Secede? Mississippi governor says he will fight/not comply with national lockdown if Biden proposes one

F the USA !!
Break this Stalinist nation up and give me Trump and Cruz as my leaders

No thank you.
Hey ..after all the “ mud slinging “ we both agree it’s time to break up !
Now the hard part ?? Very complex to do as we are so mixed !
I am sure we can figure it out
I get Utah and Arizona
You get Colorado and Nevada

Nope. We're good.
You don’t want to break this failed nation up ??

The US is fine geographically, exactly how it is.
You can’t have a nation where 50 percent both hate each other

Who says that 50 percent both hate each other?

Most republicans don't hate democrats. Most democrats don't hate republicans. And most independents don't hate either.
Most democrats hate republicans. I’m a devout non-democrat living in a world of democrats and the democrats who know I don’t toe their line have trashed me online and blackballed me from work. Democrats are extremely intolerant.

Nope. I know plenty of both. And there's very little 'hate'.

Many conservatives have built an identity round being victims. At this point the GOP's only unifying ideological tenet is how unfair everything is. With conservatives being 'victimized' by eveything from the media to twitter to the national park service.

For crying out loud, even the Pfizer announcement about a vaccine 'victimized' conservatives. They've gone full snowflake.

But just because they've built their identity around being victims doesn't mean that everyone else is out to get them. Most of us don't really give a shit what silly nonsense you guys tell yourselves.
I doubt that you know lots of both. Lefties do not identify with republicans. It’s cultural.
I have the dilemma of being an artist (which means my colleagues are almost exclusively democrat) with the real life experience to realize how bad democrat agendas are.

You'd be wrong. I've lived in Texas from San Antonio to Ft. Worth and California from Santa Rosa to Sacramento.

I know a lot of different people who believe a lot of different things. And they're just not a lot of hate among them.

Remember, most people aren't like the folks here; politics aren't a major priority for them. They have lives, they have bills, they have shit to do. They have opinions, but it doesn't define them.

And most of the places I'm from make good beer. Get a few brews in pretty much anyone, and they'll loosen up.
You’re admitting what you don’t want to admit or realize you’re admitting; democrats are only tolerant of other democrats but conservatives are more tolerant of all.

Nope. I have friends who voted for Trump and friends who voted for Biden. And they're mostly friends with each other if they've met.

You're assuming that everyone is as commited to their political identity as you are. And you're wrong. Most people don't give a shit about politics in their daily lives. And there's just not a lot of hate among them.

Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

"MS-13 moving in next door" ring any bells? Antifa caravans coming to loot your town? Biden cancelling Christmas? You guys have been worked up into a frothing lather.

But YOUR obsession, fear and hysterics doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same way toward you.
Once again so it's all fake, where do you get your news from anyways the biscuit lady and nothing wrong with the Democrats ?

Or.....maybe you need to watch more than NewMax TV. Here's Trump's hysterics about how Biden will cancel Christmas:

ANd here's Matt Gaetz absolutely shitting his pants at the RNC, insisting that 'they'll invite MS-13 to live next door":

With conservatives clutching their pearls at the mere *rumor* of an antifa caravan coming to their little backwater town.

And then declaring victory when the imaginary 'antifa carvans' never showed up.

You've kinda worked yourself into a frothing lather. But why does conservatives absolutely losing their shit mean that I have to?
MS-13 lives in my area. The white democrats isolated a neighborhood to provide protection from the vast majority of minorities living around them. We have a state of the art school within walking distance from every home here but not a single white democrat sends their kids to that school. It’s 99% non-white. Too much diversity.
The threat of democrat intolerance is very real.
F the USA !!
Break this Stalinist nation up and give me Trump and Cruz as my leaders

No thank you.
Hey ..after all the “ mud slinging “ we both agree it’s time to break up !
Now the hard part ?? Very complex to do as we are so mixed !
I am sure we can figure it out
I get Utah and Arizona
You get Colorado and Nevada

Nope. We're good.
You don’t want to break this failed nation up ??

The US is fine geographically, exactly how it is.
You can’t have a nation where 50 percent both hate each other

Who says that 50 percent both hate each other?

