SCOTUS To Hear Three Voter Fraud Cases. The Kraken Is Ready To Rumble!

Three voter fraud cases on Feb 19. Are more on the menu?

SCOTUS Voter Cases Set for Feb 19-21

Americans will be relieved to hear that the US Supreme Court will finally hear cases brought to them alleging voter fraud against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 Presidential election starting February 19, 2021.

“Curt Levey … said the justices almost have a ‘civic duty’ to weigh in … because the issue surely will come up again, and doing so this year won’t affect an election on the immediate horizon. ‘This would be a perfect time,’ he said.”


The Washington Times reported on Wednesday, “More than half a dozen challenges to the 2020 presidential election results are pending before the Supreme Court although Biden took office two weeks ago.
When the SC says trump's claims are bullshit, will you quit whining, and admit the fat orange loser lost?
Nope.The election is not over yet.

Do you think it will ever be over for you?

Why is the National Guard at the Capitol when there's plenty of Capitol police and Metropolitan police to handle riots?
OK. make a list of all the things you want to whine about, and lets do them one at a time. I know you are used to hearing Hannity and all the other right wing talking heads bouncing around among all the things you want to whine about. They do it to keep you confused so you can't recognize their stupid lack of logic. That is a goofy way to have an actual discussion, and makes you look like an idiot. Pick one subject, or go fuck yourself.

Only one thing, Myrtle. I want to finally see justice prevail and all the traitors in the government shot or hung. BTW, it's a project in the working stage.
I disagree. I do not want trump shot or hung, just convicted in the Senate, barred from holding any office and then prosecuted and sued, repeatedly. I am not the type to hold a grudge. Like you, I just want to see justice prevail. :D
Haven't you clowns lost enough court cases?

What's this supposed to be about?

Ya think the SCOTUS can or would overturn the election?


Biden is President and will be for the next 4 years

Get over it.
Would you want to keep the results if found fraudulent? I bet you would.
Three voter fraud cases on Feb 19. Are more on the menu?

SCOTUS Voter Cases Set for Feb 19-21

Americans will be relieved to hear that the US Supreme Court will finally hear cases brought to them alleging voter fraud against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 Presidential election starting February 19, 2021.

“Curt Levey … said the justices almost have a ‘civic duty’ to weigh in … because the issue surely will come up again, and doing so this year won’t affect an election on the immediate horizon. ‘This would be a perfect time,’ he said.”


The Washington Times reported on Wednesday, “More than half a dozen challenges to the 2020 presidential election results are pending before the Supreme Court although Biden took office two weeks ago.

Good. I hope they overturn the election and Biden gets kicked to the curb.
Guess you would have to read them. Neither one would overturn the election if they agree to let them go forward. Don't get lost in fantasy.

Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.
Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.
Very few of these cases even allege fraud. Mostly they’re nit picking minor procedures that they feel weren’t adhered to.
Haven't you clowns lost enough court cases?

What's this supposed to be about?

Ya think the SCOTUS can or would overturn the election?


Biden is President and will be for the next 4 years

Get over it.

You can't lose a court case if a vast majority of the courts refused to look at the evidence.

The courts didn't "refuse to look at the evidence". Trump's lawyers never showed them any of the stuff they showed you. Faked documents and videos are called "perjury" in court and you get thrown in jail for lying in court. So they lied to YOU because they don't go to jail for lying to YOU.

They did take one of the Georgia videos into court. The one that the Trump lawyers said was boxes of "secret" ballots being pulled out from under tables after all of the workers were sent home. The Supervisor got on the stand and explained what was REALLY happening (hint: it wasn't what the voice over told YOU was happening), and the claims of "secret Biden ballots" was completely debunked.

The courts did see the evidence. Not the fake voice overs telling you one thing, when something else entirely was happening. Not that drunken bimbo Guiliani took into a state hearing, but the affidavits of tens of thousands of state and county election officials who swore and oath and said the election results were fair and honest - so help them God.

The tens of thousands of Americans you say are lying.
Three voter fraud cases on Feb 19. Are more on the menu?

SCOTUS Voter Cases Set for Feb 19-21

Americans will be relieved to hear that the US Supreme Court will finally hear cases brought to them alleging voter fraud against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 Presidential election starting February 19, 2021.

“Curt Levey … said the justices almost have a ‘civic duty’ to weigh in … because the issue surely will come up again, and doing so this year won’t affect an election on the immediate horizon. ‘This would be a perfect time,’ he said.”


The Washington Times reported on Wednesday, “More than half a dozen challenges to the 2020 presidential election results are pending before the Supreme Court although Biden took office two weeks ago.

Good. I hope they overturn the election and Biden gets kicked to the curb.
Guess you would have to read them. Neither one would overturn the election if they agree to let them go forward. Don't get lost in fantasy.

Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.

True, and a free pony and ice cream would make everybody happy. I don't think it's realistic to think any of that is actually going to happen though.
Three voter fraud cases on Feb 19. Are more on the menu?

SCOTUS Voter Cases Set for Feb 19-21

Americans will be relieved to hear that the US Supreme Court will finally hear cases brought to them alleging voter fraud against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 Presidential election starting February 19, 2021.

