Screw "Tax The Poor" Capitalism.

Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor!

If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes?

Walk thru the steps for me. Be as precise as you can.

Look at post #10.

Silly charts without a link back to their source are useless.

Useless? Well now you know there is a thing to search for on the internet. Just enter into your browser something like "Percentage of taxes paid based on income level." You will probably not only find that graph, but much more to support it.

Yes, useless.
It refers to sales, excise and property taxes in the state of Washington.
Who cares?

Is that supposed to back up your claim, "If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes"?

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state. Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money." Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.
Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor!

If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes?

Walk thru the steps for me. Be as precise as you can.

Look at post #10.

Silly charts without a link back to their source are useless.

Useless? Well now you know there is a thing to search for on the internet. Just enter into your browser something like "Percentage of taxes paid based on income level." You will probably not only find that graph, but much more to support it.

Yes, useless.
It refers to sales, excise and property taxes in the state of Washington.
Who cares?

Is that supposed to back up your claim, "If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes"?

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state. Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money." Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state.

Why are you posting something about sales taxes in Washington State while you're whining about Trump cutting the Federal Tax on Business Income?
Is it because you're a moron? Or you just don't know any better?

Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money."

When the fuck did the government ever say that?

If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The poor don't have enough money to make a bit of difference.
Give it up. You made a stupid claim. It was wrong. Move along.
Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

I thought we were formed as a republic??? Did you know that composite government is the majority shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporation and subsidiary? This corporate government takes in more from their investments than what is even required to run this corporate entity. They simply give us their credit card bill and keep their profits in offshore accounts which is why Puerto Rico will never be a state...neither will the Cayman Islands. Learn to read a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. They have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and investing while pleading empty pockets. Not one dime of your income tax goes to fund this corporate goes to pay interest to the foreign owned central bank that extends credit that they create from the stroke of a pen.

Republic, democracy. They are just word games. Also, for a rhetorical question, how does democracy work under a republic and how does it work under a democracy. Another point is that it could be that we started out as a republic. (I don't know and don't really care because it doesn't really matter) But what we ended up with is a plutocracy.

Next, I don't know what you mean by a composite government. As far as I know, the U.S. government doesn't hold shares in any business. They do make loans to business in trouble. Which if successful, the business pay back. Though during the Reagan administration, he wanted to get the U.S. more involved in the stock market. By placing Social Security funding in stocks. Thereby letting the income of those on Social Security sink or swim depending on how the stock marked did.
Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

Yo, "Socialist Democrat Mayors" offer "Unions BIG Contracts" for their Votes? Can you tell me who pays that? You have no Knowledge. thank you!!! Yo, if you knew anything, you would know that same rging happens everyday across the U.S.A., Governors do it all the time, trying to bring jobs to their States!!! DAH

Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

Yo, "Socialist Democrat Mayors" offer "Unions BIG Contracts" for their Votes? Can you tell me who pays that? You have no Knowledge. thank you!!! Yo, if you knew anything, you would know that same rging happens everyday across the U.S.A., Governors do it all the time, trying to bring jobs to their States!!! DAH


Unions? What unions. Dumbass. Unions haven't had much power for decades. Take Michigan. It used to be a stronghold of unions. Not long ago they became a "right to work" state. What does "right to work" mean? It basically means that unions have no authority to get in between employees and employers. Or to put it a different way, it means employers are free to fuck their employees.

Yes, this corporate "composite government" consists of all the states, counties, cities and towns all of which are incorporated and they do indeed have controlling interest in every Fortune 500 corporation and pick proxy voters to vote in the best interest of making a profit. The big talking point by the left was "The major corporations own the government" when it is really the other way around. Like I said, it's all in the CAFR. Even the Supreme court is incorporated and you can find it on Dun and We are not under common law, we are under admiralty law or as you know it the "Universal Commercial Code". You are a corporate entity yourself if you claim to be a U.S citizen. Your "all caps" fictional strawman was created with the filing of a birth certificate that was printed on bond paper and you became an employee of this corporate entity called USA.INC when you signed up for Social Security...that's how they became the trustee of that birth certificate bond. It all goes back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the sweat equity of the people was pledged as surety against the debt owed to the international bankers.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. If the government owns the business, why would they be giving themselves tax breaks. With what you go on to say, even if it is true, you are going into FAR more detail than necessary. As to the bankers, Hitler showed them how things should be done. It's too bad that he couldn't have shown us too.

