Secession Movement Beginning In Maryland

Liberals who think Americans are going to just roll over while their freedom and independence is stolen are mistaken. It ain't gonna happen without a fight.

Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News

I wonder how much of a fight they would put up, if Uncle Sam sent the Big Red One in there to rub them all out.

That would be Uncle Sam's biggest mistake, it's exactly what Constitution loving servicemen/military/veterans are waiting for.

Yup, all 14 of them. Do you know how silly you sound?
Our Constitution has provisions for states to join the union. There are NO provisions for states to leave. If our founders intended states to come and go as they please they would have provided a mechanism for them to do so

Confederacy were traitors whose actions led to 600,000 American deaths

You do realize that it is the sovereign states that give the power to the federal government.. they did not hand over all power to the federal government.. unless a specific power was granted to the fed, it was for the states or the individuals... and removing itself from the union does seem to fall under a power controlled by the fed

You can call those asking to be removed from government and start their own traitors... for they wished to not be a part of the government they were trying to get away from.. but Lincoln's actions were under the guise of the constitution, violating the very document he hid behind

Maybe under the Articles of Confederation. When they joined the United States they formed something bigger than themselves. There have never been any provisions to disolve the United States in the Constitution

The South committed treason and were responsible for the deaths of 600,000 people.

All so that they could enslave other people

Wrong, weasel. The 10th Amendment reserves to the states all rights and powers not specifically granted to the federal government. That makes secession perfectly legitimate.

If you actually read the Constitution it defines treason this way.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. "

Not the use of the plural. Treason consists in making war against any of the states of the union. Lincoln is the one who invaded the southern states and made war on them. He is the one guilty of treason, not the Confederate states. Lincoln is the one responsible for the death of 800,000 Americans.
Desperate times called for desperate measures

Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution


There were no "war crimes" or "thwarting of the constitution".

The south was involved in treason and insurrection.

If anything, reconstruction was far too kind considering the gravity of that.

Yes.. Lincoln violated the constitution... act of war without congress, suspension of habeas corpus, violation of 1st amendment, violation of 2nd amendment.. list goes on

The South was involved of removing itself from the US and creating their own country.. much like what was done when the colonies broke away from England...

Reconstruction was not on Lincoln and is a whole different discussion
Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution


There were no "war crimes" or "thwarting of the constitution".

The south was involved in treason and insurrection.

If anything, reconstruction was far too kind considering the gravity of that.

Yes.. Lincoln violated the constitution... act of war without congress, suspension of habeas corpus, violation of 1st amendment, violation of 2nd amendment.. list goes on

The South was involved of removing itself from the US and creating their own country.. much like what was done when the colonies broke away from England...

Reconstruction was not on Lincoln and is a whole different discussion

The South was involved in treason which was a crime against our country
They were also involved in slavery which is a crime against humanity

There were no "war crimes" or "thwarting of the constitution".

The south was involved in treason and insurrection.

If anything, reconstruction was far too kind considering the gravity of that.

Yes.. Lincoln violated the constitution... act of war without congress, suspension of habeas corpus, violation of 1st amendment, violation of 2nd amendment.. list goes on

The South was involved of removing itself from the US and creating their own country.. much like what was done when the colonies broke away from England...

Reconstruction was not on Lincoln and is a whole different discussion

The South was involved in treason which was a crime against our country
They were also involved in slavery which is a crime against humanity

According to the Constitution, secession is not treason. No matter what your opinion of it, slavery was legal under the Constitution. I think welfare is a crime against humanity, but that doesn't give me the right to kill everyone who collects it.

On the other hand, Lincoln violated the Constitution in too many ways to count. He also invaded the Southern states and killed their citizens, who according to Lincoln himself were still members of the union and therefor entitled to their Constitutional rights.

Anyway you look at it, Lincoln is the villain in this story.
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There were no "war crimes" or "thwarting of the constitution".

The south was involved in treason and insurrection.

