right will be trying to take credit for gay marriage.

Actually, they can take credit for it today, if they would stop whining.

Judge Granade was recommended by two republican state senators, Shelby and Sessions, and was nominated by George W. Bush. So the republicans made this all possible.

that would be great if they jailed those judges for not obeying the law of the land

Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.
Yes they are. Thank you for recognizing that.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.

The Klan is a bunch of cowardly rednecks dreaming of the days of their former terroristic glory.

Go ahead and try to start something with those groups. There are PLENTY of us who will happily shoot back and put them down like the rabid strays they are.
Now yes,back when they were started they were a group that made sure the black was kept in his place and not allowed to run rough shod over the south and rape white women and take whatever they wanted. Did a good job for almost a century.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.
In 20 years, the Right will be trying to take credit for gay marriage.

Actually, they can take credit for it today, if they would stop whining.

Judge Granade was recommended by two republican state senators, Shelby and Sessions, and was nominated by George W. Bush. So the republicans made this all possible.

Well Bush wasn't exactly a bright cookie....he nominated that asshole Chief Justice Roberts...
that would be great if they jailed those judges for not obeying the law of the land

Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.
Yes they are. Thank you for recognizing that.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.

The Klan is a bunch of cowardly rednecks dreaming of the days of their former terroristic glory.

Go ahead and try to start something with those groups. There are PLENTY of us who will happily shoot back and put them down like the rabid strays they are.
Now yes,back when they were started they were a group that made sure the black was kept in his place and not allowed to run rough shod over the south and rape white women and take whatever they wanted. Did a good job for almost a century.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.
In 20 years, the Right will be trying to take credit for gay marriage.

Actually, they can take credit for it today, if they would stop whining.

Judge Granade was recommended by two republican state senators, Shelby and Sessions, and was nominated by George W. Bush. So the republicans made this all possible.

Well Bush wasn't exactly a bright cookie....he nominated that asshole Chief Justice Roberts...

Back then they were a terrorist organization, pure and simple. Blacks were not running roughshod over anyone. And they certainly did not deserve to be terrorized by a group of degenerates hiding under hoods. Your klan buddies lynched men for little or no reason, murdered without cause, and terrorized the entire south for decades.

Luckily that terror has turned to ridicule and disgust. The klan is a blight that has been eliminated in all but name.
Go ahead let the judicial dictators continue to exclude and alienate most of society...when it comes down to brass tacks only queers and other special minorities are gonna come running to their aid at best...If you people think faggotry is so widely accepted lets hold nonbinding polls in every state...then we can see which states will approve of faggotry and those that don't. I hope Justice Moore is at the forefront as a new George Washington,he doesn't want the spotlight but like Washington he is being pushed into the spotlight by defending the rights of those that are being disenfranchised and pushed aside once again for a new special class of the end straight white people will be all that's left and are thrown aside as 2nd class citizens.

Gays aren't looking for 'special rights'. But the same rights as everyone else. And in Alabama, they have it.

..Yall are gonna burn the fuse till it be my guest. I see what's coming.

And after you rub one out reading the latest issue of Guns and Ammo, you'll probably feel a little better. Remember, for your 'explosion' to happen, you need people willing to bleed. And your ilk are talkers. When it comes time to start doing patriot shit, like bleeding and dying, its always someone else's responsibility.

Never your own. Revolutions aren't won by Jeffersons. They're won by Hamiltons and Washingtons. And you've got none of those.

The Order,The Klan,Many Lone Wolf's like McVeigh,Rudolph,Weaver etc. So yeah we have many willing to shed blood and have their blood shed in the righteous fight.

'The Klan'? Yeah, you may want to check again because they're not doing a goddamn thing. As for McVeigh, he didn't kill anyone over gay marriage. And knowingly killing kids in a day care with a car bomb is something Washington would never do. But McVeigh certainly did.

And you demonstrate my point perfectly. Pushing the responsibility for bleeding to other people. But never yourself. The founders were men who were willing to fight. Your ilk are willing to demand other people fight.

You're just a garden variety thug who makes vague insinuations of violence if things don't go his way. Your innate chickenshittery will keep us safe from you. And you safe from us.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.
In 20 years, the Right will be trying to take credit for gay marriage.

Laughing.....telling us how they marched for gay rights and tickled Harvey Milk's ball sack.

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