Seahawks will repeat AND probably go undefeated.this is why.

wow i just found these two videos.this guy skip bayless really knows his stuff.He could very well be a prophet.If his prediction he made before the season began turns out to be correct,then he did his homework even better than I have on the seahawks.

In the first video he said BEFORE the chargers game in his prediction on the outcome,that the seahawks would lose this game and go 15-1 for the season and win the superbowl.

this guy for sure did his homework.Nobody can deny this guy knows his football. Okay they wont go undefeated,but if this guy is right "and so far he has been in his predictions on the seahawks his first two weeks." then they will go 15-1 though and I will have been off in my original prediction of undefeated by just ONE GAME.we shall see.

after hearing HIS thoughts,I for sure dont see them doing any worse than 14 -2 now.

the second video he is saying pretty much the exact same thing me and Huggy have been saying this whole time on this thread that they should win the rest of their games because they wont be in that kind of heat anymore.

So for all the fools that keep on saying how the heat should not have affected the seahawks play so badly,me and huggy arent the only ones saying it.

this guy said it BEFORE the game and AGAIN he said before the chargers game they will go 15-1 for the season with this game being the one game they lose this year.

nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.This black guy here is an idiot though.he is taking the patriots and the saints in the superbowl.He must be pals with randy moss and moss has been giving him his weed he has been on lately.:lmao:

me and huggy have been redeemed.He said the EXACT same thing me and Huggy have been saying throughout this entire thread on why the seahawks lost as you heard from yourself in the second video.:thup:

and AGAIN,as the first video proves,he said before that game the seahawks would lose to the chargers.this being their one loss of the season.:thup: again if his prediction turns out accurate and he has been so far in his first two weeks,then my prediction of undefeated doesnt look so far off in that i just may have been off by just one game.we shall see.

Bayless is looking like a genius so far and if he is correct and they do indeed go 15-1 and win the superbowl,he will have been.
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you just farted in here again antiquity^:9:

A skunk smells its own hole first 911. The only thing I smell here is some of your long boring post. And I don't need any stupid smilies to demonstrate.

"A skunk smells its own hole first"

That's just about the dumbest "country bumpkin saying" I've ever seen.

I can't imagine what hillbilly incestuous scenerio THAT little hayseed colloquialism sprung from....
you just farted in here again antiquity^:9:

A skunk smells its own hole first 911. The only thing I smell here is some of your long boring post. And I don't need any stupid smilies to demonstrate.

translation-I smoke crack all the time and cant comprehend english,thats why i cant comprehend facts you post the the rams will be back in LA next year or facts that the seahawks lost sunday because the heat was a major factor them playing in conditions they are not used to,not understaning your facts you posted that if you exert yourself in the heat in dark clothing outdoors.,its much tougher on you than it is if you wear white clothing.and it still doest make any sense to me why the chargers wore white clothing that day either.
The 3rd place SeaChickens will not repeat. Hell they won't even make the playoffs.

Here's a list of excuses- please make your selections now:

Reasons for loss: (select 3)

Helmet doesn't fit well (tough to get it right with the crown underneath)
Bad coaching
Bad officiating
Hot weather
Cold weather
Too windy
Lucky score at the end
A missed tackle here
A defensive breakdown there
Bad bounces
Too many penalties
Lack of focus
Sherman strained his uterus
Wilson's new haircut
Carroll's new Fiat 500 broke
A bad pass here
A dropped ball there
Percy Harvin traded


My picks: Sherman strained his uterus, Carroll's new Fiat 500 broke, and bad coaching
I think Huggy was off by just one year last year when he said the Seahawks will go undefeated and win the superbowl and here are the reasons why I think they will go undefeated in the regular season and accomplish what the patriots were just one miracle catch away from accomplishing in their first superbowl against the Giants that year.

1.they have an excellent coach.Everybody wants to play for Pete Carrol because he makes even practices fun.Al Michaels talked about that on a monday night football game last year how he makes the practicies fun.If there are any other NFL coachs out there that make practices fun,I havent heard about them.

Thats why the players that play for him,they dont care about the money near as much as players on other teams do.they play the game for the love of the game not for the love of the money.the ones that are so much into the money thing leave for greener pastures.

this is what it said in USA TODAY about him-In seattle,the hammer rests with coach pete carrol,whose upbeat style belies the intensity and detail of the program he has built.He and general manager John Schneider evaluated and made changes,with a handful of key veterans departing,but the core is still the same.

they STILL have plenty of depth and are one of the youngest teams in the league if not THE youngest which just may be the case. Carrol and schneider are easily by leaps and bounds the best duo of Head coach/general manager in the NFL.

2.Russel Wilson as good as he was last year is only going to be better this year and thats scary for the rest of the league.

3.Their offense will actually be better this year.

at first I was skeptical on how they would survive with the loss of Golden tate but with Percy Harvin still there,he brings an added dimension to that offense as we saw in the superbowl.If he stays healthy,they are going to be a major force to be reckoned with.

Oh and their offensive line is far better this year than last year as well.Remember the packers have one of the best defenses of all their opponents out there,for sure in the top three if not the best of the ones out there in the league.yet in the second half against that team,the packers were scratching their heads trying to figure out how to stop them.

their running game has greatly improved this year since they got rid of reject Giamonti or whatever that tackles name was and have Justin Britt in his place now who does not play like a rookie at all.

