Screaming 6-Year-Old Girl Taken From Foster Family for Being 1/64 Native American

I just now saw news coverage about this on the TV and it was said that the girl is now with relatives. Why didn't these "relatives" take her from the very beginning? To me, she and the family who made room for her in their lives shouldn't have to pay for the fact that who she shares a DNA with didn't have the brains to move faster!!!

God bless you and the girl and those that she was taken from always!!!

I just now saw news coverage about this on the TV and it was said that the girl is now with relatives. Why didn't these "relatives" take her from the very beginning? To me, she and the family who made room for her in their lives shouldn't have to pay for the fact that who she shares a DNA with didn't have the brains to move faster!!!

God bless you and the girl and those that she was taken from always!!!

Yeah, considering social services tries to place children with relatives before entering them into foster care.
It's a sad occurrence, but she is not white. Ultimately, it is best for the girl to be raised with her own kind.

Foster child removed from home - CNN Video

6-Year-Old Girl Removed From Foster Family Under Native American Law
old news slap dick.....
Then why is it on CNN's front page?
it broke here locally on Saturday ,
Santa Clarita is about 50 miles from my city
your racism make you slow.
Tell it to CNN. So you live in California! Now I know the type person I'm dealing with.
Yes. Your better.
I just now saw news coverage about this on the TV and it was said that the girl is now with relatives. Why didn't these "relatives" take her from the very beginning? To me, she and the family who made room for her in their lives shouldn't have to pay for the fact that who she shares a DNA with didn't have the brains to move faster!!!

God bless you and the girl and those that she was taken from always!!!

The relatives are in Utah. The girl was placed in foster care temporarily until the paperwork could be completed. The foster family filed suit to keep her in California. That suit delayed the proceedings for four years as the case wound through the court system. They just got turned down by the appellate court.

Fortunately a lower court did order visitation so the little girl could spend time with her sisters in Utah. She should be with her siblings. It's where she belongs.
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
They should have let her go to her real family when she was two instead of dragging this out. Whoever they hired as an attorney should have given them the facts instead of bleeding them for four yesrs.

Fortunately the foster family wasn't the only family the girl knew. She has spent time in Utah with her sisters and will no doubt be quite happy with the family reunification.
I blame whatever lawyer was taking this family's money knowing that there was no way, on any level that they were going to keep this child. That's theft. Malpractice and theft.
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
They should have let her go to her real family when she was two instead of dragging this out. Whoever they hired as an attorney should have given them the facts instead of bleeding them for four yesrs.

Fortunately the foster family wasn't the only family the girl knew. She has spent time in Utah with her sisters and will no doubt be quite happy with the family reunification.
No, you're wrong. This girl will be permanently traumatized, and she will never completely recover.
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
They should have let her go to her real family when she was two instead of dragging this out. Whoever they hired as an attorney should have given them the facts instead of bleeding them for four yesrs.

Fortunately the foster family wasn't the only family the girl knew. She has spent time in Utah with her sisters and will no doubt be quite happy with the family reunification.
No, you're wrong. This girl will be permanently traumatized, and she will never completely recover.
Tipsy, why would you rate the trauma of a six-year-old child as "Funny"???

I swear, you are a fucking sociopath.

I knew you hated unborn babies, but now it appears you hate all children.
You can't tear a little girl away from the only mother and father she has ever known and dump her with another family. You people must not have ever had children for you not to realize that.

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