Most republicans don't hate democrats. Most democrats don't hate republicans. And most independents don't hate either.
Most democrats hate republicans. I’m a devout non-democrat living in a world of democrats and the democrats who know I don’t toe their line have trashed me online and blackballed me from work. Democrats are extremely intolerant.

Nope. I know plenty of both. And there's very little 'hate'.

Many conservatives have built an identity round being victims. At this point the GOP's only unifying ideological tenet is how unfair everything is. With conservatives being 'victimized' by eveything from the media to twitter to the national park service.

For crying out loud, even the Pfizer announcement about a vaccine 'victimized' conservatives. They've gone full snowflake.

But just because they've built their identity around being victims doesn't mean that everyone else is out to get them. Most of us don't really give a shit what silly nonsense you guys tell yourselves.
I doubt that you know lots of both. Lefties do not identify with republicans. It’s cultural.
I have the dilemma of being an artist (which means my colleagues are almost exclusively democrat) with the real life experience to realize how bad democrat agendas are.

You'd be wrong. I've lived in Texas from San Antonio to Ft. Worth and California from Santa Rosa to Sacramento.

I know a lot of different people who believe a lot of different things. And they're just not a lot of hate among them.

Remember, most people aren't like the folks here; politics aren't a major priority for them. They have lives, they have bills, they have shit to do. They have opinions, but it doesn't define them.

And most of the places I'm from make good beer. Get a few brews in pretty much anyone, and they'll loosen up.
You’re admitting what you don’t want to admit or realize you’re admitting; democrats are only tolerant of other democrats but conservatives are more tolerant of all.

Nope. I have friends who voted for Trump and friends who voted for Biden. And they're mostly friends with each other if they've met.

You're assuming that everyone is as commited to their political identity as you are. And you're wrong. Most people don't give a shit about politics in their daily lives. And there's just not a lot of hate among them.

Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

"MS-13 moving in next door" ring any bells? Antifa caravans coming to loot your town? Biden cancelling Christmas? You guys have been worked up into a frothing lather.

But YOUR obsession, fear and hysterics doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same way toward you.
Once again so it's all fake, where do you get your news from anyways the biscuit lady and nothing wrong with the Democrats ?

Or.....maybe you need to watch more than NewMax TV.

ANd here's Matt Gaetz absolutely shitting his pants at the RNC:

With conservatives clutching their pearls at the mere *mention* of an antifa caravan coming to their little backwater town.

So in your world the Democrats didn't take away guns in Chicago for over 10 years?

Did I even mention Chicago? Or like the words 'playful' and 'normal', did you straight up hallucinate that too?

I showed you the actual quotes of Trump claiming that Biden would cancel Christmas, Matt Gaetz insisting that 'they would invite MS-13 to move in next door' and the conservative panty shitting hysterics over imaginary 'antifa caravan invasions'.

All backed with sources. And of course, you ignored it all.

Uhm they are trying to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas with lock downs

Biden isn't president until January. So what lockdowns during Thanksgiving and Christmas will Biden be imposing?

You get that cause precedes effect, yes? It doesn't follow it by weeks or months?
Democrats are pretending Biden is in office already. Dem state are pushing the lockdowns and cancellation of holidays.
F the USA !!
Break this Stalinist nation up and give me Trump and Cruz as my leaders

No thank you.
Hey ..after all the “ mud slinging “ we both agree it’s time to break up !
Now the hard part ?? Very complex to do as we are so mixed !
I am sure we can figure it out
I get Utah and Arizona
You get Colorado and Nevada

Nope. We're good.
You don’t want to break this failed nation up ??

The US is fine geographically, exactly how it is.
You can’t have a nation where 50 percent both hate each other

Who says that 50 percent both hate each other?

Most republicans don't hate democrats. Most democrats don't hate republicans. And most independents don't hate either.
Most democrats hate republicans. I’m a devout non-democrat living in a world of democrats and the democrats who know I don’t toe their line have trashed me online and blackballed me from work. Democrats are extremely intolerant.

Nope. I know plenty of both. And there's very little 'hate'.

