SCOTUS signals upcoming historic approval for gay marriage

For a crowd assuring the public that gay marriage is popular with the majority, you folks SURE have a vested interest in keeping it from a vote from the separate states...

Weird.. :popcorn:

What you say isn't true. However no one should have the right to vote to take civil rights from anyone.

What you say isn't true because my state did vote on whether gay people could get married. The people of my state voted in a good majority to say YES gay people have the same civil rights as heterosexual people. We will not violate the constitution and the 14th amendment.

Gay marriage has been legal in my state since 2012.

No legislature or court did that. In fact our legislature passed a law outlawing gay marriage in the 90s. Our supreme court upheld that law so gays were not allowed to get married in my state until the people of my state stood up to our politicians and our judges.

Gay marriage will be the law of the land soon. I'm embarrassed that it took so long.

What you think or want means nothing. You can whine about it, you can lie about it. Nothing you do will change reality. The supreme court will rule in favor of gay marriage in June and there's absolutely nothing you can or ever will be able to do about it.

So you may as well accept it and move on.
Here's the link to Thomas' words, with Scalia getting his back.

You know, his/their logic is flawless. The Court has no business deciding the merits of a case without hearing it first.

Sure they do. As a stay is only granted if there's a plausible chance that the ruling will be in favor of the plaintiff requesting the stay.

There isn't.

And the last opinion the Court gave the public on the question of who gets to decide on gay marraige was reiterated 56 times in Windsor "the states do, now and always since the founding of the country"...

Subject to constitutional guarantees. You always omit that part. Which is just weird given that every challenge to same sex marriage bans being heard by the SCOTUS in April are based on violations of these constitutional guarantees.

Ignore as you will. The court won't.

The real, and I feel impeachable danger that these rogue Justices are stepping our country into is that the nation will get the idea that there really isn't justice.

But you're clearly clueless. You laughably misread the Windsor decision. You completely misread the court's take on state same sex marriage bans. YOur every prediction on stays has been exactly wrong. And your latest fantasy about any justice being 'impeached' for disagreeing with you is more meaningless gibberish.

You simply have no idea what you're talking about. Why then would we give a shit what fantasy you're clinging to this week?
That there really isn't a system of laws and protocols that will protect the Union that they can rely on. If the Justices get to hold what is essentially a shadow kangaroo court on the question of gay marriage, what topic will they do so on next?

A 'kangaroo court', huh? Its starting to sink in, isn't it Silo? That you're wrong. That the court overturning state gay marriage bans is 'inevitable' and 'beyond mistaking'. That even Scalia and Thomas can see what's going to happen.

Which is why you're already practicing your excuses for why you lost. With little dribbled accusations of 'fascism' and 'rogue justices' and 'kangaroo court' dripping for your chin. And this 4 months before the court has even ruled. Can you imagine the hysteric batshit you'll be spewing by summer time?

Yes we can!
You continue to misread Windsor, deliberately, as we all know here.

The vote will be 6-3, even possibly 7-2, although I really don't think Alito will vote in the affirmative but rather in the negative and then ignore it.

The majority is not on your side, Sil.
Alito has denied cert for every ruling that overturned gay marriage bans.

Every single one.

7 to 2 is still on the table. This ruling is gonna be a big one. And when the court moves on big rulings, they try to move with as much unanimity as possible. Brown v. the Board of Education was 9-0. So was Loving v. Virginia.

Scalia and Thomas have already telegraphed their opposition with their pouting, so unanimity is off the table. But I can see the 'integrity of the court' angle pushing Roberts to rule with the majority. And I think Roberts can bring Alito. They know what's coming. And I doubt they want to be on the wrong side of history.

Scalia may want to be this generation's Leon Bazile, but I doubt any of the other justices do.

“It's going to happen folks, like it or not (and I don't by the way) !”

It's sad and telling that you admit this absent any shame.

Are you too ignorant to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

Are you too blinded by an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans to understand why you're wrong and should be ashamed?

It's the ignorance and hate exhibited by you and many others on the right that demonstrate why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as during any period in our Nation's history.

It's truly remarkable how you're oblivious to the fact that you're on the wrong side of history, with many of your fellow rightists, just as segregationists were on the wrong side of history some 60 years ago.

And don't give us that inane, unfounded nonsense about 'states' rights,' that's only a facade behind which you and others on the right hide your hostility toward gay Americans.

Please learn how to use the "quote" function. Seriously, when I quote you now it appears that I was the author of your words.

Anyway, there is no shame, I believe marriage was intended only for two people of the opposite sex.

I do recognize that this has been a lost cause for quite some time now, and I am forced to get used to it. I will however never personally view a marriage between two of the same sex as a legitimate marriage.
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Here's the link to Thomas' words, with Scalia getting his back.

You know, his/their logic is flawless. The Court has no business deciding the merits of a case without hearing it first. And the last opinion the Court gave the public on the question of who gets to decide on gay marraige was reiterated 56 times in Windsor "the states do, now and always since the founding of the country"...

