Sebelius: ‘Hold Me Accountable For The Debacle’

I already know I spelled it wrong, asshole. :lol:
Sure, after TK pointed it out. :lol:

Who? Oh yeah, I have him on ignore. My spelling is terrible but I usually look things I'm not sure about up. I just don't care enough about it here anymore.

Your retention of actual cogent thought is terrible. Whatever you look up is probably from a wildly biased left wing source! Perhaps you should download a dictionary.
She's not being let go. None of these things you wingnuts want to happen will.




Romneycare is working great, so will Obamacare.

As it turns out, you don't know what you're talking about. MassCare has huge problems.

Mass. mess: ObamaCare?s ugly future | New York Post

When the Bay State passed its health-reform law in 2006, 9 percent of non-elderly adults lacked insurance; that’s now down to 5 percent. The law didn’t reduce expensive emergency-room use as predicted. Instead, emergency-room visits have climbed by 9 percent, or about 3 million visits, from 2004 to 2008. But it’s bankrupting the state, while the pressures on small businesses and on health-care insurers and providers continue to build toward the breaking point.

Health care now consumes 35 percent of the state budget, up from 22 percent in 2000. Patrick recently asked Washington for $473 million to help make the Massachusetts reform work — on top of the $1.2 billion in support the feds have already kicked in over three years, more than $3,000 per person in the state.

Whenever the federal help stops coming, the Bay State will have to either hike taxes further to fund its program, or start cutting benefits. Reimbursements are already so low under the state-subsidized plans (most of whose 152,000 enrollees pay nothing) that doctors are already refusing to accept new patients with that “coverage.”

Yet small businesses are clearly finding it necessary to dump their employees on the public health plans. The Boston Globe recently reported on a broker who helps firms do just that; his practice is booming. He’s seen about 90 business owners terminate their plans since April.​
Does that sound like a success to you?
Masscare is an example of how socialized medicine cannot work.
"No, no, it'll work GREAT implemented nationwide!!"

...said no person with a grasp of history and economics ever.
Who? Oh yeah, I have him on ignore. My spelling is terrible but I usually look things I'm not sure about up. I just don't care enough about it here anymore.
You care enough to (wrongly) claim I misspelled a word.

Those little squiggly red lines under the words you type? That's your browser telling you you screwed up. If you don't have them, download a decent browser.

As if you will ever be ready to tell me what to do.

Just a helpful suggestion to keep you from fucking up again, is all.

I don't mind if you want to keep making mistakes.
She's not being let go. None of these things you wingnuts want to happen will.




Romneycare is working great, so will Obamacare.

As it turns out, you don't know what you're talking about. MassCare has huge problems.

Mass. mess: ObamaCare?s ugly future | New York Post

When the Bay State passed its health-reform law in 2006, 9 percent of non-elderly adults lacked insurance; that’s now down to 5 percent. The law didn’t reduce expensive emergency-room use as predicted. Instead, emergency-room visits have climbed by 9 percent, or about 3 million visits, from 2004 to 2008. But it’s bankrupting the state, while the pressures on small businesses and on health-care insurers and providers continue to build toward the breaking point.

Health care now consumes 35 percent of the state budget, up from 22 percent in 2000. Patrick recently asked Washington for $473 million to help make the Massachusetts reform work — on top of the $1.2 billion in support the feds have already kicked in over three years, more than $3,000 per person in the state.

Whenever the federal help stops coming, the Bay State will have to either hike taxes further to fund its program, or start cutting benefits. Reimbursements are already so low under the state-subsidized plans (most of whose 152,000 enrollees pay nothing) that doctors are already refusing to accept new patients with that “coverage.”

Yet small businesses are clearly finding it necessary to dump their employees on the public health plans. The Boston Globe recently reported on a broker who helps firms do just that; his practice is booming. He’s seen about 90 business owners terminate their plans since April.​
Does that sound like a success to you?

Coming from the NY Post, it shouldn't be given any credibility. Everyone's a critic.

Those are facts...Nobody made up those numbers.
Of course a lib like you looks for a way out because you've no substantive rebuttal.
So you attack the messenger.
That is not debate. It is bickering. Another form of mindless emoting.
Not sure what you're saying now TK but I'm ready to take you off ignore and put Grandpa on. I'll think about it and let you know.
Sarah has me on ignore because I drove her argument about George Zimmerman so far into the ground, she went on a self imposed hiatus for a few months. It was a rout of epic proportions. A colossal beat down. She knows what I'm referring to, too.

She probably knows that if she takes me on in another debate, the result may be the same. It is wise on her part to preserve what little credibility she has as far as truth telling is concerned.
As far as the OP goes:

Ahh, enjoying those entitlements you don't want anyone else to have eh?

You have not answered my question.....Is Secretary Sebilius doing a good job?
There are two possible answers. Yes or No...
Only ONE is correct.

Are you stupid? There is one correct answer, it's yes.

Is Sebelius not in charge of the administration of the PPACA?
Is she not charged with the duty to insure the website functions properly?

Here's a hint....If she WAS doing a good job, then why is she taking responsibility for things she is doing wrong? If she was doing such a wonderful job, there would be no need for these hearings and certainly no need for her to offer a mea cupla on the website crashes...
With that said, offer examples of her exemplary job performance....
This should be fun..
Have at it sister.
I already know I spelled it wrong, asshole. :lol:
Sure, after TK pointed it out. :lol:

Who? Oh yeah, I have him on ignore. My spelling is terrible but I usually look things I'm not sure about up. I just don't care enough about it here anymore.

It isn't your spelling that is terrible, it is that you just don't know anything.
How many times did you fail the written test for your driver's license? Or did you ever pass?
Who? Oh yeah, I have him on ignore. My spelling is terrible but I usually look things I'm not sure about up. I just don't care enough about it here anymore.
You care enough to (wrongly) claim I misspelled a word.

Those little squiggly red lines under the words you type? That's your browser telling you you screwed up. If you don't have them, download a decent browser.

As if you will ever be ready to tell me what to do.

Someone has to....You cannot boil water because there are no directions for the procedure in any cook book.
Sure, after TK pointed it out. :lol:

Who? Oh yeah, I have him on ignore. My spelling is terrible but I usually look things I'm not sure about up. I just don't care enough about it here anymore.

Your retention of actual cogent thought is terrible. Whatever you look up is probably from a wildly biased left wing source! Perhaps you should download a dictionary.

Download? Come on. Her head would explode.

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