Searching For Their Soul

I'm sorry.....I actually feel sorry for poor PC

In yet another pathetic attempt to create a provocative thread, PC has stumbled once again

Luckily, she has me to tray to rescue yet another of her failed threads

"I actually feel sorry for poor PC"

Gee....another lie from one who can't break the habit.

You're here because, as usual, my posts are spot on and you're jerk.

Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

I am so looking forward to you two in a Mexican Midget Wrestling match!
Once again, your thread is another pathetic plea for attention

Once again, I have to come in and bail out another of your threads

Lucky for you, I have pity on you

Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump
Pity for her? Do you have pity for all narcissists, Trump too? You are very compassionate, IMO some people don't deserve pity and I hold PC, Trump and Manson most undeserving.

Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
Pity PC?

Of course I do. Her parents wasted a small fortune on her education and all she came away with was the skills to cut and paste and troll message boards on a daily basis. She has no life to speak of and looks forward to her daily pleas for attention

But she is lucky she has me to rescue her pathetic threads

I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?
I don't think she attended a U., her writing skills are mindful of a middle school student, an average student at best.

Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.
"Democrats Still Struggling To Achieve Any Kind Of Party Unity
Tom Perez’s swear words aren’t working.

The new chair of the Democratic National Committee recently began cursing — “Republicans don’t give a shit about people” — as a way to fire up the base in his attempt to unify the party against President Trump. But in the three months since the Democratic party elected Perez as DNC chair over Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, Perez has struggled to bridge the gap between the establishment and progressive wings of the party.

Perez, an establishment figure on the left, has been unsuccessful in winning over the party’s left-wing, ...

Throughout his speech at a Democratic convention in California over the weekend, Perez was heckled and interrupted by supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“They are a party in absolute crisis and denial,”
Democrats Still Struggling To Achieve Any Kind Of Party Unity

Exactly as the thread title states.....

Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.
Consider yourself fortunate

Without me salvaging your ridiculous cut and pastes nobody would read your threads
Need I say it?


My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.

How nice of you. I'd offer a good deal more attention, in the form I usually have, but it's 5:36 in my time zone and time for me to fire up the grill. It's CA, time for corn on the cob (from Brentwood, CA) Fruit Salad grown in our community county too - which my wife and I prepared this afternoon - and Steaks on the grill I seasoned when we return from our bike ride.

Ooops, Roxy - our Aussie Cattle Dog / Border Collie Mix - just gave me the head's up, it's time for her dinner.
1. Having suffered an unexpected defeat at the hands of an amateur, the Democrat Party is searching for the reasons and the route back to the 'promised land' of status and power.

2. How is it possible, they wonder, that Americans rejected their policies and their candidates.
After all....who could be opposed to special rights for authorized 'victims,' to unbridled spending and debt, demanding that 'God' be removed from the Democrat platform, and making certain that the world's number one terrorism sponsor has nuclear weapons.

3. The best outcome would be a return to the pro-America party of JFK and Scoop Jackson.
The unfortunate aspect is that a large.....huge.....portion of of the Democrat leadership is radical, socialist, and, arguably, insane.

4. The radical Democrats have been supported by cowardly corporations who simply don't want to confront social or political disagreement, and go along to get along.
So, it was a great surprise.....and relief....when corporate sponsors of NYC's Puerto Rican Day Parade.
The reason for the withdrawal of sponsorship by AT&T Inc., Jet Blue, Goya Foods,Hispanic societies in both the Fire Department of New York and the New York Police Department and Coca-Cola
is the honoree of the parade, a terrorist bomber selected by Democrat leadership in NY.

5. "Mayor Bill de Blasio is still marching, and more than 30 city lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said they supported the decision to honor Lopez Rivera.

"Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."

6. This is the sort of Democrat leadership America has come to expect: foul-mouthed trash:

"'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?
Perhaps more remarkable was the eager willingness of the crowd to join in with him, chanting, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s Former Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis looked on, laughing it up in the background."
'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?

It's long past time for the Democrat Party to purge these elements, and come back to being pro-American and adult.
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.

I'm gonna file your prediction up with these claims

'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan'

....and ....

'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

Not a whole lot of room, but I'll squeeze yours in....OK?
You can file it wherever you like, it's American political history. When the party in power fucks over the nation - they lose power. Since Trump is as bad as they get, and the GOP isn't fighting back, they're toast come election time. All the Democrats need to do is make their tepid stand and stay the fuck out the way.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte
When a party fucks over a nation they lose power. You do mean the dems over the last eight years right?
My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.
Consider yourself fortunate

Without me salvaging your ridiculous cut and pastes nobody would read your threads
Oh yeah, I wake up every morning thinking to myself..."i wonder what kind of stupid Rightwinger is posting? I must run there immediately!"
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.
Consider yourself fortunate

Without me salvaging your ridiculous cut and pastes nobody would read your threads
Oh yeah, I wake up every morning thinking to myself..."i wonder what kind of stupid Rightwinger is posting? I must run there immediately!"

You would pay top dollar for my posts


Have to pay me to read her crap
My, oh, my.....Dumb and Dumber commiserating with each other.....mutually licking their wounds.