Many conservatives have built an identity round being victims. At this point the GOP's only unifying ideological tenet is how unfair everything is. With conservatives being 'victimized' by eveything from the media to twitter to the national park service.

For crying out loud, even the Pfizer announcement about a vaccine 'victimized' conservatives. They've gone full snowflake.

But just because they've built their identity around being victims doesn't mean that everyone else is out to get them. Most of us don't really give a shit what silly nonsense you guys tell yourselves.
I doubt that you know lots of both. Lefties do not identify with republicans. It’s cultural.
I have the dilemma of being an artist (which means my colleagues are almost exclusively democrat) with the real life experience to realize how bad democrat agendas are.

You'd be wrong. I've lived in Texas from San Antonio to Ft. Worth and California from Santa Rosa to Sacramento.

I know a lot of different people who believe a lot of different things. And they're just not a lot of hate among them.

Remember, most people aren't like the folks here; politics aren't a major priority for them. They have lives, they have bills, they have shit to do. They have opinions, but it doesn't define them.

And most of the places I'm from make good beer. Get a few brews in pretty much anyone, and they'll loosen up.
You’re admitting what you don’t want to admit or realize you’re admitting; democrats are only tolerant of other democrats but conservatives are more tolerant of all.

Nope. I have friends who voted for Trump and friends who voted for Biden. And they're mostly friends with each other if they've met.

You're assuming that everyone is as commited to their political identity as you are. And you're wrong. Most people don't give a shit about politics in their daily lives. And there's just not a lot of hate among them.

Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

"MS-13 moving in next door" ring any bells? Antifa caravans coming to loot your town? Biden cancelling Christmas? You guys have been worked up into a frothing lather.

But YOUR obsession, fear and hysterics doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same way toward you.
Once again so it's all fake, where do you get your news from anyways the biscuit lady and nothing wrong with the Democrats ?

Or.....maybe you need to watch more than NewMax TV.

ANd here's Matt Gaetz absolutely shitting his pants at the RNC:

With conservatives clutching their pearls at the mere *mention* of an antifa caravan coming to their little backwater town.

So in your world the Democrats didn't take away guns in Chicago for over 10 years?

Did I even mention Chicago? Or like the words 'playful' and 'normal', did you straight up hallucinate that too?

I showed you the actual quotes of Trump claiming that Biden would cancel Christmas, Matt Gaetz insisting that 'they would invite MS-13 to move in next door' and the conservative panty shitting hysterics over imaginary 'antifa caravan invasions'.

All backed with sources. And of course, you ignored it all.

Uhm they are trying to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas with lock downs

Biden isn't president until January. So what lockdowns during Thanksgiving and Christmas will Biden be imposing?

You get that cause precedes effect, yes? It doesn't follow it by weeks or months?
Biden is a corrupt dummy and will never be president
He takes his orders from the DNC
I think you need an official Trump crying towel. I`ve ordered a couple dozen from China where all the other Trump crap is made.

If such a thing exists, link it. Would love to send one to my Trumpkin buddy!
This is about all I could find. :D

F the USA !!
Break this Stalinist nation up and give me Trump and Cruz as my leaders

No thank you.
Hey ..after all the “ mud slinging “ we both agree it’s time to break up !
Now the hard part ?? Very complex to do as we are so mixed !
I am sure we can figure it out
I get Utah and Arizona
You get Colorado and Nevada

Nope. We're good.
You don’t want to break this failed nation up ??

The US is fine geographically, exactly how it is.
You can’t have a nation where 50 percent both hate each other

Who says that 50 percent both hate each other?

Most republicans don't hate democrats. Most democrats don't hate republicans. And most independents don't hate either.
Most democrats hate republicans. I’m a devout non-democrat living in a world of democrats and the democrats who know I don’t toe their line have trashed me online and blackballed me from work. Democrats are extremely intolerant.

Nope. I know plenty of both. And there's very little 'hate'.

Many conservatives have built an identity round being victims. At this point the GOP's only unifying ideological tenet is how unfair everything is. With conservatives being 'victimized' by eveything from the media to twitter to the national park service.

For crying out loud, even the Pfizer announcement about a vaccine 'victimized' conservatives. They've gone full snowflake.

