Sean Hanity sums it up

The POTUS doesn't have the authority to prosecute anybody, retard.
Are you really this dense, Moon Bat? He appointed the goddamn AG you fucking idiot.

Both the FBI shithead and the AG bitch were appointed by The Worthless Negro and if you don't think they conspired to make Crooked Hillary's problems go away because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential Nominee then you are crazy as hell. Typical Libtard denial.
Why don’t you volunteer to stop living then if you feel so GOOD about it? At least a new born will have a better chance of making a positive contribution to society than you have…

Would they? Because frankly, while you guys are great at insisting the unwanted fetus should be born, you don't seem terribly keen on making sure they have the resources for a productive life.

You see, here's the thing. Because I had parents who wanted me, they made sure I went to nice schools (even though they were run by Catholic Psychopaths), had enough to eat, and got me going in the right direction.

I was the first in my family to complete college... went on to be a non-commissioned officer in the US Army, and have been pretty productive in my life.

Compared to the poor kid who can't get education, health care, nutrition because the Right Wing are too busy cutting school lunches to give tax breaks to billionaires.

I’m sure you think so.

Most libs are consumed with inflated self worth

Which is why you want others aborted but not you

No, I just realize the complete impracticality of banning abortion. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to NOT be pregnant.
Would they? Because frankly, while you guys are great at insisting the unwanted fetus should be born, you don't seem terribly keen on making sure they have the resources for a productive life.

You see, here's the thing. Because I had parents who wanted me, they made sure I went to nice schools (even though they were run by Catholic Psychopaths), had enough to eat, and got me going in the right direction.

I was the first in my family to complete college... went on to be a non-commissioned officer in the US Army, and have been pretty productive in my life.

Compared to the poor kid who can't get education, health care, nutrition because the Right Wing are too busy cutting school lunches to give tax breaks to billionaires.

No, I just realize the complete impracticality of banning abortion. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to NOT be pregnant.

Abortion for thee but not for me?
We already have too many people on the planet. Aborting some fetuses is a GOOD thing.
Why don’t you volunteer to stop living then if you feel so GOOD about it? At least a new born will have a better chance of making a positive contribution to society than you have…

Have you ever noticed this…?

Whenever someone speaks of the world being overpopulated, and claims that some people should die in order to reduce the excess population, they never think that they, themselves, are the ones that should die. Always, they think someone else should die, who they consider inferior to themselves.

And almost always, those who claim this are among those whose deaths would be most beneficial to society and to humanity as a whole.
Would they? Because frankly, while you guys are great at insisting the unwanted fetus should be born, you don't seem terribly keen on making sure they have the resources for a productive life.

You see, here's the thing. Because I had parents who wanted me, they made sure I went to nice schools (even though they were run by Catholic Psychopaths), had enough to eat, and got me going in the right direction.

The most important resource that a young child needs, to grow up right, is an intact family, with his father and his mother faithfully married to each other, showing him by example how to be a decent, productive adult. The the thing that you most devoutly hate and condemn are the moral standards that produce this environment. You had this benefit, but you are glad to see it denied to other children

Of course, as you are rather solid proof of, no amount of good upbringing can make a good citizen of someone who is determined to be a sociopath. But it certainly can make a huge difference.

Compared to the poor kid who can't get education, health care, nutrition because the Right Wing are too busy cutting school lunches to give tax breaks to billionaires.

That used to be one of the Democraps' favorite false accusations to hurl at Republicans, that we wanted to make schoolchildren go hungry.

For the most part, they stopped hurling that accusation when it actually happened when a political agenda was enacted that really did result in schoolchildren going hungry. Don't you remember Michelle Obama's school lunch proposals, that went into effect, with the result that instead of consisting of proper amounts of decent-quality food, school lunches came to consist of inadequate amounts of poor-quality, and often inedible “food”? That was your side that did that.
Communism goes way beyond the false promise of From Each-To Each

Its anti Christian, anti family, and anti white, the minority it chooses to hate

If it's all of the above, capitalism is 10x worse. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.

Are you really this dense, Moon Bat? He appointed the goddamn AG you fucking idiot.

Both the FBI shithead and the AG bitch were appointed by The Worthless Negro and if you don't think they conspired to make Crooked Hillary's problems go away because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential Nominee then you are crazy as hell. Typical Libtard denial.
That doesn't mean the POTUS has the authority to prosecute people, you fucking halfwit.

It's uneducated jerkoffs like you who still support the orange babboon.

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