The real, and I feel impeachable danger that these rogue Justices are stepping our country into is that the nation will get the idea that there really isn't justice. That there really isn't a system of laws and protocols that will protect the Union that they can rely on. If the Justices get to hold what is essentially a shadow kangaroo court on the question of gay marriage, what topic will they do so on next?

LGBTs shouldn't be celebrating this dangerous precedent. Because if Congress does impeach any Justice so engaged illegally and irreverently for the position they hold as the last bastion of appeal to IMPARTIAL justice, they may be replaced by the next GOP administration/Congress by a panel of conservative Justices who then might find that a reversal of undue process is in order..

This is dangerous territory the Court is treading on. And Thomas' & Scalia's anger is well founded..

yet another Federal District Judgecasts aside state laws without making any effort to preserve the status quo pending the Court’s resolution of a constitutional question it left open in
United States v. Windsor, 570 U. S. ___ (2013) (slip op., at 25–26). This acquiescence may well be seen as a signal of the Court’s intended resolution of that question. This is not the proper way to discharge our Article III responsibilities...Today’s decision represents yet another example of this Court’s increasingly cavalier attitude toward the States.... In this case, the Court refuses even to grant a temporary stay when it will resolve the issue at hand in several months....I respectfully dissent from the denial of this application. I would have shown the people of Alabama the respect they deserve and preserved the status quo while the Court resolves this important constitutional question.

That bit in bold is grounds for impeachment. Those rogue Justices better keep a very sharp eye on the next election cycle..The separation and limitations of powers in our country are the ONLY thing that sets us apart from a dictatorship.[/QUOTE]

Scalia got Thomas' back? Were they wearing the robes'? Kinky !
Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...

I am an ardent supporter of marriage. I am also a supporter of same-sex marriage.

Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...
Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.
I'll try not to take too much joy in your bitterness when gay marriage is the law of the land. Not too hard though. :rofl:
You act like I didn't know it was coming already? What a retard..oh and the opinion of a very tiny minority is not law its dictatorial policy its amusing you idiots still think we live in a "republic" or some such crap...its an oligarchy.

Exactly how does this effect you?

Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...
Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.

Try clicking your heels together the next time and maybe that will make it true. Buena Suerte!
Learn the difference between a nazi and what Duke is you ignorant fool.
Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...

I am an ardent supporter of marriage. I am also a supporter of same-sex marriage.
Happy for you.Fact is there is only marriage. That is a man and a woman. I don't know what 2 queers call it but it ain't marriage.

Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...
Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.
I'll try not to take too much joy in your bitterness when gay marriage is the law of the land. Not too hard though. :rofl:
You act like I didn't know it was coming already? What a retard..oh and the opinion of a very tiny minority is not law its dictatorial policy its amusing you idiots still think we live in a "republic" or some such crap...its an oligarchy.

Exactly how does this effect you?
Social degeneracy affects EVERYONE...

Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...
Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.

Try clicking your heels together the next time and maybe that will make it true. Buena Suerte!
Learn the difference between a nazi and what Duke is you ignorant fool.
Once a culture starts down the road to depravity it doesn't stop. It ends.
Good riddance to it though...I am actually surprised ANYONE seriously thought the gang of 9 tyrants was seriously NOT going to legalize sodomites "marrying"....Shit even the most ardent marriage supporter knew that was going to happen...

I am an ardent supporter of marriage. I am also a supporter of same-sex marriage.
Happy for you.Fact is there is only marriage. That is a man and a woman. I don't know what 2 queers call it but it ain't marriage.

Same-sex couples are among the most ardent marriage supporters; it's their advocacy of marriage that motivates them to fight for their right to equal protection of the law and to indeed marry.

Marriage is 1 man and 1 woman. PERIOD. Not what your sick people want to turn it into,such disgusting perverts.
I'll try not to take too much joy in your bitterness when gay marriage is the law of the land. Not too hard though. :rofl:
You act like I didn't know it was coming already? What a retard..oh and the opinion of a very tiny minority is not law its dictatorial policy its amusing you idiots still think we live in a "republic" or some such crap...its an oligarchy.

Exactly how does this effect you?
Social degeneracy affects EVERYONE...

The same gays that were married in Alabama yesterday were living together (some for decades) prior to the ceremony.

How does the state license make it "social degeneracy" when the relationship existed for years?
Oh, and if two people of the same gender get a license from the state and are recognized by the federal gov't, we call it "Marriage". That you do not approve is not relevant.
  1. 1.
    the legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman as partners in a relationship.

According to Merriam Webster, the full definition is:

noun mar·riage \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\

: the relationship that exists between a husband and a wife

: a similar relationship between people of the same sex

: a ceremony in which two people are married to each other

Full Definition of MARRIAGE
a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage>

b : the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock

c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
: an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry — J. T. Shawcross>"
Its not marriage. We all know what marriage is and 2 queers ain't it.

And feel free to tell yourself that. Meanwhile, gays will continue to have their marriages recognized under the law. You maintain your sense of exclusivity and moral superiority. Gays get the rights and privileges that they are due under the constitution.

Sounds like a win-win to me!

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