But just because they've built their identity around being victims doesn't mean that everyone else is out to get them. Most of us don't really give a shit what silly nonsense you guys tell yourselves.
I doubt that you know lots of both. Lefties do not identify with republicans. It’s cultural.
I have the dilemma of being an artist (which means my colleagues are almost exclusively democrat) with the real life experience to realize how bad democrat agendas are.

You'd be wrong. I've lived in Texas from San Antonio to Ft. Worth and California from Santa Rosa to Sacramento.

I know a lot of different people who believe a lot of different things. And they're just not a lot of hate among them.

Remember, most people aren't like the folks here; politics aren't a major priority for them. They have lives, they have bills, they have shit to do. They have opinions, but it doesn't define them.

And most of the places I'm from make good beer. Get a few brews in pretty much anyone, and they'll loosen up.
You’re admitting what you don’t want to admit or realize you’re admitting; democrats are only tolerant of other democrats but conservatives are more tolerant of all.

Nope. I have friends who voted for Trump and friends who voted for Biden. And they're mostly friends with each other if they've met.

You're assuming that everyone is as commited to their political identity as you are. And you're wrong. Most people don't give a shit about politics in their daily lives. And there's just not a lot of hate among them.

Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

"MS-13 moving in next door" ring any bells? Antifa caravans coming to loot your town? Biden cancelling Christmas? You guys have been worked up into a frothing lather.

But YOUR obsession, fear and hysterics doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same way toward you.
Once again so it's all fake, where do you get your news from anyways the biscuit lady and nothing wrong with the Democrats ?

Or.....maybe you need to watch more than NewMax TV. Here's Trump's hysterics about how Biden will cancel Christmas:

ANd here's Matt Gaetz absolutely shitting his pants at the RNC, insisting that 'they'll invite MS-13 to live next door":

With conservatives clutching their pearls at the mere *rumor* of an antifa caravan coming to their little backwater town.

And then declaring victory when the imaginary 'antifa carvans' never showed up.

You've kinda worked yourself into a frothing lather. But why does conservatives absolutely losing their shit mean that I have to?
MS-13 lives in my area. The white democrats isolated a neighborhood to provide protection from the vast majority of minorities living around them. We have a state of the art school within walking distance from every home here but not a single white democrat sends their kids to that school. It’s 99% non-white. Too much diversity.
The threat of democrat intolerance is very real.
Dr Love is a pussy who does drive-by non-comments. I put people like that on ignore but the pussy has his profile blocked so we have to deal with his pussy sabotage. He makes my point about intolerant democrats. He’s just too stupid to realize it.
F the USA !!
Break this Stalinist nation up and give me Trump and Cruz as my leaders

No thank you.
Hey ..after all the “ mud slinging “ we both agree it’s time to break up !
Now the hard part ?? Very complex to do as we are so mixed !
I am sure we can figure it out
I get Utah and Arizona
You get Colorado and Nevada

Nope. We're good.
You don’t want to break this failed nation up ??

The US is fine geographically, exactly how it is.
You can’t have a nation where 50 percent both hate each other

Who says that 50 percent both hate each other?

Most republicans don't hate democrats. Most democrats don't hate republicans. And most independents don't hate either.
Most democrats hate republicans. I’m a devout non-democrat living in a world of democrats and the democrats who know I don’t toe their line have trashed me online and blackballed me from work. Democrats are extremely intolerant.

Nope. I know plenty of both. And there's very little 'hate'.

Many conservatives have built an identity round being victims. At this point the GOP's only unifying ideological tenet is how unfair everything is. With conservatives being 'victimized' by eveything from the media to twitter to the national park service.

For crying out loud, even the Pfizer announcement about a vaccine 'victimized' conservatives. They've gone full snowflake.

But just because they've built their identity around being victims doesn't mean that everyone else is out to get them. Most of us don't really give a shit what silly nonsense you guys tell yourselves.
I doubt that you know lots of both. Lefties do not identify with republicans. It’s cultural.
I have the dilemma of being an artist (which means my colleagues are almost exclusively democrat) with the real life experience to realize how bad democrat agendas are.

