Seattle min wage $15, highest in nation

Those of you predicting (praying for?) layoffs and huge price increases are going to be disappointed.

Inflating labor prices have NEVER EVER been shown to cause inflation.


Every time there is inflation, it comes from Government deficit spending or very VERY liberal lending practices.

Let me recap...increasing labor costs have never EVER been shown to cause inflation,

Increasing labor costs follow, they do not lead inflation.

Deny it to your hearts content, but you are either misinformed or simply making shit up to bolster your feeble anti-labor arguments.
I don't know about inflation but it does move more jobs offshore. You can't force a business to operate at a loss, they will either close or move.
The new minimum wage increase to $15/hour will inevitably result in large scale layoffs, and business shutdowns. There is no way some businesses can continue to operate, and generate profit with this increase.

Well now, the experiment is being made. So we will see if your prediction happens.
this could hit them with tourism too

But, looks like nobody cares

another utopia like Detroit coming?
The thing is these right wingers are trying to do two things. One is paint Seattle as a horrible place when the truth is just the opposite. It is one of the best cities in the country. The other is to predict doom and gloom because of the wage raise, that it will turn into another failed city. That's not going to happen either. But they seem to hate Seattle because it is a liberal city. Their ideas about the city are based not in reality but in their hatred of liberalism. It’s actually pretty funny. They are so pathetic.
^^^It's a mecca for tourists in the NW US area because there is so much to see. Tourists will find a way to afford it.

Or afford less. If I only have $300 for a trip, raising the price of everything isn't going to get you more money.

If there is less available money because prices are higher then the lower class gets paid less because there will be less demand for services. In other words, if $300 buys 150 burgers then doubling the price to pay for labor means the population can only pay for 75. Less people will be employed or they will get less hours to work because there isn't enough money to go around. Unemployment and welfare will increase. The lower class will increase and the rich won't have to give a raise to their employees because they will say, "You already got a raise."
Those of you predicting (praying for?) layoffs and huge price increases are going to be disappointed.

Inflating labor prices have NEVER EVER been shown to cause inflation.


Every time there is inflation, it comes from Government deficit spending or very VERY liberal lending practices.

Let me recap...increasing labor costs have never EVER been shown to cause inflation,

Increasing labor costs follow, they do not lead inflation.

Deny it to your hearts content, but you are either misinformed or simply making shit up to bolster your feeble anti-labor arguments.
I don't believe you. Let Me recap. I don't believe you.
^^^It's a mecca for tourists in the NW US area because there is so much to see. Tourists will find a way to afford it.

Or afford less. If I only have $300 for a trip, raising the price of everything isn't going to get you more money.

If there is less available money because prices are higher then the lower class gets paid less because there will be less demand for services. In other words, if $300 buys 150 burgers then doubling the price to pay for labor means the population can only pay for 75. Less people will be employed or they will get less hours to work because there isn't enough money to go around. Unemployment and welfare will increase. The lower class will increase and the rich won't have to give a raise to their employees because they will say, "You already got a raise."

This is sort of protectionism for the rich. They determine what the market will pay and if you can't keep up with the rich then you go out of business. In other words, the rich can't compete with someone making less than $15 an hour and they are losing money so they are putting the rest of everyone else out of business because they can't compete if they have to pay $15.
The new minimum wage increase to $15/hour will inevitably result in large scale layoffs, and business shutdowns. There is no way some businesses can continue to operate, and generate profit with this increase.

All that doom and gloom. Washington already has the highest minimum wage in the nation, and it's indexed for inflation. In all these years it hasn't led to the doom and gloom of inflation or job losses, why do you think this time it will?

