Screaming 6-Year-Old Girl Taken From Foster Family for Being 1/64 Native American

You do what is best for the child.The child needs to be with her real siblings and her real family.
She was with a foster family. Now she is with a foster family of her own tribe. It is a federal law. Not something the police dreamed up.
The IndianChild Welfare Act was enacted in 1978 because of the high removal rate of Indian children from their traditional homes and essentially from Indian culture as a whole. Before enactment, as many as 25 to 35 percent of all Indian children were being removed from their Indian homes and placed in non-Indian homes, with presumably the absence of Indian culture.
Only in America would they have a stupid law saying that a white kid is really an Indian, when her only Indian ancestor is a great-great-great-great-grand-mother/father.
You do what is best for the child.The child needs to be with her real siblings and her real family.

A lot of kids are better off not being with relatives

This was the only home she ever knew and you think it's good for her to be taken away by armed men and given to strangers?
You do what is best for the child.The child needs to be with her real siblings and her real family.

A lot of kids are better off not being with relatives

This was the only home she ever knew and you think it's good for her to be taken away by armed men and given to strangers?
The only reason she was with this family for four years is because they filed suit and tied up her transfer for four years. They knew that her stay was only temporary. Even so, a court enforced contact so the child knows her sister and has lived with her real family.
You do what is best for the child.The child needs to be with her real siblings and her real family.

A lot of kids are better off not being with relatives

This was the only home she ever knew and you think it's good for her to be taken away by armed men and given to strangers?
The only reason she was with this family for four years is because they filed suit and tied up her transfer for four years. They knew that her stay was only temporary. Even so, a court enforced contact so the child knows her sister and has lived with her real family.

There is no mention of siblings in the article

There is only a dubious relation through a step grandfather whatever the hell that is
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
I have more compassion for the fact she is back with her blood relatives.
I think all participants should have waited till she was of an age where she could choose for herself.
I would agree if they werent blood relatives and if the foster family had not intentionally kept her longer than they were supposed to.
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
I have more compassion for the fact she is back with her blood relatives.
I think all participants should have waited till she was of an age where she could choose for herself.
I would agree if they werent blood relatives and if the foster family had not intentionally kept her longer than they were supposed to.
They wanted to adopt her seems pretty permanent to me .
As skull pilot said sometimes family is not the best choice.
It's interesting how little compassion liberals have for this child, who was torn away from the only family she ever knew.
I have more compassion for the fact she is back with her blood relatives.
I think all participants should have waited till she was of an age where she could choose for herself.
I would agree if they werent blood relatives and if the foster family had not intentionally kept her longer than they were supposed to.
They wanted to adopt her seems pretty permanent to me .
As skull pilot said sometimes family is not the best choice.
I have seen cases where the child definitely should not be with family. I cant tell if this was one of them or not.
This girl should be with her sisters and the foster family fined for every day they delayed her transfer.
This girl should be with her sisters and the foster family fined for every day they delayed her transfer.

What sisters were mentioned in the article?

This is the extent of the family relation

In 2011, "extended" family in Utah became aware that Lexi was with a foster family and expressed "interest in adopting" her, according to the documents. The documents said that Lexi is related to the Utah couple, who are not Native American, through her step-grandfather.

So you see the couple in Utah that got custody are only "related" to the little girl through a step grandfather ( not by any blood relation) AND the couple in Utah are not eve Native American

The only siblings that girl has ever known are the kids of the foster parents she was taken from
Democrats have always loved segregating people by skin color.
That would be conservative Christians.
Nope. You are wrong. I've noticed that it is the liberals supporting this heartless action of the state in ripping a six-year-old child from her only family because of some distant ancestor in the 18th century. You people make me very angry how you don't give a damn about what's good for this kid.
To me, the girl should be with the family that she has been with this whole time. Even if she knows who she is with now, they are not who she has been with before now. Because she has been ripped away from one family, she may be forever scared to get close to anyone else now in fear of being ripped away from them too.

God bless you and her and the family who lost her always!!!


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