SEC Goldman Sachs Complaint Is All Barack Obama!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone now sees why Sarah Palin, even chokes at the thought of someone with legal training in charge at the White House.

Over and over again she has made the complaint that the President of the United States is a former law professor.

On January 20, in fact, the new Chairwoman(?)--to be the first ever--at SEC: Was appointed by new President, Barack Obama. There was a clear priority, to get control of Wall Street, right away. The Democratic Senate confirmed the appointment, and so on the Seventh Day, Mary L. Schapiro was in charge at SEC. Other comments easily follow. It was January 27, 2009, another likely Day of Infamy to the Tea Party disorganization, as matters turned out.

On February 19, 2009, then Robert Khuzami became the new SEC Director of Enforcement. SEC Chair Schapiro was clearly in charge. Then, on January 13, 2010, the outcome of that appointment was a new five-pronged approach to investigating the GOP Tea Party mess left on Wall Street. The SEC announced, as a part of that, a new Investigative Division for Structured Products.

Press Release: SEC Names New Specialized Unit Chiefs and Head of New Office of Market Intelligence; 2010-5; Jan. 13, 2010

April 16, 2010, became the first of apparently, many outcomes. of the Obama Administration restoration of productive business practices to Wall Street. Those had been rendered clearly useless in the Conservative, Tea Party, GOP Administraton. On April 16, 2010, SEC famously filed against Goldman Sachs.

The New SEC is of the Obama Administration.

The Conservative & Tea Party GOP: Is more or less on fairly invective record as being in opposition to anything originating of the Obama Administration. In November, they therefore apparently plan to be supportive of the subprime crisis, and trying to get people's daughters, up to the age of 25: Off of the Health Insurance Plans of America!

Soon, it will be November.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Likely so far in fact: All of South Chicago is probably on board(?) with the filing against Goldman Sachs, along with others!)
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We tried a dumb guy as POTUS and one of the outcomes, according to investment people is that the SEC didn't have a clue as to what was happening on wall stree with derivatives which started this economic downfall. Me? I'm all for trying it with a POTUS as smart as the guys who work for the investment firms. Maybe he understands the need to have really smart people overseeing the actions of other really smart (but ethically challenged) people.

Will it work? I hope so. But I know what happens when the investment people are light years ahead of the regulators.
A slight correction in the stock market, at the beginning of earnings season, may have been in the offing at any rate. The announcement of the filing of the complaint would therefore be said well-timed.

Even in the link herein shown, there is the element of "uncertainty," now in the Wall Street marketplace. The SEC is no longer laissez-faire about enforcement policy.

Analysis: SEC tries to ride Goldman back to credibility - Yahoo! News

That may explain why SEC looks so "new' to the "job!'

And so something happened in the Obama Administration's, "First Seven Days(?)!" Others can now notice that even Genesis One seems to present a computing problem, of the more epic magnitude. Many had expected more from the Obama First Few Hours, or Seconds, or nano-seconds, or even less time than that! Still there were easily the others who couldn't believe that any President of the United States: Could actually count even that high, at least in this century!

"Crow, James Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So it still appears that the more recent George Bush, may actually be regarded the possibly first African-American President after all: At twenty percent Afrikaner, 80 percent, not too up on things(?)! Likely former President Clinton is sleeping a lot more soundly, himself!)

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