Seattle woman attempts to live off light and water only

This is cool. It needs to be repackaged, energy savings, reducing the carbon footprint, etc. Send it to the DNC.

If we can get this to catch!!!!!
Mutant retard


Fox doesn't know how to read its own story before crafting a headline. It's not SUNlight this poor idiot intends to live on, but "spiritual" light. Here's a quote from her website:

"..that we have a nutritional source already embedded within our body/mind/Spiritual systems.."

All I can say is good luck with that touchy-feely, new age bullshit. Let us know where the funeral will be.

Fox doesn't know how to read its own story before crafting a headline. It's not SUNlight this poor idiot intends to live on, but "spiritual" light. Here's a quote from her website:

"..that we have a nutritional source already embedded within our body/mind/Spiritual systems.."

All I can say is good luck with that touchy-feely, new age bullshit. Let us know where the funeral will be.

"Some who adhere to such practices are called “breatharians,” — someone who gains energy and sustenance strictly through air and sunshine — and Shine hopes to prove it is possible by living out the experiment.

Read more: Seattle woman attempts to live on sunlight, water | Q13 FOX News

Fox had it right.
Ah, Breatharians. I remember back in the 90's when one of their leaders who was supposedly surviving on air was seen exiting a 7-11 with hot dog, slurpee and Twinkies.
Ah, Breatharians. I remember back in the 90's when one of their leaders who was supposedly surviving on air was seen exiting a 7-11 with hot dog, slurpee and Twinkies.

I don't think he can live long on that either! :D

air does a body good

you heard here first

Starving yourself does a great deal of harm to your body. Also, this lady looks like an older lady. An older person's body cannot tolerate this kind of thing as well as a younger person's body.

Fox doesn't know how to read its own story before crafting a headline. It's not SUNlight this poor idiot intends to live on, but "spiritual" light. Here's a quote from her website:

"..that we have a nutritional source already embedded within our body/mind/Spiritual systems.."

All I can say is good luck with that touchy-feely, new age bullshit. Let us know where the funeral will be.

If only all the Christians and Muslims would follow her lead.. :lol:

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