Exactly! Why would they???? Oh...I don't know....maybe in order to raise their bottom line???? Learn how to read a CAFR and you will see all the holdings of this composite "gubermint" monstrosity. I know more than you because I have invested my time to educate myself on how things really work.
Look at post #10.

Silly charts without a link back to their source are useless.

Useless? Well now you know there is a thing to search for on the internet. Just enter into your browser something like "Percentage of taxes paid based on income level." You will probably not only find that graph, but much more to support it.

Yes, useless.
It refers to sales, excise and property taxes in the state of Washington.
Who cares?

Is that supposed to back up your claim, "If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes"?

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state. Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money." Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state.

Why are you posting something about sales taxes in Washington State while you're whining about Trump cutting the Federal Tax on Business Income?
Is it because you're a moron? Or you just don't know any better?

Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money."

When the fuck did the government ever say that?

If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The poor don't have enough money to make a bit of difference.
Give it up. You made a stupid claim. It was wrong. Move along.

The graph I showed said "taxes." Not "sales taxes." Next, the point was the government would never say that they could get by with less tax revenue. If they giv tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more. Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%. Apparently taxing them does make a difference.
Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

I thought we were formed as a republic??? Did you know that composite government is the majority shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporation and subsidiary? This corporate government takes in more from their investments than what is even required to run this corporate entity. They simply give us their credit card bill and keep their profits in offshore accounts which is why Puerto Rico will never be a state...neither will the Cayman Islands. Learn to read a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. They have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and investing while pleading empty pockets. Not one dime of your income tax goes to fund this corporate goes to pay interest to the foreign owned central bank that extends credit that they create from the stroke of a pen.

Republic, democracy. They are just word games. Also, for a rhetorical question, how does democracy work under a republic and how does it work under a democracy. Another point is that it could be that we started out as a republic. (I don't know and don't really care because it doesn't really matter) But what we ended up with is a plutocracy.

Next, I don't know what you mean by a composite government. As far as I know, the U.S. government doesn't hold shares in any business. They do make loans to business in trouble. Which if successful, the business pay back. Though during the Reagan administration, he wanted to get the U.S. more involved in the stock market. By placing Social Security funding in stocks. Thereby letting the income of those on Social Security sink or swim depending on how the stock marked did.
Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

Yo, "Socialist Democrat Mayors" offer "Unions BIG Contracts" for their Votes? Can you tell me who pays that? You have no Knowledge. thank you!!! Yo, if you knew anything, you would know that same rging happens everyday across the U.S.A., Governors do it all the time, trying to bring jobs to their States!!! DAH

Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.

Yo, "Socialist Democrat Mayors" offer "Unions BIG Contracts" for their Votes? Can you tell me who pays that? You have no Knowledge. thank you!!! Yo, if you knew anything, you would know that same rging happens everyday across the U.S.A., Governors do it all the time, trying to bring jobs to their States!!! DAH


Unions? What unions. Dumbass. Unions haven't had much power for decades. Take Michigan. It used to be a stronghold of unions. Not long ago they became a "right to work" state. What does "right to work" mean? It basically means that unions have no authority to get in between employees and employers. Or to put it a different way, it means employers are free to fuck their employees.

