Searching For Their Soul

The Democrats will follow the GOP playbook in 2018

1. Make the election a referendum on the Trump administration: Are you happy with your vote? Did he deliver what he promised you?
2. Trumpcare: OK people, now you see what Republicans are claiming is better than Obamacare. Are you better off? Have your premiums gone down? Did you lose coverage you used to have?
3. GOP Promises: Did they repeal and replace Obamacare, was Hillary indicted? How is the wall coming and did Mexico pay for it? Is the budget balanced? Did jobs come back from China?
4. Trump gets impeached or his people indicted? All bets are off. Democrats will have a field day


I said this....
It appears that you are the second, Liberal, who uses "Right" as a false flag in their avi....

Actually, you support one of my suspicions.....I always believed that there is a certain affinity between stupid people and lying....perhaps a necessity in that precinct.

....and look who shows up!

Winner, winner ...Chicken Dinner!

As I once again get to claim VICTORY on another failed PC thread as she immediately resorts to diversion and name calling when confronted

The inability of poor PC to engage in civil discourse on a topic of her choosing is legendary
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you
1. Having suffered an unexpected defeat at the hands of an amateur, the Democrat Party is searching for the reasons and the route back to the 'promised land' of status and power.

2. How is it possible, they wonder, that Americans rejected their policies and their candidates.
After all....who could be opposed to special rights for authorized 'victims,' to unbridled spending and debt, demanding that 'God' be removed from the Democrat platform, and making certain that the world's number one terrorism sponsor has nuclear weapons.

3. The best outcome would be a return to the pro-America party of JFK and Scoop Jackson.
The unfortunate aspect is that a large.....huge.....portion of of the Democrat leadership is radical, socialist, and, arguably, insane.

4. The radical Democrats have been supported by cowardly corporations who simply don't want to confront social or political disagreement, and go along to get along.
So, it was a great surprise.....and relief....when corporate sponsors of NYC's Puerto Rican Day Parade refused to support same.
The reason for the withdrawal of sponsorship by AT&T Inc., Jet Blue, Goya Foods,Hispanic societies in both the Fire Department of New York and the New York Police Department and Coca-Cola....and the honoree of the parade, a terrorist bomber selected by Democrat leadership in NY.

5. "Mayor Bill de Blasio is still marching, and more than 30 city lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said they supported the decision to honor Lopez Rivera.

"Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."

Kinda has the support of Barack Hussein Obama and his terrorist pal, Bill Ayers.

6. This is the sort of Democrat leadership America has come to expect: foul-mouthed trash:

"'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?
Perhaps more remarkable was the eager willingness of the crowd to join in with him, chanting, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s Former Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis looked on, laughing it up in the background."
'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?

It's long past time for the Democrat Party to purge these elements, and come back to being pro-American and adult.
Their soul?

Evolution can be proven in the lab. Trump looks dirty (on Russia) but we'll see. He's certainly dirty in many other things. He admits to firing Comey over this Russia probe. Obama was good as the economy is decent, the country safe, and the markets are happy enough.

"Evolution can be proven in the lab."


"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

Can we agree that you're a moron, and leave it at that?
If you want to hang around the lab (for a few million years) you'll see the results you want. To argue against evolution means you were never taught anything like modern biology, which is its basis.

You said it is proven in the lab.
I proved that is false.'re both a liar and a moron.

It can be proven in the lab, and has been. What you want as evidence can't be done even in many human lifetimes let alone one. That changes nothing. It's like saying I didn't see God create the world so therefore He didn't. That's impossible to state as a fact, either way.

"It can be proven in the lab, and has been."


You must be a reliable Democrat voter, huh?
If you wish to understand evolution, you do not, you must have the education and the mind to do so. No one can help ignorance at your level.
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.

I'm gonna file your prediction up with these claims

'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan'

....and ....

'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

Not a whole lot of room, but I'll squeeze yours in....OK?
You can file it wherever you like, it's American political history. When the party in power fucks over the nation - they lose power. Since Trump is as bad as they get, and the GOP isn't fighting back, they're toast come election time. All the Democrats need to do is make their tepid stand and stay the fuck out the way.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte
Maybe if you would remove your head from your arse you'd realize just how stupid you're sounding right now.
Maybe if you knew American history you'd know why Ford got us Carter, Bush got us Clinton, Carter got us Reagan, Bush II got us Obama. And Trump will get us any Democrat still able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Some of us lived it. We didn't need to read it in a frigging book.