If anything, reconstruction was far too kind considering the gravity of that.

Yes.. Lincoln violated the constitution... act of war without congress, suspension of habeas corpus, violation of 1st amendment, violation of 2nd amendment.. list goes on

The South was involved of removing itself from the US and creating their own country.. much like what was done when the colonies broke away from England...

Reconstruction was not on Lincoln and is a whole different discussion

The South was involved in treason which was a crime against our country
They were also involved in slavery which is a crime against humanity

Um no...

Slavery was not against the law at that time.. whether you think it was right or wrong or whatever...

The South was not involved in treason.. and they started no conflict.. they simply went out of the union just as they went into it... and it was Lincoln that attacked them for doing so.. it was Lincoln who arrested those who spoke out against him.. it was Lincoln that signed the writ to arrest the chief justice... it was Lincoln who signed the order to confiscate weapons in MD... it was Lincoln who violated the constitution.. over and over and over again
Um, in case you haven't noticed, the shrinking of the middle class and the expansion of the poor is happening under Obama.
Where were you five years ago today? The Bush administration opened with the September 11 attacks and ended with the banking meltdown. But you blame Obama as if the past has been reset by some magical ignorance button.
Go to the default argument, BLAME BUSH.
Weren't you blaming Obama for the colossal mess he inherited?
Where were you five years ago today? The Bush administration opened with the September 11 attacks and ended with the banking meltdown. But you blame Obama as if the past has been reset by some magical ignorance button.
Go to the default argument, BLAME BUSH.
Weren't you blaming Obama for the colossal mess he inherited?

Yet you do not use the same criteria and blame Clinton and other events for what happened under Bush??

Again.. selective and subjective criteria from a lib.. go figure

Bush was no good financial president... no argument there.. but Obamalama doubled down on bad policy, increased spending all on his own, and expanded government all on his own... Bush was not pulling the reigns after Obama took office...
Where were you five years ago today? The Bush administration opened with the September 11 attacks and ended with the banking meltdown. But you blame Obama as if the past has been reset by some magical ignorance button.
Go to the default argument, BLAME BUSH.
Weren't you blaming Obama for the colossal mess he inherited?
No, I'm blaming him for making it worse. The situation now is far worse than the one he inherited. Your "Blame Bush" argument doesn't work any more, it's been 5 years, pal. Time to admit your messiah isn't as wonderful as you thought.
Northern Colorado threatening secession (seriously) is what allowed their recalls to succeed.

The recall elections took place in central and southern Colorado, not northern.

Yes, the point exactly, the central and southern gun grabbing congressmen almost caused the north to secede.

Thanks for clarifying it.


[love when Libtards shoot themselves in the foot]

There was no "almost" because there was never any chance of it happening in the first place.
I'm quite familiar with this situation.

Western and northern Maryland is and has been dominated by the higher population density counties of PG, Annapolis and Baltimore.

They are frustrated by the lack of responsiveness to their needs by the urban counties. What works in the east does not necessarily work in the west.

Secession talk is just a way of getting the attention of Annapolis.Annapolis needs to wake up.

What we're seeing here, is just one more example of the growing divide (and growing tensions) between the interests of the urban centers, and the suburban/rural areas of the country. Like it or not, the social, economic, and political interests of those population segments are fundamentally different, and (at least in the current political atmosphere) MAY not be reconcilable. Those of you whose political ideology has its primary source of power in the densely-populated urbanized areas may like that state of affairs, simply for the political advantage it affords you-for the time being. Those of us who see OUR interests pushed aside, and ignored, to gain the votes of people with whom we have little to no common interests (and increasingly feel that their interests are being satisfied at OUR expense (again, socially, economically, and politically), feel differently. Thanks to the increasingly rancorous political climate in America, both sides in this are increasingly coming to distrust and dislike the other, to the point that neither side much cares what happens to the other. That's pretty clear, from the discussion here. For now, it's a a political conflict, but there's a LOT of resentment building up out here in flyover country, and one day, it might become far more. You may consider this a joke, but you'd better think of it as a warning.
No one's rights are being infringed. They are petulant crybabies who do not realize that their brand of politics is not for everyone. Petulant crybabies who do not understand the politics of statesmanship, but rather embrace the politics of obstinance. If we can't get our way 100% of the time, we'll just take our ball and go home!