Yes, this corporate "composite government" consists of all the states, counties, cities and towns all of which are incorporated and they do indeed have controlling interest in every Fortune 500 corporation and pick proxy voters to vote in the best interest of making a profit. The big talking point by the left was "The major corporations own the government" when it is really the other way around. Like I said, it's all in the CAFR. Even the Supreme court is incorporated and you can find it on Dun and We are not under common law, we are under admiralty law or as you know it the "Universal Commercial Code". You are a corporate entity yourself if you claim to be a U.S citizen. Your "all caps" fictional strawman was created with the filing of a birth certificate that was printed on bond paper and you became an employee of this corporate entity called USA.INC when you signed up for Social Security...that's how they became the trustee of that birth certificate bond. It all goes back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the sweat equity of the people was pledged as surety against the debt owed to the international bankers.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. If the government owns the business, why would they be giving themselves tax breaks. With what you go on to say, even if it is true, you are going into FAR more detail than necessary. As to the bankers, Hitler showed them how things should be done. It's too bad that he couldn't have shown us too.

Exactly! Why would they???? Oh...I don't know....maybe in order to raise their bottom line???? Learn how to read a CAFR and you will see all the holdings of this composite "gubermint" monstrosity. I know more than you because I have invested my time to educate myself on how things really work.

I'm not buying that the government makes more money from business revenues than they do from taxes. I'm not even buying that the government even owns most business. Also, the government takes in taxes. Even "if" they gave themselves tax breaks, it would only mean that they would be taking in less taxes. What you're talking about is like taking money out of one pocket and putting it into another pocket. Doing so just wouldn't make any difference.
Silly charts without a link back to their source are useless.

Useless? Well now you know there is a thing to search for on the internet. Just enter into your browser something like "Percentage of taxes paid based on income level." You will probably not only find that graph, but much more to support it.

Yes, useless.
It refers to sales, excise and property taxes in the state of Washington.
Who cares?

Is that supposed to back up your claim, "If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes"?

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state. Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money." Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state.

Why are you posting something about sales taxes in Washington State while you're whining about Trump cutting the Federal Tax on Business Income?
Is it because you're a moron? Or you just don't know any better?

Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money."

When the fuck did the government ever say that?

If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The poor don't have enough money to make a bit of difference.
Give it up. You made a stupid claim. It was wrong. Move along.

The graph I showed said "taxes." Not "sales taxes." Next, the point was the government would never say that they could get by with less tax revenue. If they giv tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more. Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%. Apparently taxing them does make a difference.

The graph I showed said "taxes."

I know. That's why it was useless without a source.
A source that showed it was state and local taxes, not taxes.

If they give tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more.

When the Trump tax cut is written and it doesn't raise taxes on the poor, what will you say?

Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%.

LOL! You're dumber than 99%.
Useless? Well now you know there is a thing to search for on the internet. Just enter into your browser something like "Percentage of taxes paid based on income level." You will probably not only find that graph, but much more to support it.

Yes, useless.
It refers to sales, excise and property taxes in the state of Washington.
Who cares?

Is that supposed to back up your claim, "If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes"?

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state. Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money." Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state.

Why are you posting something about sales taxes in Washington State while you're whining about Trump cutting the Federal Tax on Business Income?
Is it because you're a moron? Or you just don't know any better?

Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money."

When the fuck did the government ever say that?

If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The poor don't have enough money to make a bit of difference.
Give it up. You made a stupid claim. It was wrong. Move along.

The graph I showed said "taxes." Not "sales taxes." Next, the point was the government would never say that they could get by with less tax revenue. If they giv tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more. Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%. Apparently taxing them does make a difference.

The graph I showed said "taxes."

I know. That's why it was useless without a source.
A source that showed it was state and local taxes, not taxes.

If they give tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more.

When the Trump tax cut is written and it doesn't raise taxes on the poor, what will you say?

Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%.

LOL! You're dumber than 99%.

The graph said "taxes." I would have to assume that they were talking about state taxes. Make of it what you will. Next, I wasn't talking about any cut in taxes. I was talking about basically bribing companies to create or keep jobs here by giving them tax breaks. Next, you don't even know what I'm talking about. And you call me dumb?
Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy.