“Curt Levey … said the justices almost have a ‘civic duty’ to weigh in … because the issue surely will come up again, and doing so this year won’t affect an election on the immediate horizon. ‘This would be a perfect time,’ he said.”


The Washington Times reported on Wednesday, “More than half a dozen challenges to the 2020 presidential election results are pending before the Supreme Court although Biden took office two weeks ago.

Good. I hope they overturn the election and Biden gets kicked to the curb.
Guess you would have to read them. Neither one would overturn the election if they agree to let them go forward. Don't get lost in fantasy.

Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.

Not nearly as silly it is for anyone to say that Trump won the election. So far, the only evidence of cheating that has been found is dead people voting for Trump. But you're a Dumb Butthead American so you'll believe any lie you're told as long as Republicans tell it.
Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.
Very few of these cases even allege fraud. Mostly they’re nit picking minor procedures that they feel weren’t adhered to.

Not verifying signatures is not a “minor” procedure.
Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.
Very few of these cases even allege fraud. Mostly they’re nit picking minor procedures that they feel weren’t adhered to.

Not verifying signatures is not a “minor” procedure.

There were several different claims made in several different states concerning signature verification. Which particular claim or claims are you referring to, or do you even know specifically what you are whining about?
Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.
Very few of these cases even allege fraud. Mostly they’re nit picking minor procedures that they feel weren’t adhered to.

Not verifying signatures is not a “minor” procedure.

Signatures were verified. Every one of the lies you’ve been told, has been debunked. And still you believe.

Why do you believe Donald Trump when he has never ever told you the truth? Why do you believe Republicans when they have lied to you for 40 years telling you that prosperity was just one more tax cut to the billionaires, away?

Why do you let people lie to you over and over and over again without ever calling them on it? Why do you continue to vote for Republicans when all they have ever done for America is to crash the economy and put working people into poverty?
Three voter fraud cases on Feb 19. Are more on the menu?

SCOTUS Voter Cases Set for Feb 19-21

Americans will be relieved to hear that the US Supreme Court will finally hear cases brought to them alleging voter fraud against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 Presidential election starting February 19, 2021.

“Curt Levey … said the justices almost have a ‘civic duty’ to weigh in … because the issue surely will come up again, and doing so this year won’t affect an election on the immediate horizon. ‘This would be a perfect time,’ he said.”


The Washington Times reported on Wednesday, “More than half a dozen challenges to the 2020 presidential election results are pending before the Supreme Court although Biden took office two weeks ago.

Good. I hope they overturn the election and Biden gets kicked to the curb.
Guess you would have to read them. Neither one would overturn the election if they agree to let them go forward. Don't get lost in fantasy.

Maybe not, but a guilty verdict would certainly show just how silly it is for anyone to say there was no fraud and/or incompetence in Biden’s favor in this election.
This is America. There was not a fraud that turned the election. Trump was stopped while trying to commit it. Plenty of incompetence to go around. There always has been and will be. Just look at the legal representation the trumpist chose in the first 62 court cases. They knew or were supposed to know how courts work and what to do when you bring a case to court, but did not. There is your biggest incompetence, the trump machine.
Three voter fraud cases on Feb 19. Are more on the menu?

SCOTUS Voter Cases Set for Feb 19-21

Americans will be relieved to hear that the US Supreme Court will finally hear cases brought to them alleging voter fraud against President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 Presidential election starting February 19, 2021.

“Curt Levey … said the justices almost have a ‘civic duty’ to weigh in … because the issue surely will come up again, and doing so this year won’t affect an election on the immediate horizon. ‘This would be a perfect time,’ he said.”


The Washington Times reported on Wednesday, “More than half a dozen challenges to the 2020 presidential election results are pending before the Supreme Court although Biden took office two weeks ago.
I am going to take a wild guess here and figure nothing is going to come of this Why? I can easily see the Thief in Chief thru the back door threating to pack the USSC if the court members rule in favor of the plaintiffs bringing the case.
It doesn't raise a blip on scotusblog which is generally what legal professionals use to keep abreast. The SC has pretty much gutted federal oversight of elections. It's left Ca free to "harvest" and Jeususland and Ohio and Wisc to close black precints and gut voter rolls. And that is how the const divvyed up power. I believe the feds can still regulate how fed elections are held, but not who votes. And states count and certify their votes.
This is America. There was not a fraud that turned the election. Trump was stopped while trying to commit it. Plenty of incompetence to go around. There always has been and will be. Just look at the legal representation the trumpist chose in the first 62 court cases. They knew or were supposed to know how courts work and what to do when you bring a case to court, but did not. There is your biggest incompetence, the trump machine.
The Trump lawyers have all argued cases in federal courts, and the Supreme Court, so to try to claim
they don't understand "how the courts work" is just asinine.
And your presumption that they just were incompetent says more about you than them.

Of course there could be another reason why Trump suits were all rejected by the crooks in robes.
It was in their ideological interests to stonewall Trump.
But of course that couldn't possibly be the reason
when every single law suit was rejected on procedural issues, i.e., not one single case, out of sixty or so, was rejected based on the facts of the case itself.

Must just be a coincidence.

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