Sean Hannity is correct! America’s culture is the antithesis of Islam


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
On this afternoon’s talk radio show, Sean Hannity corrected pointed out that Islam’s Sharia Law and culture is the antithesis of our county’s law, culture and values. Hannity also correctly pointed out, with reference to the 10s of thousands of Syrian refugees Obama wants to introduce into the United States that we have no way to properly vet them, indicating to allow them entry into the United States as Obama wants to do is a very real risk to the general welfare of the United States and our citizens.

Hannity has also asked on various occasions, how “do we ascertain if they want to assimilate into American values, because they want liberty and freedom, and the hungering of their soul is for a better life for them and their families and their daughters and their sons?” “Or do they come here like they did in Paris, infiltrate the refugee community, and those that want a better life – with the intention of bringing a Caliphate and killing as many Americans as possible – all in the name of Allah and in the search of seventy-two virgins? LINK.

The sad truth is, Muslims are rioting in a number of the countries they have been allowed to migrate to!

Here is a link of that peaceful religion in action in Italy.

Muslim Immigrants Riot in Italy

Here is a link of that peaceful religion in action in London


Here is a link of that peaceful religion in action in Paris

Muslims riot in Paris, France

Here is a link of that peaceful religion in action in Gemany

Muslim riots in German immigration center

And here is a link of that peaceful religion in action in Athens Greece

Muslims riot in Athens, Greece

What seems to be happening is, as soon as the Muslim population reaches a certain percentage in host countries, their actions present a very real threat to those countries. As pointed out in The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed:

”When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship.”

And now, the most recent event is Reports of Attacks on Women in Germany Heighten Tension Over Migrants

JAN. 5, 2016

”BERLIN — The tensions simmering beneath Germany’s willingness to take in one million migrants blew into the open on Tuesday after reports that scores of young women in Cologne had been groped and robbed on New Year’s Eve by gangs of men described by the authorities as having “a North African or Arabic” appearance.”

The bottom line is, Sean Hannity is correct when one takes the time to study what has occurred in a number of countries who have opened their doors to Muslim immigrants and refugees as Germany has done and is now paying the price.

The question is, which of the candidates, other than Trump, has spoken out against Obama’s desire to flood our country with Muslims who cannot be properly vetted when Muslims have proven to be a very real threat in other countries who have opened their doors to them?


To support Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders, and panders to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club for Growth and our Global Governance Crowd
But Sean Hannity hates teh gheys, hates out of wedlock pregnancies (except the Palin's), opposes birth control, opposes feminism, opposes minorities, supports using the military to impose his beliefs, supports declaring war on whole religions, supports dying for your religious beliefs....

Damn Sean Hannity has a TON in common with those crazy Islamists he keeps talking about.
But Sean Hannity hates teh gheys, hates out of wedlock pregnancies (except the Palin's), opposes birth control, opposes feminism, opposes minorities, supports using the military to impose his beliefs, supports declaring war on whole religions, supports dying for your religious beliefs....

Damn Sean Hannity has a TON in common with those crazy Islamists he keeps talking about.
Lol it is apparent you have never listened to Hannity, since you ignorance is flowing like usual!
But Sean Hannity hates teh gheys, hates out of wedlock pregnancies (except the Palin's), opposes birth control, opposes feminism, opposes minorities, supports using the military to impose his beliefs, supports declaring war on whole religions, supports dying for your religious beliefs....

Damn Sean Hannity has a TON in common with those crazy Islamists he keeps talking about.
Lol it is apparent you have never listened to Hannity, since you ignorance is flowing like usual!
Yet Hannity and you share WAY more beliefs with Islam than any liberal! Go figure :dunno:
Hannity is a whiny gas bag.
"Sean Hannity is correct! America’s culture is the antithesis of Islam"

No, he's wrong and a bigot – as is anyone who agrees with him.
Hannity has his lips attached to Trump's rectum. He wants to be a big boy sooo bad.
Every single response has been a simple attack on Hannity...and every single Fool & Pinhead has run from all the articles referenced in the O.P. documenting savage and barbaric behavior by Muslims.

What do you Fools and Pinheads have to say about the behavior of these animals...which was the main subject of the O.P.?

This is a political discussion board...not an elementary school playground. Are you dumbass liberals simply incapable of debate?
Ah yes, Hannity fear-mongering because he lacks the intelligence or intellectual curiosity to engage in an honest debate. He generates fear in the weak-minded and gullible by pointing out archaic tenets of Sharia law (which by the way no one strictly follows in any form, even extremists), then lies about how it's a threat to our way of life and has his followers hanging on every word, ready to take up arms against Muslims while being armed with nothing but absurdly fallacious nonsense.
Then you go out and cherry pick a few articles that match your predisposed point of view.
I'm sure he's fully informed you about the 4 schools of Sharia law and compared and contrasted them, and no doubt brought many Muslims on his show and engaged them in thoughtful civil discussion so you can have a complete understanding.
Yeah, right. Hannity and his ilk on both sides of the political spectrum make their living preying on non-thinkers. I urge you to not be one of them. Don't let their fearmongering override your intelligence and common sense.
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Ah yes, Hannity fear-mongering because he lacks the intelligence or intellectual curiosity to engage in an honest debate. He generates fear in the weak-minded and gullible by pointing out archaic tenets of Sharia law (which by the way no one strictly follows in any form, even extremists), then lies about how it's a threat to our way of life and has his followers hanging on every word, ready to take up arms against Muslims while being armed with nothing but absurdly fallacious nonsense.
Then you go out and cherry pick a few articles that match your predisposed point of view.

A few?

See the following:

Video: Father Helps ISIS Militants Stone Daughter as per Sharia

October 21, 2014

” Islamic State militants in Syria stoned to death a young woman whom they had accused of committing adultery. The woman's father zealously took an active part in the stoning.

The stoning took place in the eastern part of the Hama province. A gruesome video of the execution was published by one of the Islamic State's media outlets (see video below).

'I would do it again 100 times': Muslim father 'murdered his THREE daughters in honour killing for dating wrong boys'

July 2015

”A Muslim father charged with murdering his three daughters in apparent honour killings has said he would do it again - even if they came back to life 100 times.

Mohammad Shafia, 58, cursed his daughters Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti, 13, saying they were 'treacherous' as he likened them to prostitutes during a conversation that was recorded by police.”

3 family members charged in Texas "honor killing" of Iranian activist

April 23, 2015,

” HOUSTON - Investigators say that an Iranian activist was gunned down by Jordanian immigrants in 2012 because they believed she helped convert their Muslim daughter to Christianity, reports CBS affiliate KHOU.

Gelareh Bagherzadeh, a 30-year-old researcher at MD Anderson, was shot to death outside her parents home in the Galleria area.

Ali Irsan, 57, is charged with capital murder in the case. His wife, Shmou Ali Alrawabdeh, and their 21-year-old son, Nasim, are charged with murder. Irsan is also reportedly accused of killing Coty Beavers, his daughter's husband, 10 months after Bagherzadeh was shot to death. Coty Beavers was the twin brother of Bagherzadeh's boyfriend.”


Let us not forget this coming election the betrayal by House Republicans and Senate Republicans who voted in favor of Paul Ryan’s Bill to finance Obama’s invasion of our borders!

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