Actually, we're not. Your public school education failed you.

Don't give me your mamby pamby bullshit.

You mean facts? Yeah, those are usually lost on dolts like yourself.

I showed a graph that showed the percentage of state taxes paid by people according to their income level. If that isn't factual enough for you, find a graph of your own that says different.
I thought we were formed as a republic??? Did you know that composite government is the majority shareholder of every Fortune 500 corporation and subsidiary? This corporate government takes in more from their investments than what is even required to run this corporate entity. They simply give us their credit card bill and keep their profits in offshore accounts which is why Puerto Rico will never be a state...neither will the Cayman Islands. Learn to read a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. They have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and investing while pleading empty pockets. Not one dime of your income tax goes to fund this corporate goes to pay interest to the foreign owned central bank that extends credit that they create from the stroke of a pen.

Republic, democracy. They are just word games. Also, for a rhetorical question, how does democracy work under a republic and how does it work under a democracy. Another point is that it could be that we started out as a republic. (I don't know and don't really care because it doesn't really matter) But what we ended up with is a plutocracy.

Next, I don't know what you mean by a composite government. As far as I know, the U.S. government doesn't hold shares in any business. They do make loans to business in trouble. Which if successful, the business pay back. Though during the Reagan administration, he wanted to get the U.S. more involved in the stock market. By placing Social Security funding in stocks. Thereby letting the income of those on Social Security sink or swim depending on how the stock marked did.
Yo, "Socialist Democrat Mayors" offer "Unions BIG Contracts" for their Votes? Can you tell me who pays that? You have no Knowledge. thank you!!! Yo, if you knew anything, you would know that same rging happens everyday across the U.S.A., Governors do it all the time, trying to bring jobs to their States!!! DAH

Yo, "Socialist Democrat Mayors" offer "Unions BIG Contracts" for their Votes? Can you tell me who pays that? You have no Knowledge. thank you!!! Yo, if you knew anything, you would know that same rging happens everyday across the U.S.A., Governors do it all the time, trying to bring jobs to their States!!! DAH


Unions? What unions. Dumbass. Unions haven't had much power for decades. Take Michigan. It used to be a stronghold of unions. Not long ago they became a "right to work" state. What does "right to work" mean? It basically means that unions have no authority to get in between employees and employers. Or to put it a different way, it means employers are free to fuck their employees.

Yes, this corporate "composite government" consists of all the states, counties, cities and towns all of which are incorporated and they do indeed have controlling interest in every Fortune 500 corporation and pick proxy voters to vote in the best interest of making a profit. The big talking point by the left was "The major corporations own the government" when it is really the other way around. Like I said, it's all in the CAFR. Even the Supreme court is incorporated and you can find it on Dun and We are not under common law, we are under admiralty law or as you know it the "Universal Commercial Code". You are a corporate entity yourself if you claim to be a U.S citizen. Your "all caps" fictional strawman was created with the filing of a birth certificate that was printed on bond paper and you became an employee of this corporate entity called USA.INC when you signed up for Social Security...that's how they became the trustee of that birth certificate bond. It all goes back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the sweat equity of the people was pledged as surety against the debt owed to the international bankers.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. If the government owns the business, why would they be giving themselves tax breaks. With what you go on to say, even if it is true, you are going into FAR more detail than necessary. As to the bankers, Hitler showed them how things should be done. It's too bad that he couldn't have shown us too.

Exactly! Why would they???? Oh...I don't know....maybe in order to raise their bottom line???? Learn how to read a CAFR and you will see all the holdings of this composite "gubermint" monstrosity. I know more than you because I have invested my time to educate myself on how things really work.