He doesn't think it will. He has been told that it will. He clearly hasn't given it much thought.
The thing is these right wingers are trying to do two things. One is paint Seattle as a horrible place when the truth is just the opposite. It is one of the best cities in the country. The other is to predict doom and gloom because of the wage raise, that it will turn into another failed city. That's not going to happen either. But they seem to hate Seattle because it is a liberal city. Their ideas about the city are based not in reality but in their hatred of liberalism. It’s actually pretty funny. They are so pathetic.
Seattelites are rude, smug, and arrogant. They are not friendly people. Do a search for the term "Seattle Freeze", it isn't a rightwing conspiracy.
The thing is these right wingers are trying to do two things. One is paint Seattle as a horrible place when the truth is just the opposite. It is one of the best cities in the country. The other is to predict doom and gloom because of the wage raise, that it will turn into another failed city. That's not going to happen either. But they seem to hate Seattle because it is a liberal city. Their ideas about the city are based not in reality but in their hatred of liberalism. It’s actually pretty funny. They are so pathetic.
This entire diatribe is nothing but petty lies and made up motivations for people whom you disagree with.

No one is hoping Seattle fails, nor are we painting Seattle as anything but another large city, which has its downsides like all large cities.

I guess I took you for someone who could be reasoned with. Looks as if I am wrong in this regard.
Or afford less. If I only have $300 for a trip, raising the price of everything isn't going to get you more money.

If there is less available money because prices are higher then the lower class gets paid less because there will be less demand for services. In other words, if $300 buys 150 burgers then doubling the price to pay for labor means the population can only pay for 75. Less people will be employed or they will get less hours to work because there isn't enough money to go around. Unemployment and welfare will increase. The lower class will increase and the rich won't have to give a raise to their employees because they will say, "You already got a raise."

This is sort of protectionism for the rich. They determine what the market will pay and if you can't keep up with the rich then you go out of business. In other words, the rich can't compete with someone making less than $15 an hour and they are losing money so they are putting the rest of everyone else out of business because they can't compete if they have to pay $15.

Absolutely correct
The new minimum wage increase to $15/hour will inevitably result in large scale layoffs, and business shutdowns. There is no way some businesses can continue to operate, and generate profit with this increase.

All that doom and gloom. Washington already has the highest minimum wage in the nation, and it's indexed for inflation. In all these years it hasn't led to the doom and gloom of inflation or job losses, why do you think this time it will?
You're looking at a jump from $9/hour to $15/hour. This is significant, and many small businesses will not be able to handle it. They can raise prices, but will be forced to shut down as folks will head out to the larger businesses with the lower prices. The larger businesses will simply lay off staff.


10 Employees each working 30 hours per week each getting paid an additional $6.00 per hour:

10 employees X 30 hours = 300. 300 hours X $6 = $1800 (additional wages per week).

Multiply $1800 X 52.17 weeks (one year) = $93,906 additional overhead per year.

Any company that has to come up with nearly $100,000 additional cash per year to pay for 10 part-time employees will have NO CHOICE but to raise prices significantly (or go out of business and lay everyone off which will equate to $0.00 per hour).
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^^^It's a mecca for tourists in the NW US area because there is so much to see. Tourists will find a way to afford it.

LOL. No they won't. I've been a tourist many times. I'm always on a budget and can only afford a set amount. In today's economy I'm already strapped and can't afford as much as I used to in the Reagan days. Therefore, money is tighter than ever. If the prices go up due to a grossly inflated minimum wage increase then I will be forced to buy a lot less (or bring my own food and a tent rather than buying fast food and staying at a cheap hotel).

Demand for goods and services are high when prices are affordable. When prices rise too high then demand decreases. When that happens, your "mecca for tourism" decreases as well. Fewer tourists means less business and less profits. When that happens businesses go out of business or fire employees.
^^^It's a mecca for tourists in the NW US area because there is so much to see. Tourists will find a way to afford it.

LOL. No they won't. I've been a tourist many times. I'm always on a budget and can only afford a set amount. In today's economy I'm already strapped and can't afford as much as I used to in the Reagan days. Therefore, money is tighter than ever. If the prices go up due to a grossly inflated minimum wage increase then I will be forced to buy a lot less (or bring my own food and a tent rather than buying fast food and staying at a cheap hotel).

Demand for goods and services are high when prices are affordable. When prices rise too high then demand decreases. When that happens, your "mecca for tourism" decreases as well. Fewer tourists means less business and less profits. When that happens businesses go out of business or fire employees.
And that cycle becomes self sustaining unless properly managed. Detroit failed to manage that, and we know what happened there.

That is not a desire to see Seattle become another Detroit, but an acknowledgment that the same kind of cycle has begun in Seattle.

