Sebelius: ‘Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle’

You don't know me. You've never met me. You've never seen me post under a Republican president. Despite the fact that I post often about the stupidity of the GOP and the things they do you still draw this conclusion. Shows what a dumb judgmental bitch you are.

Oh, you're a Saint ... A SAINT I tell ya.

Certainly not a saint. But NONE of the things you called me that I quoted. A dick, an asshole & even maybe a pompous jerk.

But above all honest.

Honestly, nobody cares about any of that. You are a bunch of words and sentences on a message board. I do know who you are because I have seen your posts. Sorry, I have my opinions and I really don't care to know anything more about you.
She's not being let go. None of these things you wingnuts want to happen will.




Romneycare is working great, so will Obamacare.

As it turns out, you don't know what you're talking about. MassCare has huge problems.

Mass. mess: ObamaCare?s ugly future | New York Post

When the Bay State passed its health-reform law in 2006, 9 percent of non-elderly adults lacked insurance; that’s now down to 5 percent. The law didn’t reduce expensive emergency-room use as predicted. Instead, emergency-room visits have climbed by 9 percent, or about 3 million visits, from 2004 to 2008. But it’s bankrupting the state, while the pressures on small businesses and on health-care insurers and providers continue to build toward the breaking point.

Health care now consumes 35 percent of the state budget, up from 22 percent in 2000. Patrick recently asked Washington for $473 million to help make the Massachusetts reform work — on top of the $1.2 billion in support the feds have already kicked in over three years, more than $3,000 per person in the state.

Whenever the federal help stops coming, the Bay State will have to either hike taxes further to fund its program, or start cutting benefits. Reimbursements are already so low under the state-subsidized plans (most of whose 152,000 enrollees pay nothing) that doctors are already refusing to accept new patients with that “coverage.”

Yet small businesses are clearly finding it necessary to dump their employees on the public health plans. The Boston Globe recently reported on a broker who helps firms do just that; his practice is booming. He’s seen about 90 business owners terminate their plans since April.​
Does that sound like a success to you?

Coming from the NY Post, it shouldn't be given any credibility. Everyone's a critic.
Not everybody. Some people are mindless bootlickers.

And yes, I mean you.
You wingnuts are all liars about Obama taking responsibility for the problems at the website. He talked about it today in his speech. In fact, the speech was excellent and I'm glad he's out there taking responsibility and credit for ACA.

Right now, the website is too slow, too many people have gotten stuck. And I am not happy about it. And neither are a lot of Americans who need health care. And they're trying to figure out how they can sign up as quickly as possible.

So there's no excuse for it. And I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP. We are working overtime to improve it every day -- every day. (Cheers, applause.) And more people are successfully buying these new plans online than they were a couple of weeks ago. And I expect more people will be able to buy conveniently online every single day as we move forward. We're going to get these problems resolved.

Transcript: President Obama?s Oct. 30 remarks on the new health-care law in Boston - The Washington Post

The wingnuts have been pretty pathetic and rude to people who are out there working hard for American citizens. Maybe you all should be this rude to the worthless Republicans in the House and Senate. You suck.
Read it again, child. He's taking responsibility for getting it fixed. He's NOT taking responsibility for it being fucked up.

All he's going to do is waste more tax dollars on it.

And you're a petty little weasel but you don't see me harping on that all the time.
Oh, you're a Saint ... A SAINT I tell ya.

Certainly not a saint. But NONE of the things you called me that I quoted. A dick, an asshole & even maybe a pompous jerk.

But above all honest.

Honestly, nobody cares about any of that. You are a bunch of words and sentences on a message board. I do know who you are because I have seen your posts. Sorry, I have my opinions and I really don't care to know anything more about you.
Then put me on ignore you stupid superficial bitch.
You wingnuts are all liars about Obama taking responsibility for the problems at the website. He talked about it today in his speech. In fact, the speech was excellent and I'm glad he's out there taking responsibility and credit for ACA.

The wingnuts have been pretty pathetic and rude to people who are out there working hard for American citizens. Maybe you all should be this rude to the worthless Republicans in the House and Senate. You suck.
Read it again, child. He's taking responsibility for getting it fixed. He's NOT taking responsibility for it being fucked up.

All he's going to do is waste more tax dollars on it.

And you're a petty little weasel but you don't see me harping on that all the time.

"And I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP."

Read it, child.
Did you see the guy who said Republicans remind him of the guy who can't read or write trying to be a book critic.

Remember, these are people who think science is a faith. They put morons on the US Science and committee. They know nothing of technology.

You must have missed the thread about the Tea Party knowing more about science than morons like you.

Why read more outright lies when we get so many from you?
Sebelius: ‘Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle’

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a House committee Wednesday that the blame lies with her for the glitches plaguing the website.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held its second hearing related to the health care exchange website problems – and there were still glitches with the site during the hearing. Committee chairman and Michigan Congressman Fred Upton said he found an error message on the website’s registration page on the morning of the meeting.

The registration page stayed down throughout the 3 1/2 hour hearing.
Upton warned the committee and Sebelius that Americans are losing trust, and “soon they may worry about being on the wrong side of their government facing penalties,” if they cannot sign up through the glitch-prone websites.

Sebelius told the committee that the blame should be put on her for the problems the website has been experiencing since its Oct. 1 launch.
“Hold me accountable for the debacle. I am responsible,” Sebelius said.
Despite the glitches, Sebelius says the website “has never crashed.”
ObamaCare Site Crashes Minutes Before Sebelius Testimony

ObamaCare Site Crashes Minutes Before Sebelius Testimony

Sebelius: ?Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle? « CBS DC

Hollow words from a political whore,
Did you see the guy who said Republicans remind him of the guy who can't read or write trying to be a book critic.

Remember, these are people who think science is a faith. They put morons on the US Science and committee. They know nothing of technology.
Oh, DO shut up, you stupid little man.

At least you don't disagree. What could you say anyway? Republicans believe in science? Evolution? Technology? It's laughable.

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