Ford got us Carter because Ford pardoned Nixon and Chevy Chase made Ford look like a clumsy buffon.

Bush gave us Clinton because of 'Read my lips' and alot of help from Ross Peroit.

Bush II gave us Obama because it was cool to vote for the black guy and because the press turned America against the war in Iraq.

Carter got us Reagan because like Obama he pissed off most of us with his stupid comments about how we cannot be a great country anymore. Learn to live with less. Don't be proud of America. Turn down the thermostat and throw on another blanket instead.

I lived through it, too (I'm 77) and that's the way it happened. I remember the famous, “Read my lips, no new taxes” speech that Bush gave in 1988. What a lot of people don't know is that Bush eventually allowed tax increases because the Democrats, who controlled both houses of congress, promised they would cut spending and use the additional tax revenues to pay down the national debt. Bush knew that the national debt was a problem and he trusted the Democrats to keep their word. Of course, instead of cutting spending the Democrats went on a spending spree getting the country even deeper in debt. Then the Democrats shamelessly used Bush's “failed promise” to paint him as a liar. Of all the mistakes Bush made, trusting the Democrats was by far the worst.
What makes you think they ever lost power?

Obviously they still control the debate. The only thing different is right now they can't screw up everything with their horrendous legislation. They can still impede, cause havoc and chaos which is really all they're really any good at after all.
The GOP is better at that. They can't govern for shit. It's why they always get tossed back out of office.

Democrats specialize in destructive criticism.
They have a corrupt press to repeat their lies as if they were fact and in uninformed public that is too busy watching American Pickers to stay abreast of the issues.
It's hard to govern, it's easy to criticize. This shouldn't be news to anyone.
You have an uncanny ability to spot the obvious....when it suits you.
It always suits me. The question is, why doesn't it suit you? All of American politics is clowns in - clowns out. realize you lost, then as all librul idiots do, they claim all politics is the same or that they all act the same.
Then they move on and try again later, repeating the same criticism that Bush, Palin, or Trump are somehow different and thus deserve irrational criticism.
I'm gonna file your prediction up with these claims

'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan'

....and ....

'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

Not a whole lot of room, but I'll squeeze yours in....OK?
You can file it wherever you like, it's American political history. When the party in power fucks over the nation - they lose power. Since Trump is as bad as they get, and the GOP isn't fighting back, they're toast come election time. All the Democrats need to do is make their tepid stand and stay the fuck out the way.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte
Maybe if you would remove your head from your arse you'd realize just how stupid you're sounding right now.
Maybe if you knew American history you'd know why Ford got us Carter, Bush got us Clinton, Carter got us Reagan, Bush II got us Obama. And Trump will get us any Democrat still able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Some of us lived it. We didn't need to read it in a frigging book.

Ford got us Carter because Ford pardoned Nixon and Chevy Chase made Ford look like a clumsy buffon.

Bush gave us Clinton because of 'Read my lips' and alot of help from Ross Peroit.

Bush II gave us Obama because it was cool to vote for the black guy and because the press turned America against the war in Iraq.

Carter got us Reagan because like Obama he pissed off most of us with his stupid comments about how we cannot be a great country anymore. Learn to live with less. Don't be proud of America. Turn down the thermostat and throw on another blanket instead.

I lived through it, too (I'm 77) and that's the way it happened. I remember the famous, “Read my lips, no new taxes” speech that Bush gave in 1988. What a lot of people don't know is that Bush eventually allowed tax increases because the Democrats, who controlled both houses of congress, promised they would cut spending and use the additional tax revenues to pay down the national debt. Bush knew that the national debt was a problem and he trusted the Democrats to keep their word. Of course, instead of cutting spending the Democrats went on a spending spree getting the country even deeper in debt. Then the Democrats shamelessly used Bush's “failed promise” to paint him as a liar. Of all the mistakes Bush made, trusting the Democrats was by far the worst.

Never trust Democrats. ..

I said this....
It appears that you are the second, Liberal, who uses "Right" as a false flag in their avi....

Actually, you support one of my suspicions.....I always believed that there is a certain affinity between stupid people and lying....perhaps a necessity in that precinct.

....and look who shows up!

Winner, winner ...Chicken Dinner!

As I once again get to claim VICTORY on another failed PC thread as she immediately resorts to diversion and name calling when confronted

The inability of poor PC to engage in civil discourse on a topic of her choosing is legendary
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Au contraire, liar.