He looks like he has been in the leauge for YEARS!!!! carpenter and the other guard they had last year,have really improved their game in blocking in the running game this year.

Oh and remember their best lineman Russel Okung and Max Unger are not even 100% yet and they played lights out football against the packers last night.They are rusty because they played sparingly in the pre season games. Just think how tough for opponents they will be when they are at full strength!!!! yikes.!!!!!! hard as it is to believe,you look at their schedule and its actually easier this year than last year believe it ot not.Im really surprised that Green Bay had to come here and play them and denver has to as well.their schedule would have been much more difficult having those game so the road for them.

the two teams in the NFC that gave them problems last year the 49ers and the cardinals? they are worse this year than last year with key losses on defense.the fact the pitifil cowboys only lost to them by a touchdown against the niners and the cardinals barely escaped victory over my creampuff chargers at home no less speaks volumns how bad they are this

5.Last but not least.They have cut down on penaltys drastically from a year ago last year to this year.

I said many times last year as did others that if they didnt commit so many penaltys in all their games all the time leading the league,they would go undefeated.

well THIS year,they have done just that,they were always in double digit penaltys last year most the time where in their preseason games they werent committing more than five.were under five in each one of them.for just preseason,that was phenemenal.and it carried over into their opener against the packers committing only four.

in the game against the packers when one of their secondary players committed the most costly one,a pass interfernce penalty that led to a touchdown and gave green bay a 7-3 lead,the seahawks answered back driving the length of the field for the go ahead score with their touchdown.Last year they would not have done that this early in the season.

Carrol obviously worked long and hard with them in the off season stressing them to play penalty free.

as long as the refs arent hometown refs like they were in their first loss of the season last year on the road to the colts where the refs ruled a touchdown a safetly that even colt fans said was a safety,if they get lucky bounces which is what it depends on all the time-the dolphins were just lucky in a couple gamews their season when they accomplished the feat having the other team in a couple games fumble the ball deep in their territory when the dolphins were down by a touchdown and harvin stays healthy,forget it,they go undefeated AND win the superbowl.if they go undefeated in the regular season,its game over,the AFC is too weak for them.

Undefeated! Another great call by the tinfoil hat guy.

Maybe they run the table and go 13-3.
The 3rd place SeaChickens will not repeat. Hell they won't even make the playoffs.

Here's a list of excuses- please make your selections now:

Reasons for loss: (select 3)

Helmet doesn't fit well (tough to get it right with the crown underneath)
Bad coaching
Bad officiating
Hot weather
Cold weather
Too windy
Lucky score at the end
A missed tackle here
A defensive breakdown there
Bad bounces
Too many penalties
Lack of focus
Sherman strained his uterus
Wilson's new haircut
Carroll's new Fiat 500 broke
A bad pass here
A dropped ball there
Percy Harvin traded


My picks: Sherman strained his uterus, Carroll's new Fiat 500 broke, and bad coaching
I blame Ebola
The 3rd place SeaChickens will not repeat. Hell they won't even make the playoffs.

Here's a list of excuses- please make your selections now:

Reasons for loss: (select 3)

Helmet doesn't fit well (tough to get it right with the crown underneath)
Bad coaching
Bad officiating
Hot weather
Cold weather
Too windy
Lucky score at the end
A missed tackle here
A defensive breakdown there
Bad bounces
Too many penalties
Lack of focus
Sherman strained his uterus
Wilson's new haircut
Carroll's new Fiat 500 broke
A bad pass here
A dropped ball there
Percy Harvin traded


My picks: Sherman strained his uterus, Carroll's new Fiat 500 broke, and bad coaching
I blame Ebola

And Sherman's strained uterus.......:rofl:
Huggy and tinfoil hat are no where to be found!

The stats even at the half favored Seattle, give that young Rams QB credit he played well. Wilson had a good game, a crazy punt fake by St. Louis wins the game for the Rams.
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Huggy and tinfoil hat are no where to be found!

The stats even at the half favored Seattle, give that young Rams QB credit he played well. Wilson had a good game, a crazy punt fake by St. Louis wins the game for the Rams.

No. The refs GAVE the game to the Rams. They ignored the rules and just did what they wanted. The run for a TD on the punt was not a valid TD. A Rams player on the opposite side of the field signaled a fair catch. THAT is why everybody ran towards him. ANY player on the receiving team can signal a fair catch. Once the Fair Catch has been signaled by ANY player any attempt to advance the ball is a penalty.

Near the end of the game the Hawks forced a fumble with approximately a minute left. In the last two minutes the refs are supposed to review especially in potentially game changing plays. The refs ignored THAT RULE and just let the clock run.

The officials gave the game to the Rams. I'm not suggesting they cheated ...just that they were clearly not aware of the rules and were too stupid to enforce them.

Yes the Rams tricked the Hawks on the fake punt. That still wasn't enough to win the game by the rules.
Boohoo. Stop being a whiny c@nt! They played like shit and deserved to lose


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Boohoo. Stop being a whiny c@nt! They played like shit and deserved to lose


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You being a dishonest Kunt is no surprise. When the rules are ignored so obviously it is no reward to call THAT a victory. But I'm sure in YOUR case stealing is the same as earning.

If you don't think the game should be played within the guidelines of the rules then you are nothing but a comon thief.

Call it whining if it makes your thin conscience feel better. I know the rules and they were clearly ignored this morning. It wasn't even close. It was blatent disregard of the rules. But then a dishonest clown like you will take a win any way you can.

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