I fear they won't understand that part of it though. the end of the decade 75% of these jobs will be automated.

It's a simple cost/benefit equation.

The machines will be cheaper than paying a human.

They made that prediction back when we raised our minimum wage and indexed it for inflation. Our local Albertson's recently ended their self checkout. The customers weren't using it. Instead, we stood in the long lines because we support jobs. For them to invest in machines will be a mistake as it'll turn out the same way Albertson's did.
I've been to Seattle. They gave up their beautiful parks and public areas to semi-permanent hovels for transient drunks who piss on the ground and scare innocent kids. It would be nice if the minimum wage put these social outcasts to work but the unintended consequence of the fascist wage law is that small businesses go out of businesses and leave the state.

What Seattle did you visit? Let me guess, you visited Skid Row, right? And you think that represents all off Seattle? Next time, check out Seattle Center, the Ballard Locks, the Arboretum, etc.
What has anyone done to earn this increase in wage?

They work, a hard demanding job. What the heck kind of question is that? This is supposedly the richest country in the world. In the richest country in the world, the lowest payed worker should make a living wage.

What exactly is your definition of a "living wage" ? Enough to buy that million dollar home that was pictured ?

Frankly, kids entering the work force are wet behind the ears, and they don't deserve the so-called living wage.

At the very least, kids entering the work force should be exempt from employers having to pay that kind of salary. If you're going to be paying a 16 year old $15 bucks and hour, then I deserve $100.00 an hour. I've paid my dues and sweated for over 35 years in the workforce, and I'll be damned if a 16 year old deserves half of what I currently make.

Very few minimum wage workers these days are kids. the end of the decade 75% of these jobs will be automated.

It's a simple cost/benefit equation.

The machines will be cheaper than paying a human.

They made that prediction back when we raised our minimum wage and indexed it for inflation. Our local Albertson's recently ended their self checkout. The customers weren't using it. Instead, we stood in the long lines because we support jobs. For them to invest in machines will be a mistake as it'll turn out the same way Albertson's did.
Self checkout is a growing trend here. LOL at libs that can't figure out how to scan items. One Fred Meyer is almost all automated now. Oddly enough I got a ration of shit from the superior acting cashiers quite often and had quit going there, figuring they must have a damn good union or something.
They work, a hard demanding job. What the heck kind of question is that? This is supposedly the richest country in the world. In the richest country in the world, the lowest payed worker should make a living wage.

What exactly is your definition of a "living wage" ? Enough to buy that million dollar home that was pictured ?

Frankly, kids entering the work force are wet behind the ears, and they don't deserve the so-called living wage.

At the very least, kids entering the work force should be exempt from employers having to pay that kind of salary. If you're going to be paying a 16 year old $15 bucks and hour, then I deserve $100.00 an hour. I've paid my dues and sweated for over 35 years in the workforce, and I'll be damned if a 16 year old deserves half of what I currently make.

Very few minimum wage workers these days are kids.
Do you actually think that is a good argument?

Someone who ISN"T a kid making minimum wage has bigger problems than their wage.

Have you ever considered the evolution of a worker outside of a dictatorship that sets the rules on who will work where and for how much?
We will see the economic health of Seattle reflected in this move.

One concern is that as cities raise their minimum wage, more people will move there. We saw this (for a different reason) with the Reagan recession and it put those cities under more stress.

Economic "health?" Poor health perhaps. What we will see:

1) Sharp rise in prices (fast food, restaurants, hotel rates, car washes, etc.). These extra costs will be a burden on them making the new minimum wage which, in essence, will place them back in the same bind they're already in.

2) Reduction in hours to avoid paying for medical insurance. The extra money the entry level workers make will go towards paying for Obamacare.

3) Layoffs. Reduction in the work force will place a greater workload on them who remain in the work force.
Although the plan doesn't take effect till 2017 and it's implemented incrementally over several years, this may be a bit too bold. Seattle with a population of 625,000 is surrounded by the Puget Sound area with a population 3.5 million with a minimum wage of $9.32/hr. The fear is that small businesses will move out of Seattle to surrounding areas to take advantage of the lower minimum wage. It will be interesting to watch.

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