I'm not buying that the government makes more money from business revenues than they do from taxes. I'm not even buying that the government even owns most business. Also, the government takes in taxes. Even "if" they gave themselves tax breaks, it would only mean that they would be taking in less taxes. What you're talking about is like taking money out of one pocket and putting it into another pocket. Doing so just wouldn't make any difference.

Doesn't matter what you believe, what matters are the facts and until you spend the time that I invested, you will remain ignorant. Our income taxes goes to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank....btw, the 16th amendment (that was never passed by enough states) and the Federal Reserve Act happened the same year...think that's a coincidence???....not hardly or even close.
Yes, useless.
It refers to sales, excise and property taxes in the state of Washington.
Who cares?

Is that supposed to back up your claim, "If Trump cuts the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, the Poor have to pay taxes"?

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state. Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money." Sorry. It just doesn't work like that. If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The same sort of thing probably applies to every state.

Why are you posting something about sales taxes in Washington State while you're whining about Trump cutting the Federal Tax on Business Income?
Is it because you're a moron? Or you just don't know any better?

Next, what is it you think the government is saying. "We can get by with less tax money."

When the fuck did the government ever say that?

If tax revenue falls short in one sector, they will just take more from another sector. Which sector is that? The poor.

The poor don't have enough money to make a bit of difference.
Give it up. You made a stupid claim. It was wrong. Move along.

The graph I showed said "taxes." Not "sales taxes." Next, the point was the government would never say that they could get by with less tax revenue. If they giv tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more. Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%. Apparently taxing them does make a difference.

The graph I showed said "taxes."

I know. That's why it was useless without a source.
A source that showed it was state and local taxes, not taxes.

If they give tax breaks to some, they will make up for it by taxing others more.

When the Trump tax cut is written and it doesn't raise taxes on the poor, what will you say?

Next, the poor make up the vast majority of the population. You know. The 99%.

LOL! You're dumber than 99%.

The graph said "taxes." I would have to assume that they were talking about state taxes. Make of it what you will. Next, I wasn't talking about any cut in taxes. I was talking about basically bribing companies to create or keep jobs here by giving them tax breaks. Next, you don't even know what I'm talking about. And you call me dumb?

Next, you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Because you're a moron.

And you call me dumb?

Only because you're a moron.
Republic, democracy. They are just word games. Also, for a rhetorical question, how does democracy work under a republic and how does it work under a democracy. Another point is that it could be that we started out as a republic. (I don't know and don't really care because it doesn't really matter) But what we ended up with is a plutocracy.

Next, I don't know what you mean by a composite government. As far as I know, the U.S. government doesn't hold shares in any business. They do make loans to business in trouble. Which if successful, the business pay back. Though during the Reagan administration, he wanted to get the U.S. more involved in the stock market. By placing Social Security funding in stocks. Thereby letting the income of those on Social Security sink or swim depending on how the stock marked did.
Unions? What unions. Dumbass. Unions haven't had much power for decades. Take Michigan. It used to be a stronghold of unions. Not long ago they became a "right to work" state. What does "right to work" mean? It basically means that unions have no authority to get in between employees and employers. Or to put it a different way, it means employers are free to fuck their employees.

Yes, this corporate "composite government" consists of all the states, counties, cities and towns all of which are incorporated and they do indeed have controlling interest in every Fortune 500 corporation and pick proxy voters to vote in the best interest of making a profit. The big talking point by the left was "The major corporations own the government" when it is really the other way around. Like I said, it's all in the CAFR. Even the Supreme court is incorporated and you can find it on Dun and We are not under common law, we are under admiralty law or as you know it the "Universal Commercial Code". You are a corporate entity yourself if you claim to be a U.S citizen. Your "all caps" fictional strawman was created with the filing of a birth certificate that was printed on bond paper and you became an employee of this corporate entity called USA.INC when you signed up for Social Security...that's how they became the trustee of that birth certificate bond. It all goes back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the sweat equity of the people was pledged as surety against the debt owed to the international bankers.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. If the government owns the business, why would they be giving themselves tax breaks. With what you go on to say, even if it is true, you are going into FAR more detail than necessary. As to the bankers, Hitler showed them how things should be done. It's too bad that he couldn't have shown us too.