Division as political tactic. Fear and suspicion and unfounded self righteousness as motivation. A recipe for hilarious comedy at best, sedition and violence at worst. The end result is up to the instigators.


I'll bet you would not say that if it was black people
And I'll bet you think Black people have never had their rights infringed. Nice try at a deflection (the poor man's argument) but in the end your point is unclear and illegitimate.

this is 2013 jerk
Still, secession will not be easy, for a variety of reasons, including that many of these remote, rural regions rely on money generated in their state’s more commercial and populated cities. And secession leaders would need state and federal approval, which seems unlikely considering the last time a region broke off was 1863, when 50 western Virginia counties split to form West Virginia.

Read more: Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News

Typical right wing

They hate those urban areas when they make laws they don't like but love taking the revenue being generated by the cities

Typical reaction to the "Red State" takers

No, not quite Mr Stalinist.

The rights of minority communities should not be over-run by the interests of the majority, and this is a regular occurance in the Peeple's Republic of Maryland.
And we see that Jim Crowy and bripatty have failed in the point.

There are no "secessionist" movements in America, although there is some discontent on the far left and far right.
Still, secession will not be easy, for a variety of reasons, including that many of these remote, rural regions rely on money generated in their state’s more commercial and populated cities. And secession leaders would need state and federal approval, which seems unlikely considering the last time a region broke off was 1863, when 50 western Virginia counties split to form West Virginia.

Read more: Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News
Typical right wing

They hate those urban areas when they make laws they don't like but love taking the revenue being generated by the cities

Typical reaction to the "Red State" takers

No, not quite Mr Stalinist.

The rights of minority communities should not be over-run by the interests of the majority, and this is a regular occurance in the Peeple's Republic of Maryland.

Their rights were over-run? Which ones? How? In what way?
The "s
Still, secession will not be easy, for a variety of reasons, including that many of these remote, rural regions rely on money generated in their state’s more commercial and populated cities. And secession leaders would need state and federal approval, which seems unlikely considering the last time a region broke off was 1863, when 50 western Virginia counties split to form West Virginia.

Read more:" counties couldn't even pay for their own courts. LOL
Still, secession will not be easy, for a variety of reasons, including that many of these remote, rural regions rely on money generated in their state’s more commercial and populated cities. And secession leaders would need state and federal approval, which seems unlikely considering the last time a region broke off was 1863, when 50 western Virginia counties split to form West Virginia.

Read more: Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News

Typical right wing

They hate those urban areas when they make laws they don't like but love taking the revenue being generated by the cities

Typical reaction to the "Red State" takers

No, not quite Mr Stalinist.

The rights of minority communities should not be over-run by the interests of the majority, and this is a regular occurance in the Peeple's Republic of Maryland.

Oh, like "minority communities" of liberals in Red states like AL or TX?
Still, secession will not be easy, for a variety of reasons, including that many of these remote, rural regions rely on money generated in their state’s more commercial and populated cities. And secession leaders would need state and federal approval, which seems unlikely considering the last time a region broke off was 1863, when 50 western Virginia counties split to form West Virginia.

Read more: Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News

Typical right wing

They hate those urban areas when they make laws they don't like but love taking the revenue being generated by the cities

Typical reaction to the "Red State" takers

No, not quite Mr Stalinist.

The rights of minority communities should not be over-run by the interests of the majority, and this is a regular occurance in the Peeple's Republic of Maryland.


If they’re such a ‘regular occurrence’ in Maryland, then you should have no problem citing the cases where laws were invalidated for violating citizens’ civil liberties.

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