In fact, your post is an attempt to assuage the pain and wipe away the tears.

I have no pity for low-life liars like you who hate this country......

Hence, my strategy toward Liberals:
Trample the weak and hurtle the dead.
The GOP is better at that. They can't govern for shit. It's why they always get tossed back out of office.

Democrats specialize in destructive criticism.
They have a corrupt press to repeat their lies as if they were fact and in uninformed public that is too busy watching American Pickers to stay abreast of the issues.
It's hard to govern, it's easy to criticize. This shouldn't be news to anyone.
You have an uncanny ability to spot the obvious....when it suits you.
It always suits me. The question is, why doesn't it suit you? All of American politics is clowns in - clowns out. realize you lost, then as all librul idiots do, they claim all politics is the same or that they all act the same.
Then they move on and try again later, repeating the same criticism that Bush, Palin, or Trump are somehow different and thus deserve irrational criticism.
Politics is the same, anyone who thinks it changes is the fool. What changes is who is playing it and how good at the game they actually are but in America the fastest way back into power is to let the other guy fuck it up. Always just a matter of time here. The game, like the song, remains the same.

Democrats specialize in destructive criticism.
They have a corrupt press to repeat their lies as if they were fact and in uninformed public that is too busy watching American Pickers to stay abreast of the issues.
It's hard to govern, it's easy to criticize. This shouldn't be news to anyone.
You have an uncanny ability to spot the obvious....when it suits you.
It always suits me. The question is, why doesn't it suit you? All of American politics is clowns in - clowns out. realize you lost, then as all librul idiots do, they claim all politics is the same or that they all act the same.
Then they move on and try again later, repeating the same criticism that Bush, Palin, or Trump are somehow different and thus deserve irrational criticism.
Politics is the same, anyone who thinks it changes is the fool. What changes is who is playing it and how good at the game they actually are but in America the fastest way back into power is to let the other guy fuck it up. Always just a matter of time here. The game, like the song, remains the same.
No. The fastest way is marry into media ownerships and tightly control the dialog.....then make a bunch of ridiculous claims that don't need to be proved using anonymous sources.

I said this....
It appears that you are the second, Liberal, who uses "Right" as a false flag in their avi....

Actually, you support one of my suspicions.....I always believed that there is a certain affinity between stupid people and lying....perhaps a necessity in that precinct.

....and look who shows up!

Winner, winner ...Chicken Dinner!

As I once again get to claim VICTORY on another failed PC thread as she immediately resorts to diversion and name calling when confronted

The inability of poor PC to engage in civil discourse on a topic of her choosing is legendary
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.
Winner, winner ...Chicken Dinner!

As I once again get to claim VICTORY on another failed PC thread as she immediately resorts to diversion and name calling when confronted

The inability of poor PC to engage in civil discourse on a topic of her choosing is legendary
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Au contraire, liar.

In fact, your post is an attempt to assuage the pain and wipe away the tears.

I have no pity for low-life liars like you who hate this country......

Hence, my strategy toward Liberals:
Trample the weak and hurtle the dead.

Once again...

I get to do my VICTORY DANCE :banana:

As I quickly and expertly defuse another of your threads. Your immediate response of deflection and name calling shows you are NO MATCH for my superior debating skills!
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Au contraire, liar.

In fact, your post is an attempt to assuage the pain and wipe away the tears.

I have no pity for low-life liars like you who hate this country......

Hence, my strategy toward Liberals:
Trample the weak and hurtle the dead.

Once again...

I get to do my VICTORY DANCE :banana:

As I quickly and expertly defuse another of your threads. Your immediate response of deflection and name calling shows you are NO MATCH for my superior debating skills!

In reality PoliticalChic does not debate, she mentally masturbates.
Winner, winner ...Chicken Dinner!

As I once again get to claim VICTORY on another failed PC thread as she immediately resorts to diversion and name calling when confronted

The inability of poor PC to engage in civil discourse on a topic of her choosing is legendary
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.
I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

Need I say it?

1. Having suffered an unexpected defeat at the hands of an amateur, the Democrat Party is searching for the reasons and the route back to the 'promised land' of status and power.

2. How is it possible, they wonder, that Americans rejected their policies and their candidates.
After all....who could be opposed to special rights for authorized 'victims,' to unbridled spending and debt, demanding that 'God' be removed from the Democrat platform, and making certain that the world's number one terrorism sponsor has nuclear weapons.