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?
It is an accurate description of your posting skills. Cut and paste, conspiracy theories, little original content, name calling

Seems just like Trump

Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.
Consider yourself fortunate

Without me salvaging your ridiculous cut and pastes nobody would read your threads

Remember when your sig line was

"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

Interesting.....lies from you false avi to your sig

It seems you are a liar from Alpha to Omega

How early did you start to hate this country?
Soooo, Betty and Moronica.....

What are the possibilities that I could talk you two into double suttee?

Can I get my hopes up?
As another of your pathetic pleas for attention fizzles into childish name calling.
You sure you didn't go to school with Trump?

You moron....if my posts were a plea for answer the call every time.

If I wanted to, I could make you jump through hoops....but at your age I don't want to be responsible for the broken hip.
Consider yourself fortunate

Without me salvaging your ridiculous cut and pastes nobody would read your threads
Oh yeah, I wake up every morning thinking to myself..."i wonder what kind of stupid Rightwinger is posting? I must run there immediately!"

You would pay top dollar for my posts


Have to pay me to read her crap

Admit it: I'm the flame to your moth.

Just don't get too close.
1. Having suffered an unexpected defeat at the hands of an amateur, the Democrat Party is searching for the reasons and the route back to the 'promised land' of status and power.

2. How is it possible, they wonder, that Americans rejected their policies and their candidates.
After all....who could be opposed to special rights for authorized 'victims,' to unbridled spending and debt, demanding that 'God' be removed from the Democrat platform, and making certain that the world's number one terrorism sponsor has nuclear weapons.

3. The best outcome would be a return to the pro-America party of JFK and Scoop Jackson.
The unfortunate aspect is that a large.....huge.....portion of of the Democrat leadership is radical, socialist, and, arguably, insane.

4. The radical Democrats have been supported by cowardly corporations who simply don't want to confront social or political disagreement, and go along to get along.
So, it was a great surprise.....and relief....when corporate sponsors of NYC's Puerto Rican Day Parade refused to support same.
The reason for the withdrawal of sponsorship by AT&T Inc., Jet Blue, Goya Foods,Hispanic societies in both the Fire Department of New York and the New York Police Department and Coca-Cola....and the honoree of the parade, a terrorist bomber selected by Democrat leadership in NY.

5. "Mayor Bill de Blasio is still marching, and more than 30 city lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said they supported the decision to honor Lopez Rivera.

"Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."

Kinda has the support of Barack Hussein Obama and his terrorist pal, Bill Ayers.

6. This is the sort of Democrat leadership America has come to expect: foul-mouthed trash:

"'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?
Perhaps more remarkable was the eager willingness of the crowd to join in with him, chanting, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s Former Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis looked on, laughing it up in the background."
'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?

It's long past time for the Democrat Party to purge these elements, and come back to being pro-American and adult.

ALL those on the right are ""losers" or big mean poopy heads

And, speaking of losers.....

Did you want to comment over the selection by Democrat leaders....this:

"Mayor Bill de Blasio is still marching, and more than 30 city lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said they supported the decision to honor Lopez Rivera.

"Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."

Any difference here?

a. Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev named Chairman of next years Boston Marathon.


b. Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi to receive posthumous award as 'British Man of the Year'


c. "Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."[/QUOTE]

This choice brought to you as a Democrat/Liberal 'teachable moment.'

".....nearly a year after Sanders’ presidential run fell short, one thing is missing in the afterglow — a reliable string of victories at the ballot box.

The losses are piling up. Earlier this month, Democrat Heath Mello, whom Sanders campaigned with, failed to unseat a Republican in Omaha’s race for mayor. Kimberly Ellis, the candidate endorsed by Our Revolution, the successor group to Sanders’ presidential campaign, lost a fiercely contested race for California Democratic Party chair. And on Thursday night, Republican Greg Gianforte bested Rob Quist, another Democrat for whom Sanders campaigned, in a nationally watched House race in Montana.

After the 2016 election, Sanders faced an even higher-profile setback: The Democratic National Committee installed a prominent Hillary Clinton surrogate, Tom Perez, as its chairman, defeating Rep. Keith Ellison, Sanders’ preferred choice. Sanders-aligned candidates secured victories in state party chair races in Hawaii and Nebraska, but they were rebuffed in California, Florida, Iowa and Maine."
Sanders revolution hits a rough patch
Democrat Party still searching for who they are.....

....trying to fill in the search with lies, myths, fabrications about the man that Americans selected instead of them.
(((Dave McKinnon)))‏ @DaveMcKinnon__

Replying to @TanyaCrosse @BraddJaffy
then try this

Democrat Party still searching for who they are.....

....trying to fill in the search with lies, myths, fabrications about the man that Americans selected instead of them.
Maybe you're right BUT what we do know is what lying cowardly pos republicans have become ,,,engaging in treason and espionage Their supporters are the scum of the earth
Democrat Party still searching for who they are.....

....trying to fill in the search with lies, myths, fabrications about the man that Americans selected instead of them.
Maybe you're right BUT what we do know is what lying cowardly pos republicans have become ,,,engaging in treason and espionage Their supporters are the scum of the earth

"... republicans have become ,,,engaging in treason and espionage...."


You're really this dumb?????

Still buying the propaganda like it was on sale??????

1. "Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

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