Exactly! Why would they???? Oh...I don't know....maybe in order to raise their bottom line???? Learn how to read a CAFR and you will see all the holdings of this composite "gubermint" monstrosity. I know more than you because I have invested my time to educate myself on how things really work.

I'm not buying that the government makes more money from business revenues than they do from taxes. I'm not even buying that the government even owns most business. Also, the government takes in taxes. Even "if" they gave themselves tax breaks, it would only mean that they would be taking in less taxes. What you're talking about is like taking money out of one pocket and putting it into another pocket. Doing so just wouldn't make any difference.

Doesn't matter what you believe, what matters are the facts and until you spend the time that I invested, you will remain ignorant. Our income taxes goes to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank....btw, the 16th amendment (that was never passed by enough states) and the Federal Reserve Act happened the same year...think that's a coincidence???....not hardly or even close.

Our income taxes goes to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank...

Is that why the Fed pays the US Treasury? Because it's owned by foreigners? DERP!
btw, the 16th amendment (that was never passed by enough states)
Heh heh love seeing this old chestnut trotted out.

US Courts have consistently ruled against this claim, which usually comes from people who have been charged with tax evasion/fraud, yet it still gets repeated as fact. In fact this line of thinking is identified as a frivolous position, if you're confident in your facts I suggest you refuse to file taxes based on this and see where it gets you.
Republic, democracy. They are just word games. Also, for a rhetorical question, how does democracy work under a republic and how does it work under a democracy. Another point is that it could be that we started out as a republic. (I don't know and don't really care because it doesn't really matter) But what we ended up with is a plutocracy.

Next, I don't know what you mean by a composite government. As far as I know, the U.S. government doesn't hold shares in any business. They do make loans to business in trouble. Which if successful, the business pay back. Though during the Reagan administration, he wanted to get the U.S. more involved in the stock market. By placing Social Security funding in stocks. Thereby letting the income of those on Social Security sink or swim depending on how the stock marked did.
Unions? What unions. Dumbass. Unions haven't had much power for decades. Take Michigan. It used to be a stronghold of unions. Not long ago they became a "right to work" state. What does "right to work" mean? It basically means that unions have no authority to get in between employees and employers. Or to put it a different way, it means employers are free to fuck their employees.

Yes, this corporate "composite government" consists of all the states, counties, cities and towns all of which are incorporated and they do indeed have controlling interest in every Fortune 500 corporation and pick proxy voters to vote in the best interest of making a profit. The big talking point by the left was "The major corporations own the government" when it is really the other way around. Like I said, it's all in the CAFR. Even the Supreme court is incorporated and you can find it on Dun and We are not under common law, we are under admiralty law or as you know it the "Universal Commercial Code". You are a corporate entity yourself if you claim to be a U.S citizen. Your "all caps" fictional strawman was created with the filing of a birth certificate that was printed on bond paper and you became an employee of this corporate entity called USA.INC when you signed up for Social Security...that's how they became the trustee of that birth certificate bond. It all goes back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the sweat equity of the people was pledged as surety against the debt owed to the international bankers.

You sure do talk a lot of crap. If the government owns the business, why would they be giving themselves tax breaks. With what you go on to say, even if it is true, you are going into FAR more detail than necessary. As to the bankers, Hitler showed them how things should be done. It's too bad that he couldn't have shown us too.

Exactly! Why would they???? Oh...I don't know....maybe in order to raise their bottom line???? Learn how to read a CAFR and you will see all the holdings of this composite "gubermint" monstrosity. I know more than you because I have invested my time to educate myself on how things really work.