3. The best outcome would be a return to the pro-America party of JFK and Scoop Jackson.
The unfortunate aspect is that a large.....huge.....portion of of the Democrat leadership is radical, socialist, and, arguably, insane.

4. The radical Democrats have been supported by cowardly corporations who simply don't want to confront social or political disagreement, and go along to get along.
So, it was a great surprise.....and relief....when corporate sponsors of NYC's Puerto Rican Day Parade.
The reason for the withdrawal of sponsorship by AT&T Inc., Jet Blue, Goya Foods,Hispanic societies in both the Fire Department of New York and the New York Police Department and Coca-Cola
is the honoree of the parade, a terrorist bomber selected by Democrat leadership in NY.

5. "Mayor Bill de Blasio is still marching, and more than 30 city lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said they supported the decision to honor Lopez Rivera.

"Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."

6. This is the sort of Democrat leadership America has come to expect: foul-mouthed trash:

"'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?
Perhaps more remarkable was the eager willingness of the crowd to join in with him, chanting, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s Former Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis looked on, laughing it up in the background."
'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?

It's long past time for the Democrat Party to purge these elements, and come back to being pro-American and adult.
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.

I'm gonna file your prediction up with these claims

'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan'

....and ....

'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

Not a whole lot of room, but I'll squeeze yours in....OK?
You can file it wherever you like, it's American political history. When the party in power fucks over the nation - they lose power. Since Trump is as bad as they get, and the GOP isn't fighting back, they're toast come election time. All the Democrats need to do is make their tepid stand and stay the fuck out the way.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte
now you know why the GOP haven't done anything, the left is self destructing as Napoleon stated.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

You don't wanna guess?

Why is that, you wimp?
How many states have motor-voter? Google it.

Yet the Democrat President, the snake Obama, told illegal aliens to vote and there would be no repercussions.

And they did.

Millions of 'em.
Yet another lie.

I never lie.

And....I'm always right. his own words:

1. The first line in the Obama interview from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

Obama makes this outrageous claim:
"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't one will catch you.'
Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Barack Obama and his Democrats..... disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

QED....millions of illegal aliens took the hint.

When you vote you are a citizen (and you have to be one to vote). When you don't you are a citizen in name only. Nothing illegal about that.

No, you lying low-life.

"When you vote you are a citizen" means 'go vote, and we'll pretend you are eligible to vote.'

Gads, you Liberals are scum.
"Evolution can be proven in the lab."


"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

Can we agree that you're a moron, and leave it at that?
If you want to hang around the lab (for a few million years) you'll see the results you want. To argue against evolution means you were never taught anything like modern biology, which is its basis.

You said it is proven in the lab.
I proved that is false.'re both a liar and a moron.

It can be proven in the lab, and has been. What you want as evidence can't be done even in many human lifetimes let alone one. That changes nothing. It's like saying I didn't see God create the world so therefore He didn't. That's impossible to state as a fact, either way.

"It can be proven in the lab, and has been."


You must be a reliable Democrat voter, huh?
If you wish to understand evolution, you do not, you must have the education and the mind to do so. No one can help ignorance at your level.

I just caught you said evolution has been proven in the lab.

Of course, it has not.

In 1997, evolutionary biologist Keith Stewart Thomson wrote: “A matter of unfinished business for biologists is the identification of evolution's smoking gun,” and “the smoking gun of evolution is speciation, not local adaptation and differentiation of populations.”
Before Darwin, the consensus was that species can vary only within certain limits; indeed, centuries of artificial selection had seemingly demonstrated such limits experimentally. “Darwin had to show that the limits could be broken,” wrote Thomson, “so do we.” Keith Stewart Thomson, “Natural Selection and Evolution’s Smoking Gun,” American Scientist 85 (1997): 516-518.

Get it, you dunce?

No new species has been created.
Winner, winner ...Chicken Dinner!

As I once again get to claim VICTORY on another failed PC thread as she immediately resorts to diversion and name calling when confronted

The inability of poor PC to engage in civil discourse on a topic of her choosing is legendary
No....I think she had you, rightwinger, in mind.

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving. many times a day must I prove you to be a lying low-life?

Get the number out there so no one has to be exposed to your boring attempts at nipping at my heels.....

....I'll eviscerate you....then you can leave.
"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

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