Seattle becomes first major U.S. city to ban straws

Liberals: "OMG, you can't detain people who are entering the country illegally!! ABOLISH ICE!"

Also, Liberals: "Cops will be giving you a $250 ticket if you use a straw."
We had paper straws for years and years. We could go back to them easily.

Sold at Walmart.

Yo, run out and elect more Socialist Democrats, you will have nothing left in the near future, just look back at the stuff banned already, FOOLS!!!!!

Banning straws, nature’s natural training aid? Who’s not thinking things through here?

This idiocy could have dire repercussions for oral sex aficionados in less than a generation for crying out loud!
I remember hearing on the TV news within the last year or two about a straw being created by at least one kid who was still in school and what made the straw so special was its ability to tell you if drugs had been dropped into your drink. If the product ended up on store shelves which was the intention, does the banning include them too?

God bless you always!!!

"The NY Times found that 9-year-old statistician (now 17) who came up with the 500 straws/day figure, and also did some digging on what the real number might be"

It’s pretty wild that the “Americans use 500 million straws per day” number was just an estimate that a 9-year-old came up with.

I mean, don’t get me wrong! We waste a LOT of plastic, and anything we can personally do to cut back is good. But sometimes numbers just sort of appear out of nowhere and get cited until people believe them without questioning them.

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