You'd be wrong. I've lived in Texas from San Antonio to Ft. Worth and California from Santa Rosa to Sacramento.

I know a lot of different people who believe a lot of different things. And they're just not a lot of hate among them.

Remember, most people aren't like the folks here; politics aren't a major priority for them. They have lives, they have bills, they have shit to do. They have opinions, but it doesn't define them.

And most of the places I'm from make good beer. Get a few brews in pretty much anyone, and they'll loosen up.
You’re admitting what you don’t want to admit or realize you’re admitting; democrats are only tolerant of other democrats but conservatives are more tolerant of all.

Nope. I have friends who voted for Trump and friends who voted for Biden. And they're mostly friends with each other if they've met.

You're assuming that everyone is as commited to their political identity as you are. And you're wrong. Most people don't give a shit about politics in their daily lives. And there's just not a lot of hate among them.

Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

"MS-13 moving in next door" ring any bells? Antifa caravans coming to loot your town? Biden cancelling Christmas? You guys have been worked up into a frothing lather.

But YOUR obsession, fear and hysterics doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same way toward you.
Once again so it's all fake, where do you get your news from anyways the biscuit lady and nothing wrong with the Democrats ?

Or.....maybe you need to watch more than NewMax TV. Here's Trump's hysterics about how Biden will cancel Christmas:

ANd here's Matt Gaetz absolutely shitting his pants at the RNC, insisting that 'they'll invite MS-13 to live next door":

With conservatives clutching their pearls at the mere *rumor* of an antifa caravan coming to their little backwater town.

And then declaring victory when the imaginary 'antifa carvans' never showed up.

You've kinda worked yourself into a frothing lather. But why does conservatives absolutely losing their shit mean that I have to?
MS-13 lives in my area. The white democrats isolated a neighborhood to provide protection from the vast majority of minorities living around them. We have a state of the art school within walking distance from every home here but not a single white democrat sends their kids to that school. It’s 99% non-white. Too much diversity.
The threat of democrat intolerance is very real.
Dr Love is a pussy who does drive-by non-comments. I put people like that on ignore but the pussy has his profile blocked so we have to deal with his pussy sabotage. He makes my point about intolerant democrats. He’s just too stupid to realize it.
I can’t figure out if he is your typical self hating white loser or super low IQ angry black guy
I would never be friends with any leftist ! And most leftist would never be friends with a T supporter

That's sad, sad for you too. You miss so much by being so one dimensional. Three of my closest friends, for more than 40 years each are Democrats. I can't imagine my world without them. Two are women, one a high school sweetheart who a radical environmentalist. That's sixty years ago. None of us approach politics very much, our friendship is far too important.

My own sister is a hard core Trump supporter and I love her to pieces. Half my friends in Texas supported Trump too.

Its entirely possible to be friends and have great relationships with people that think differently than you do.

Just.....not for many of the hyperpartisans here. As many of these folks invest a huge amount of their identity into their politics.

Most folks don't.

Were you lying then or are you lying now?
Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

Why should we not be scrambling for a safe space? We are being censored and attacked by 90% of Journalists and the media.

If fact checking triggers you.....then definitely find a safespace where you won't be exposed to anything that might make you uncomfortable.

Like.....election results.

Fact-checking doesn't "trigger" me, who is doing the "FACT-CHECKING" is what triggers me and that the Democrats swallow the Kool-Aid.
Fine with me if "Tate" (lol) Reeves wants to be a dick.
Just block off all major highways in and out of the state and ban them from flying.
They can all infect one another and die! :D
Interstate commerce, comrade

And, Benito, that is exactly how it can be done. Block all interstate trade. In fact, block all traffic including Cars, Trucks, Trains, Planes and Boats and Ships. If Miss ends up being the only place that does not clean up it's Covid 19 then that is exactly the only option.
Again you can't do that, interstate commerce..

You really hate the constitution, don't you

Getting back to the real point. I don't foresee Biden doing a nationwide lockdown. That's a Party of the Rump scare tactic. I've been ragging you. Mostly it's going to be up to the various Governors where it belongs. But what you won't have is Biden doing everything he can to submarine the various Governors efforts.