I'm not buying that the government makes more money from business revenues than they do from taxes. I'm not even buying that the government even owns most business. Also, the government takes in taxes. Even "if" they gave themselves tax breaks, it would only mean that they would be taking in less taxes. What you're talking about is like taking money out of one pocket and putting it into another pocket. Doing so just wouldn't make any difference.

Doesn't matter what you believe, what matters are the facts and until you spend the time that I invested, you will remain ignorant. Our income taxes goes to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank....btw, the 16th amendment (that was never passed by enough states) and the Federal Reserve Act happened the same year...think that's a coincidence???....not hardly or even close.

First, what I believe? How about you tell me how taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another pocket puts you ahead at all. Next, each year the U.S. has to pay 420 billion dollars on the interest of our national debt. I think they take in a little more in taxes than that. But it of course would be best if we didn't have to pay that at all. As for what you learned, if you need to go through a dense jungle, you don't do it by examining the DNA of every plant you come across. You do so with a machete. You have my sympathy that you got suckered into getting caught up in the endless intricate minutiae on the matter. As for the Federal Reserve being owned by foreign interests, I doubt that.
Or to put it a different way, it means employers are free to fuck their employees.

The beauty of Republican capitalism is that just to survive a business has to offer the best possible jobs and products in the world.

If you doubt it try to start a business with substandard jobs and products. Can you predict what would happen??
If corporations are being given tax breaks, that means that the taxes the government needs has to come from someone else.
that's true for sure, but its also true that corporations pass their costs, including tax costs, on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Thus, its better to eliminate corporate taxes altogether to free up corporations to concentrate on business efficiency rather than tax dodging.

We have the corporate tax only to pander to the pure and perfect ignorance of liberals who think they are making corporations pay their fair share. Do you understand now?
Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy.

Actually, we're not. Your public school education failed you.

Dear Dont Taz Me Bro and failsafe

What the school of life will teach you is that you get the justice you give.
So failsafe if we want to live in a democracy, we start by practicing it.

Do you understand what "due process" is?
And the concept of NOT depriving citizens of liberty until and unless
convicted of some crime that merits loss of freedom as punishment.

Judging people without giving them a chance to defend their side
is another way of violating due process. People do this all the time,
thinking it's just human and just natural. Yeah, bullying and picking on
the runt in the pack is tribal mentality we all fall into by our social nature
and practices of running in groups, competing to defend our interests.

So by that very nature of humans defending our free will, consent
and self-determination, it is even MORE important to "practice the Golden Rule."
And treat others with the highest respect and standards we'd also appreciate more of!

If you want others to "hear your petitions" and "redress your grievances"
that means listening the objections of others coming to us with correction, too!

It goes both ways. That's what human and social relations are all about.

So that's what we are here on the planet to learn in life.

If you are going to speak out and share what you believe to be fair or just
or unfair and in need of correction, that calls for equal respect and inclusion
of the beliefs of others with just as much interest in improving things for everyone.

Seek mutual benefit, let's help one another CORRECT what we see wrong or
abusive with govt, society, media, whether local or global.

Start with ourselves, treat our own neighbors and colleagues with respect.
Accept the challenges and responsibility of fixing things ourselves.
Not just griping and expecting other people to change.
When everyone does that we stay stuck.

Why not reach out a hand and help uplift a neighbor if we want
to get to a higher place in life.

Pushing down or beating up the other person
does not lift us up. What changes things is lifting each other up to
create the changes and improvement we want to see, to enforce and embody that ourselves!

I encourage you to do that. Try a more uplifting and empowering
approach where everyone benefits mutually. And see how much more effective that works!

Take care, have a great day,
Keep pushing for change but remember
that change takes as much on your part
as the people you are pushing.

You get what you give. The more you give,
people will match you and meet you halfway.
Trump, as I expected, is talking giving companies tax breaks to create jobs here. Well if you give them tax breaks, then guess who pays the taxes. The Poor! Slavery in action. The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the way things work in the U.S. Capitalism-Corporations = Society = Government = AMERICA! We are "supposed" to live in a democracy. But the business world rules your lives. How many people in business did you vote for. Do you vote for business or government. People in business who aren't elected shouldn't be directing how people live. That is the government's job.

