Seattle repeals ‘head tax’ after backlash from Amazon, Starbucks


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So much for these nice and cuddly Progressives. They are like the smile in your face stab you in the back Canadians. All of these ideals are great as long as someone else is paying for them. When they need to, "oh hell no!"

I'm sure all the boycotts will come now in defense of the homeless...oh nm, there's no money to be made there. Carry on.

Seattle repeals ‘head tax’ after backlash from Amazon, Starbucks

The Seattle City Council on Tuesday voted 7-2 to repeal a “head tax” on the city’s largest employers, granting a surprise victory to corporate giants such as Amazon and Starbucks just weeks after the council unanimously approved the measure.

The vote took place at a special meeting called by Council President Bruce Harrell and six other members of the nine-person Seattle City Council. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan also supported a repeal.

Originally passed on May 14, the measure required companies with annual revenue of $20 million or more to contribute $275 per employee annually toward efforts to combat widespread homelessness in Seattle. At the time, the city council said the “head tax” would raise about $50 million per year toward the development of affordable housing, homeless shelters and other outreach efforts.

The head tax drew widespread criticism from local business advocates and several major corporations, including Amazon, Seattle’s largest employer. Critics argued the tax would discourage investment in the city and place an undue burden on companies that were already paying a fair share of taxes.
I think they realized that it would not stand up against the state’s constitution. The attorneys fees, the loss of potential new business brought the city to its knees. It’s the only way to explain such a big turn around inside a month.
Yeah, big surprise.

While I thought the tax was a bad idea, if I were a city trying to lure Amazon's new facility I'd think twice now... Give them billions in incentives and then have them squeeze you when they want something more or don't like something? Pass.

I'm no fan of Amazon anyway...
I can't even begin to imagine what has happened in the last 30 days to make them do an about face like this.

This whole deal seemed punitive to me, punishment for success.
One of the Seattle TV stations did a poll, most people were against the tax, 54%-38%. And there was a petition going around with some 46,000 signatures to repeal it, and pols being pols realized it wasn't popular so they ditched it. Couldn't say if it was unconstitutional or not according to their state laws, but I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere yet. It does kinda underscore a problem that blue states are going to have now that rich people can't deduct their state and local taxes on their federal return anymore. That's gotta hurt their future tax base, where are they going to get more revenue?
One of the Seattle TV stations did a poll, most people were against the tax, 54%-38%. And there was a petition going around with some 46,000 signatures to repeal it, and pols being pols realized it wasn't popular so they ditched it. Couldn't say if it was unconstitutional or not according to their state laws, but I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere yet. It does kinda underscore a problem that blue states are going to have now that rich people can't deduct their state and local taxes on their federal return anymore. That's gotta hurt their future tax base, where are they going to get more revenue?

They tried charging an income tax only on the rich last year and the courts blocked that one. From what I have read only the state legislature can add a new type of tax.
So much for these nice and cuddly Progressives. They are like the smile in your face stab you in the back Canadians. All of these ideals are great as long as someone else is paying for them. When they need to, "oh hell no!"

I'm sure all the boycotts will come now in defense of the homeless...oh nm, there's no money to be made there. Carry on.

Seattle repeals ‘head tax’ after backlash from Amazon, Starbucks

The Seattle City Council on Tuesday voted 7-2 to repeal a “head tax” on the city’s largest employers, granting a surprise victory to corporate giants such as Amazon and Starbucks just weeks after the council unanimously approved the measure.

The vote took place at a special meeting called by Council President Bruce Harrell and six other members of the nine-person Seattle City Council. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan also supported a repeal.

Originally passed on May 14, the measure required companies with annual revenue of $20 million or more to contribute $275 per employee annually toward efforts to combat widespread homelessness in Seattle. At the time, the city council said the “head tax” would raise about $50 million per year toward the development of affordable housing, homeless shelters and other outreach efforts.

The head tax drew widespread criticism from local business advocates and several major corporations, including Amazon, Seattle’s largest employer. Critics argued the tax would discourage investment in the city and place an undue burden on companies that were already paying a fair share of taxes.
Best way to prevent homelessness is affordable rent and a good job market.
And get rid of the drugs.
This was a foregone conclusion only the speed was a surprise. I suspect the Obamacare lawsuit was the real problem. Without expanded medicare CA will tank very quickly and that will be a disaster for WA as well even without running off the city's industrial base.

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