Sea Level Rise by Satellite Altimetry


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
How many of you know what goes into making a SLR estimate from altimetry? of the 3mm/yr claimed by climate science, how much is 'adjustments'? I didnt know but I was concerned that SLR doubled at the exact moment that we started to use satellites to calculate it. it seemed like too big of a coincidence to me.

all the following text is from What is happening to sea levels - Global Warming Solved

So, are the satellite estimates reliable? Well, in order to answer that, we have to learn a little bit about how they were actually constructed.

Unfortunately, satellite altimeters don’t actually measure sea levels directly. Instead, they measure the length of time it takes light signals sent from the satellite to bounce back. In general, the longer the signal takes, the further the satellite is from the sea surface. So, in theory, this measurement could be converted into a measure of the sea surface height, i.e., the mean sea level.
However, the conversion is complicated, and a number of other factors need to be estimated and then taken into account. For instance, the distance of the satellite from the Earth’s surface varies slightly as it travels along its orbit, because the gravitational pull of the Earth is not exactly uniform – see the Wikipedia page on “geoid”, and the maps in Figure 19.

So, in order to convert a particular “satellite-sea surface distance” into a sea level measurement, the “satellite-Earth’s surface distance” also needs to be independently measured, e.g., using the DORIS system.

Another complexity is that light takes slightly longer to travel when travelling through water vapour than dry air. So, the water vapour concentrations associated with a given satellite reading also need to be estimated, and accounted for.
As a result, satellite estimates of sea levels involve the use of complex models, approximations, other measurements and calculations. Unfortunately, this means that if there are problems in any of those stages, it could introduce artificial biases into the estimates, possibly making them unreliable… or even worse, wrong.
Mörner, 2004 was a controversial paper, and several of the researchers involved with the TOPEX/Poseidon analysis objected to Mörner’s analysis, e.g., Nerem et al., 2007 (Abstract). However, surprisingly, these objections were not over his claim that the raw satellite data showed little trend. They agreed with Mörner that the original satellite data didn’t show much of a sea level rise. Instead, their objection was that he should have used theiradjusted data. They felt the raw data was unreliable, and had developed a series of adjustments which they believed made the trends more realistic.

For example, Keihm et al., 2000 (Abstract; Google Scholar access) had decided that the TOPEX satellite was showing an instrumental negative drift of 1.0-1.5 mm/yr between October 1992 and December 1996. So, they adjusted the data by adding a positive trend of 1.0-1.5 mm/yr to that period. Chambers et al., 2003 (Abstract; Google Scholar access) decided that even more negative biases were introduced when the TOPEX satellite switched to its backup instrument in February 1999. So, they introduced more adjustments. This set of adjustments increased the apparent sea level rise from +1.7 mm/yr to +2.8 mm/yr. Neither set of adjustments affected the period January 1997-January 1999, but as Mörner had noted the raw data already showed significant variability for that period due to the 1997-98 El Niño event. Finally, they believe that an adjustment of +0.3 mm/yr is necessary to account for Peltier’s Glacial Isostatic Adjustments (see Section 4).

It turns out that almost all of the +2.8 mm/yr (or +3.1 mm/yr if Peltier’s post-glacial rebound adjustments are applied) sea level rise in the 1993-present satellite estimates are due to adjustments! The raw data (which no longer seems to be in the public domain) doesn’t show much of a trend, after all.

Why do you use the word "believed" as you do? And why would you trust a source titled "Global Warming Solved"?
Why do you use the word "believed" as you do? And why would you trust a source titled "Global Warming Solved"?

I didnt use the word 'believed'. and I couldnt find an instance of it being used in the quoted text either. perhaps you should be more specific in your complaints rather than make me hare around trying to figure out what you object to.
IanC said:
They felt the raw data was unreliable, and had developed a series of adjustments which they believed made the trends more realistic.

Why do you use the word "believed" as you do?

And why would you trust a source titled "Global Warming Solved"?
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I'm in favor of devoting 100% of the money wasted studying Climate change into Ebola research.