I say to hell with bribing companies with tax breaks or outright corporate welfare to create jobs. If the private sector can't create jobs, I say that the government should just cut away that that dead weight and start doing the job themselves. Also, want to see something interesting? Go to the internet and look up any year in the last 50 years and see the number of companies in whatever year paid no taxes at all.
No failsafe
The poor who can't afford to pay taxes still dont pay taxes. Obamas mandate did more to charge more tax penalties to middle class and even cost me more as a lower income level. I still owe 45 a month for a health share plan which was the cheapest way to avoid a penalty and I still couldn't afford it.

Exemptions given to others does not affect the policies that other taxpayers pay under.

What cost taxpayers was Obama handing over billions in payouts to corporate insurance that came from taxpayer funds later ruled by courts to be unauthorized spending.

Tax breaks, where companies or individuals keep more of the revenue they generate themselves, is NOT the same as handing payouts of tax dollars to corporations.

Get it straight. Or you are barking up the wrong tree. And letting the real crooks get away with our tax dollars handed to them, and blaming the wrong people if you go after those who are generating revenue and keeping a certain % of it, not taking it away from others which is Different .

If I use a coupon and get a discount that doesn't raise the price that other people pay. But giving out corporate payouts is like taking cash out of the register, handing it over and then charging that amount to the taxpayers . that's not the same as a tax break, which is more like giving incentive to customers that if you spend over 100 paid to the store then you qualify for 20% off what you pay in. That does not affect the customer that only pays or buys 50 dollars worth and only gets a 10% discount . they still pay what they agreed to pay and get the tax break that comes with that bracket .

The real crooks are the ones that get handouts out of the register when they didn't pay anything in, but just took out and the store passed the charges to taxpayers to pay. Those are the ones you should be demanding reimbursement from. Not the ones paying in who get a discount on it.

Blah blah. Blah blah blah. You are wrong on just about everything. (If not everything) Like it or not, tax breaks is just a different form of payment-bribe. Though it is probably done, basically, you can't give people money and take money from them at the same time. The government runs on taxes. If corporations are being given tax breaks, that means that the taxes the government needs has to come from someone else. As for insurance companies, they ARE corporations. Next, I will include a graph that may help you bark up the right tree.

No failsafe
it's called cutting the budget, finding more ways to provide the same services
without as much loss or waste.

So to give people incentive to make govt work more effectively,
why not reward citizens with the freedom to invest income, labor, donations and resources
into better and better programs, where the taxes saved mean less burden and loss on everyone.

I think the term for your approach and thinking on this is
called "scarcity mentality."
Look that up, and the difference between it and "abundance mentality"

Scarcity mentality promotes fear and victimhood, where you shrink back, thinking others have all
the control and you are helpless in comparison.
Abundance mentality encourages and rewards investment in building, serving and developing
better personal and community relations. It's about being the one proactively investing energy in others, with the understanding that energy comes back and is multiplied to invite more people in.
Not push them out.

What gives you away is thinking that if one person has more
than means taking away from someone else.

The way that love and good works in this world,
the more you give, the more it grows and multiplies.
You end up with more not less.

Negative energy works similarly, if you focus on complaining and criticizing,
fault finding and projecting blame, you attract more such negative energy
and soon other people are confronting you back in your face with it.

Which do you think is the bigger waste of energy, failsafe?
Investing forward in growing and improving relations and society around us?
Or shrinking back and criticizing what OTHERS are doing. Which does more
to change to a positive and constructive direction.

Whatever it is you want to see improved in the world.
Jump in and do it yourself. Not only will that solve problems,
but will inspire others to jump in and change what we can.

How empowering is that?

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