As soon as I finish the next series of responses, I no longer pay any attention to Rump at all. I agree with the World Leaders. He's a non issue these days. He's a nothing. And the sooner you go that route the sooner America will begin healing.
Except biden is inherited this biological weapon from the Chinese that he played a game with

Yeah, COVID isn't a 'biological weapon'.
Yes, it is.

Nope. Its just a virus. 'Biological weapon' infers it was made.

It wasn't.
Not according to a Chinese scientist ‘in the room’.

The one in plandemic....that turned out to be paid by Steve Bannon?

That one?

Remember, its been sequenced by labs all around the world. It lacks any of the markers of a manufactured virus. And has all of the hallmarks of a naturally occuring one.
No one said it was manufactured. It was in fact weaponized. Like anthrax.

Fine with me if "Tate" (lol) Reeves wants to be a dick.
Just block off all major highways in and out of the state and ban them from flying.
They can all infect one another and die! :D
Interstate commerce, comrade

And, Benito, that is exactly how it can be done. Block all interstate trade. In fact, block all traffic including Cars, Trucks, Trains, Planes and Boats and Ships. If Miss ends up being the only place that does not clean up it's Covid 19 then that is exactly the only option.
Again you can't do that, interstate commerce..

You really hate the constitution, don't you

Getting back to the real point. I don't foresee Biden doing a nationwide lockdown. That's a Party of the Rump scare tactic. I've been ragging you. Mostly it's going to be up to the various Governors where it belongs. But what you won't have is Biden doing everything he can to submarine the various Governors efforts.

As soon as I finish the next series of responses, I no longer pay any attention to Rump at all. I agree with the World Leaders. He's a non issue these days. He's a nothing. And the sooner you go that route the sooner America will begin healing.
Except biden is inherited this biological weapon from the Chinese that he played a game with

Yeah, COVID isn't a 'biological weapon'.
Yes, it is.

Nope. Its just a virus. 'Biological weapon' infers it was made.

It wasn't.
Not according to a Chinese scientist ‘in the room’.

The one in plandemic....that turned out to be paid by Steve Bannon?

That one?

Remember, its been sequenced by labs all around the world. It lacks any of the markers of a manufactured virus. And has all of the hallmarks of a naturally occuring one.
No one said it was manufactured. It was in fact weaponized. Like anthrax.

Plenty of conspiracy theorists have said that its manufactured. Plandemic was based on the idea.

You'll need to elaborate on the claims that COVID was 'weaponized by the Chinese'.
People from Wuhan were allowed to travel internationally but not within the country.

In Wuhan you weren't allowed to leave your apartment for over a month. But you're claiming that at this time they could travel anywhere in the world.....but not go outside?

Also, do you have evidence that these supposed 'international travelers' were infected with COVID? And if they were, that the Chinese government was aware of it? And if they were, that it was part of an intentional plan to infect other countries?

As all of those, in that order, would need to be true for your 'weaponized by the Chinese' claim to have any validity.
They were not allowed to travel from Wuhan through China but could travel from Wuhan internationally. Do the math.

In Wuhan, they weren't allowed to go outside. They weren't allowed to walk into the hallway in their own apartment building.

How then did they get to the airport to travel internationally?

And do you have evidence that these supposed 'international travelers' were infected with COVID? And if they were, that the Chinese government was aware of it? And if they were, that it was part of an intentional plan to infect other countries?

Again, all of that would need to be true for your 'weaponized by China' claim to work in any way.

Three million people flew into NYC from Europe between the implication of the toothless China travel ban and the time EU was shut down. Some of those travelers were no doubt Chinese, but pretty safe to say that the "WooFlu" came to us from Europe.

Heck of a job Trumpy Bear! :icon_rolleyes:
So you where for the ban before you where against it?
Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

Why should we not be scrambling for a safe space? We are being censored and attacked by 90% of Journalists and the media.

If fact checking triggers you.....then definitely find a safespace where you won't be exposed to anything that might make you uncomfortable.

Like.....election results.

Fact-checking doesn't "trigger" me, who is doing the "FACT-CHECKING" is what triggers me and that the Democrats swallow the Kool-Aid.