We should be drawing blood from the 40% of the people who survive in search of antibodies
I think they made it perfectly clear why they used the word 'believed'.

just because someone decides to add an adjustment, that does not make it necessarily correct. the many examples of bogus 'corrections' done in temperature dataset homogenizations make it obvious that adjustments of all sorts need to be scrutinized. that seemingly all of the satellite altimetry's 3mm/yr is manufactured from adjustments should give everyone pause to contemplate.

why do you have a problem with science PhDs synthesizing an article on SLR from papers in the field?
So you assume (without evidence or cause) that their only justification for the adjustment was to make global warming look worse than you BELIEVE it to actually be.
Got it.

My problem is when such papers willfully depart from objectivity and make use of words with heavy connotations to give impressions not borne out by the facts of the matter. It is exceedingly close to lying.
BTW, Neither Ronan nor his father Michael Connoly nor his sister Imelda are climate scientists. This is not the first time the Connolys have shown up herel they are a bit of a joke. Personally, I wouldn't give two cents for anyone with the ego to title their website "Global Warming Solved" and I am surprised and disappointed that you would.
BTW, Neither Ronan nor his father Michael Connoly nor his sister Imelda are climate scientists. This is not the first time the Connolys have shown up herel they are a bit of a joke. Personally, I wouldn't give two cents for anyone with the ego to title their website "Global Warming Solved" and I am surprised and disappointed that you would.

Yes, the only material we should trust will be titled something like: "Oh My God the Sky is Falling, If We Don't Force Capitalists to Pay Carbon Offset Taxes, We're All Going to Fucking Die Man!" Those are the only sound, rational and reasonable articles! All else should be distrusted, condemned and ridiculed unmercilessly.

Also, the only valid opinions that matter on climate change are actual climate scientists who are getting grants from the government to study AGW. All other people on the planet are illiterate of climate and have no business commenting. And IF you disagree with any of this, you are a racist who hates Obama because he's a black man or a homophobe who hates gay people... maybe both.
So you assume (without evidence or cause) that their only justification for the adjustment was to make global warming look worse than you BELIEVE it to actually be.
Got it.

My problem is when such papers willfully depart from objectivity and make use of words with heavy connotations to give impressions not borne out by the facts of the matter. It is exceedingly close to lying.

The lair calling someone a liar, now that is entertainment...
The tidal gauge measurements are clearly all faked as well. The GreatSocialistConspiracy leaves no corner of the globe untouched. It's lucky these deniers are so on the ball and willing to reveal these conspiracies.

I'm very impressed by the precise and objective method they use to determine whether data has been faked. If the data agrees with them, it's real. If the data disagrees with them, it's fake.
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The tidal gauge measurements are clearly all faked as well. The GreatSocialistConspiracy leaves no corner of the globe untouched. It's lucky these deniers are so on the ball and willing to reveal these conspiracies.

And the AGW cult comes in to deny real science once again, as it does not fit in their religious scriptures..
The lair calling someone a liar, now that is entertainment...

Just who are you call a lair dude?

I am and have always called you liar.

That is because you have been caught in so many lies..

But then again you would much rather see the world burn than admit you are wrong (which based on your postings here is about 99% of the time).
Have you still not noticed? You used the word L-A-I-R for which I was making fun of you.

But, as long as we're here, can you identify one of the many lies you believe I've told?
The tidal gauge measurements are clearly all faked as well. The GreatSocialistConspiracy leaves no corner of the globe untouched. It's lucky these deniers are so on the ball and willing to reveal these conspiracies.

I'm very impressed by the precise and objective method they use to determine whether data has been faked. If the data agrees with them, it's real. If the data disagrees with them, it's fake.

if you read the article you would have seen that they spent even more time criticizing tide gauge records than they did on satellite altimetry. altimetry is calibrated against tide gauges (if anyone has the list of tide gauges used for that purpose, I would be grateful to see it). you should be able to see how that leads to problems.
What would you use to calibrate the altimetry? And what would you use to calibrate the tidal gauges? Let me guess: you'd throw them all out and ignore the issue until the technology had risen to the level of perfection that consideration by a man of your talents demands.

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