Seattle struggles with police shortage after 'defund' movement as 100 officers leave force

Oh bullshit with your constant unproven fantasies. You watch way too much television. Police have always been held responsible for their actions. The difference between today and yesterday is they were only charged and convicted when they actually did something wrong.
Now that's a fantasy.
Take the incident in my city of Tamir Rice. The entire conflict was recorded from the park camera. They had a grand jury hearing for the officer where they found the officer didn't break any laws. In spite of that, the officer and his family received a number of threats. He still lost his job. He may not ever be a police officer again. The city paid the irresponsible fat pig mother 5 million dollars.
So tell me Ray why is it that whites shoot and kill the police everyday, is it because they are not in fear of their life when they roll up on someone white. The dispatcher should have been fired or maybe even charged in that crime for not passing all the information, because one caller told her that the gun looked like a toy. The officer was shooting before he could even get out the car.
Or go to Baltimore where a lowlife died while being transported in a police van. In spite of the officers doing no wrong, they still were charged, had to hire expensive lawyers, and were found not guilty of any charges. So why were the charged filed in the first place? Because the city uses those police officers as pawns to calm the savages. The same with Ferguson and on and on it goes.
So how does a man in police custody just come up dead on the ride to the police station?
So who wants to do a job like that? Not me, and not most people apparently. The city and police force should stick up for their officers unless they know something went wrong or a jury decides they broke the law. That's what took place years ago,
There are cops who do their jobs correctly on a daily basis and they don't have any problems. See folks like you hate black folks so much that you don't think there should ever be any questions when it comes to the police dealing with black folks. Whatever the officer says or does is fine in your book.
We don’t know that this is why they quit.

I personally think they quit because they got sick and tired of being demonized just for wearing the uniform.

While some were saying we need to make officers more accountable, more were saying that the law enforcement community is inherently racist and violent.
We started hearing about cops being refused service in restaurants, being harassed and assaulted while performing justified arrests and being condemned for justified shootings.

The protesters and the media fomented a decidedly ant-cop sentiment in this country and there is no disputing this when we look with objective hindsight on everything that was said and done against them.

So there is no question why many of them quit and to say they quit because they were afraid of accountability is a cliched narrative based on nothing more than assumption.

Actually it was their own that called them out.

Seattle police officer fired over arrest of elderly black man with golf club
Funding is just the last straw on the camels back. Forget the west coast. We are having the same problems here. The left has attacked and demonized our police officers to the point nobody wants the job any longer. Not long ago it was the cops against the bad guys. Now it's cops against the good guys and the bad guys. Who wants a job like that?

Hell, cops are often ordered to support hte bad guys, or even on occasion arrest good guys that defend themselves.
That's right.

Even my industry (banking , finance) is experiencing shortages. We only have about 300 employees, and we are short 40+ JUST in tellers. Not to mention accounting, compliance, etc.

We have 23 lenders doing the same volume that 45 lenders did 4 years ago. If 5 of them would quit and not be quickly replaced, we would be in financial trouble and under the CUNA microscope.

Seattle has 1000 officers and is short by 100.

But CLEARLY that's a result of mean old democrats hurting their feelings, and in no way whatsoever is Seattle connected to the rest of reality.
nobody wants to work i. the xiden economy
If it's been defunded, where is that 30 grand coming from? Sheesh, can you lie more? I'll wait.
If the police dept is hundreds of officers short then there should be a surplus in the budget even after the budget cuts

The point is that liberals are destructive and this is just one example of the unintended consequences of their actions
So tell me Ray why is it that whites shoot and kill the police everyday, is it because they are not in fear of their life when they roll up on someone white. The dispatcher should have been fired or maybe even charged in that crime for not passing all the information, because one caller told her that the gun looked like a toy. The officer was shooting before he could even get out the car.

Show me this evidence that whites shoot and kill cops every day. You live in your own world and don't look up facts before yapping bullshit in a forum. Yes the officer shot as soon as he got out of the car because Rice pulled out the gun as soon as he got out of the police car. What did you want him to do, count to ten backwards?

So how does a man in police custody just come up dead on the ride to the police station?

Because he didn't sit his black ass down as instructed, and decided to walk around the van instead. You don't walk around in a moving vehicle, especially when you have no use of your hands to grab onto anything.

There are cops who do their jobs correctly on a daily basis and they don't have any problems. See folks like you hate black folks so much that you don't think there should ever be any questions when it comes to the police dealing with black folks. Whatever the officer says or does is fine in your book.

I'm all for investigations, but what I'm not for is charging police officers that didn't do a damn thing wrong. I hate blacks? Gee, now the cops can't do their jobs because of blacks, cities can't find new recruits because of blacks, violent crime increased because of blacks, now gee, why would anybody hate blacks?

Bring back segregation. It's the solution to most all of our problems when it comes to race in this country. You live over there, and we'll live over here. Over there you can demonize your police officers all you want, and over here we will give them the respect and authority they deserve.
That wasn't what the discussion we were in was about. Context.
Yes it was. You said:

“If 100 officers quit because people started demanding they be held accountable to the same laws they are supposed to enforce, I consider that a win. I'm failing to see the problem here.”

You stated that a hundred officers quit because people were demanding they be held accountable and I responded to that. An officer being fired has nothing to do with it.

Not to mention the fact that the title of the thread is specifically about a hundred officers leaving the force.
Yes it was. You said:

“If 100 officers quit because people started demanding they be held accountable to the same laws they are supposed to enforce, I consider that a win. I'm failing to see the problem here.”

You stated that a hundred officers quit because people were demanding they be held accountable and I responded to that. An officer being fired has nothing to do with it.

Not to mention the fact that the title of the thread is specifically about a hundred officers leaving the force.

The discussed evolved from my first post. Context.
I was out with a buddy of mine last night who is a cop here in Las Vegas and he was telling me Seattle is currently offering a $30,000 signing bonus for cops to relocate to their city and work for the Seattle PD. He said he briefly considered it and came to the conclusion that even for that much money it's not worth it.

Who wooda ever thunk that would happen?

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