Oh just shut the fuck up :)
Three million people flew into NYC from Europe between the implication of the toothless China travel ban and the time EU was shut down. Some of those travelers were no doubt Chinese, but pretty safe to say that the "WooFlu" came to us from Europe.

Heck of a job Trumpy Bear! :icon_rolleyes:

IF what President Trump did was wrong, why did all the Democrats come out screaming that it was racist and every other thing?

In your opinion, COVID-19 did not come from Wuhan, China but rather Europe. Interesting, please provide us all with those reliable sources and working links. I'm sure it would be helpful to the researchers!

Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

Dems' Response to Coronavirus: End Trump's Travel Bans on China, Iran


Nolte: A Mere 8 Days Ago Joe Biden Was Still Attacking Trump’s Travel Bans
JOHN NOLTE 20 Mar 2020

A mere eight days ago, Joe Biden was still vocally opposing President Donald Trump’s travel bans from Europe, and even China, as racist. In other words, if Biden was the president, we can’t begin to imagine how much worse things would look in American today thanks to President Biden’s refusal to keep people out from the very same places where the Chinese coronavirus rages.


Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus
by: Charles Clifford
Posted: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST / Updated: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco on Monday spending several hours visiting Chinatown to encourage people to visit the shops and restaurants there amid fears of the coronavirus.

Business in Chinatown has really slowed down over the last month, mainly due to concerns about the coronavirus.

Pelosi did a walking tour of the area starting in the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Shop.

She also visited several other businesses and talked to people.

Neighbors, including the owner of the cookie shop, who says the last month has been difficult.

“Business is slow. People don’t want to come, they are scared,” Kevin Chan said.

Pelosi also took this opportunity to encourage people to come back to Chinatown.

“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know there is concern about tourism throughout the world but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hopefully, others will come,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus


WATCH: NYC Mayor de Blasio Gets Nailed for Telling New Yorkers to Ignore the Wuhan Coronavirus
Beth Baumann
Posted: Mar 29, 2020 1:35 PM

On Sunday, CNN's Jake Tapper put New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on blast for telling New Yorkers not to worry about the Wuhan coronavirus. Tapper played four separate clips of de Blasio encouraging New Yorkers to go about their daily lives, even as recently as March 13th, less than two weeks ago.

"In retrospect, is that message, at least in part, to blame for how rapidly the virus has spread across the city?" Tapper asked.

De Blasio instantly deflected.

"You know, Jake, we should not be focusing, in my view, on anything looking back, on any level of government right now," the mayor explained. "This is just about how we save lives going forward. We are all working – everybody – is working with the information we had and trying, of course, to avoid panic.w


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Many conservatives are scrambling to find a safe space (Parlor or NewsMax TV anyone?) they've been fed a steady diet of panty shitting fear for 4 years. Did you watch the RNC? It was split between the most obsequious praise for Trump that crossed into the degrading and embarassing......and the most absurd fear mongering you've ever seen.

Why should we not be scrambling for a safe space? We are being censored and attacked by 90% of Journalists and the media.

If fact checking triggers you.....then definitely find a safespace where you won't be exposed to anything that might make you uncomfortable.

Like.....election results.

Fact-checking doesn't "trigger" me, who is doing the "FACT-CHECKING" is what triggers me and that the Democrats swallow the Kool-Aid.

Oh just shut the fuck up :)

the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

I have the perfect response to that. If Nationwide 2 month lockdown to get control of Covid does have to happen (along with the Vaccinations) then we just seal the Mississippi Borders and not allow anything to come out or go into that state including Air Travel until they learn to protect the rest of America. I don't think they will last more than about 2 weeks.
convention of states now to stop the communist from destroying the economy !

That's already happening right now. Because of the current administration's lack of action.
I'm sorry, where is Trump again while thousands are dying every day and hundreds of thousands are being infected?
Oh yeah, that's right, crying.

Oh the administration took lots of action. Its a pandemic shit for brains and people die. The minute it hit our shores people were going to die no matter what anyone said or did. You want to blame someone, blame the Chinese who didn't lock their country down and loosed this virus on the world.

As for Federal aid?? If Federal aid is given to sanctuary cities and States then it can be given for healthcare.

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