Seattle Removes Bike Helmet Law Because More Black People Were Apparently Ticketed

No... most blacks who ride bikes don't have the money for a helmet and they're riding cheap bikes.
There are millions of companies desperate for workers - BEGGING for workers. Blacks can get jobs like everyone else. Then they can BUY a fucking helmet and decent bike. Rather than acting like victims...again.

Or...they can just wait for the next BLM "Riot and Sleazeball Loot-a-thon," and steal the bike of their dreams. Hmmmm, wonder which method they'll choose to acquire their new stuff? Lol...
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There are millions of companies desperate for workers - BEGGING for workers. Blacks can get jobs like everyone else. Then they can BUY a fucking helmet and decent bike. Rather than acting like victims...again.

Or...they can just wait for the next BLM "Riot and Sleazeball Loot-a-thon," and steal the bike of their dreams. Hmmmm, wonder which method they'll choose to acquire their new stuff? Lol...
Yeah, you have to understand poverty a little better than that. It starts with poor schools and diet and parenting and the kids get lost to the streets just like Irish, Jewish and Italian kids did in New York at the turn of the 20th century. Today any black that wants to go for success will and they've done pretty well.

Most in poverty just have the cash for a helmet for riding their bikes.
Yeah, you have to understand poverty a little better than that. It starts with poor schools and diet and parenting and the kids get lost to the streets just like Irish, Jewish and Italian kids did in New York at the turn of the 20th century. Today any black that wants to go for success will and they've done pretty well.

Most in poverty just have the cash for a helmet for riding their bikes.
I was raised, and spent decades living in a shithole filled with poor hispanics, a few whites and japanese, and a zillion blacks. There is NOTHING you can teach me about poverty OR blacks.

The worst thing in the world for these folks is the bleeding hearts and self-appointed "Do-Gooders" who spend their time coming up with excuses about why these folks "simply can't make it" without tons of fucking handouts.

There are few of these people who cannot improve their own lives. The same way other people do: through HARD fucking work, developing a work ethic, and having the sense to avoid becoming a criminal. These folks have many choices, but they have to learn to make good decisions.

But when people are pounded from every quarter with the idea that THEY are oppressed victims, and convinced that others are responsible for every bad thing that ever happens to them - of course they will end up believing that bullshit.

In our society we spend a ton of effort CREATING ever more fucking victims. Ask any BLM member, supporter, or rioter, they'll spend all day telling you how evil our country is, and how "oppressed" (that word is extremely popular with this crowd) they are, and how whitey has stacked the world against them.

Really want to help the poor? Teach them the value of work. Help them get job training. Help them get, and keep, jobs. And, most of all, stop making excuses for their bad behavior and lack of motivation.

I know loads of people who have worked themselves out of these shitholes. Some are teachers, some own small businesses, many simply learn to work for a living. And one particular guy I grew up with has become a multimillionaire who owns his own business. How did he do it? By never quitting, never making excuses, and by working his ass off. By the way, this guy quit school in the seventh grade.

People don't have to be victims. They can choose to be winners. But it is not easy. And it's especially hard when so many people spend their time telling you that you're doomed to remain a victim, and that the world owes you a fucking living.
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I was raised, and spent decades living in a shithole filled with poor hispanics, a few whites and japanese, and a zillion blacks. There is NOTHING you can teach me about poverty OR blacks.

So what you are saying is you were brought up poor white trash, but you still think you are better than the darkies.

Got it.

This is kind of how they get you.

You are just too stupid to see it.
So what you are saying is you were brought up poor white trash, but you still think you are better than the darkies.

Got it.

This is kind of how they get you.

You are just too stupid to see it.
You need to think over what you type.
My guess... the cops were leaving white cyclists without helmets alone while using this law to stop and frisk black cyclists.

It actually is a balance, how much do you try to protect people from themselves, vs. protect them from people who would abuse their rights using such laws.
Oh joe why not come out and discuss your average adult black rider verses your average white adult rider.

Whites ride for exercise mostly..........while blacks, I have seen lots of black bike riders, ride because they don't have driver's licenses usually because of DUI's.
I lived around black people all my life and have enjoyed every minute of it. Most black folks don't ride bikes for sport or touring. They ride cheap forms of transportation.
And things that don't require a license to operate which can be taken away after being snagged for using drugs.
Oh joe why not come out and discuss your average adult black rider verses your average white adult rider.

Whites ride for exercise mostly..........while blacks, I have seen lots of black bike riders, ride because they don't have driver's licenses usually because of DUI's.

So let me get this straight. Because they use the DUI laws in a racist manner, it's okay that they use the cycle laws in a racist manner, am I getting that right?

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