Secession Movement Beginning In Maryland

I'm fairly certain there will be no war in Maryland.

Those cowardly bastards had their chance, but they failed to have moral courage to support their southern bretheren. Sure they pelted the Army of the Potomoc with refuse as the Northern Aggressors marched through Baltimore in 1861, but they generally lacked real stones.

Abraham Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire state legislature and the governor of Maryland without a trial, so it's hardly surprising the state did nothing. However, Lincoln should have been arrested and imprisoned as a war criminal.

Desperate times called for desperate measures
Those cowardly bastards had their chance, but they failed to have moral courage to support their southern bretheren. Sure they pelted the Army of the Potomoc with refuse as the Northern Aggressors marched through Baltimore in 1861, but they generally lacked real stones.

Abraham Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire state legislature and the governor of Maryland without a trial, so it's hardly surprising the state did nothing. However, Lincoln should have been arrested and imprisoned as a war criminal.

Desperate times called for desperate measures

Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution
Abraham Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire state legislature and the governor of Maryland without a trial, so it's hardly surprising the state did nothing. However, Lincoln should have been arrested and imprisoned as a war criminal.

Desperate times called for desperate measures

Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution

Seems we had a bunch of traitorous states already ignoring the Constitution and taking up arms against their country while defending their rights to hold others in bondage
No one's rights are being infringed. They are petulant crybabies who do not realize that their brand of politics is not for everyone. Petulant crybabies who do not understand the politics of statesmanship, but rather embrace the politics of obstinance. If we can't get our way 100% of the time, we'll just take our ball and go home!

Division as political tactic. Fear and suspicion and unfounded self righteousness as motivation. A recipe for hilarious comedy at best, sedition and violence at worst. The end result is up to the instigators.


I'll bet you would not say that if it was black people
And I'll bet you think Black people have never had their rights infringed. Nice try at a deflection (the poor man's argument) but in the end your point is unclear and illegitimate.
Desperate times called for desperate measures

Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution

Seems we had a bunch of traitorous states already ignoring the Constitution and taking up arms against their country while defending their rights to hold others in bondage

Actually they were seceding to form a new country... form a new union of states.. they tried to break FROM the constitution... not like Lincoln who broke the constitution while under the guise that he was acting to protect the constitution and the union

Big difference
Not overnight, no.

Here’s the problem with conservatives and their idiotic claims: no time-frame or deadline as to when whatever is gong to happen will happen, thus allowing them to be proven wrong when indeed it doesn’t happen, subjecting them to the ridicule they so richly deserve.

Like most conservatives the OP is a coward, he lacks the conviction of his claim to offer specifics.

It’s likely the OP doesn’t even believe it himself, this is just another lame rightwing gloom and doom thread.
Hey fucktard, I didn't write the article, I posted it. Ever heard the expression "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn"? Grass roots movements take time. I know you freeloaders like you think the producers of this country are going to continue indefinitely to support your sorry asses, but they're getting fed up with it, and secession is rapidly becoming an attractive option. BTW, I hope you libtards continue to laugh, that'll make the victory even sweeter.


Most conservative states are the ones in need of support.

And within most states, it's the most conservative parts that rely most heavily on government.

Upstate New York is a good example. Extremely red..and extremely poor.
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Desperate times called for desperate measures

Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution

Seems we had a bunch of traitorous states already ignoring the Constitution and taking up arms against their country while defending their rights to hold others in bondage

Where does the Constitution say a state cannot secede? On the other hand, it did say slavery was legal.

Lincoln violated the Constitution, not the Confederacy.
Here’s the problem with conservatives and their idiotic claims: no time-frame or deadline as to when whatever is gong to happen will happen, thus allowing them to be proven wrong when indeed it doesn’t happen, subjecting them to the ridicule they so richly deserve.

Like most conservatives the OP is a coward, he lacks the conviction of his claim to offer specifics.

It’s likely the OP doesn’t even believe it himself, this is just another lame rightwing gloom and doom thread.
Hey fucktard, I didn't write the article, I posted it. Ever heard the expression "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn"? Grass roots movements take time. I know you freeloaders like you think the producers of this country are going to continue indefinitely to support your sorry asses, but they're getting fed up with it, and secession is rapidly becoming an attractive option. BTW, I hope you libtards continue to laugh, that'll make the victory even sweeter.


Most conservative states are the ones in need of support.

And within most states, it's the most conservative parts that rely most heavily on government.

Upstate New York is a good example. Extremely red..and extremely poor.

Then cutting out all stimulus, welfare, etc should make you happy...
Here’s the problem with conservatives and their idiotic claims: no time-frame or deadline as to when whatever is gong to happen will happen, thus allowing them to be proven wrong when indeed it doesn’t happen, subjecting them to the ridicule they so richly deserve.

Like most conservatives the OP is a coward, he lacks the conviction of his claim to offer specifics.

It’s likely the OP doesn’t even believe it himself, this is just another lame rightwing gloom and doom thread.
Hey fucktard, I didn't write the article, I posted it. Ever heard the expression "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn"? Grass roots movements take time. I know you freeloaders like you think the producers of this country are going to continue indefinitely to support your sorry asses, but they're getting fed up with it, and secession is rapidly becoming an attractive option. BTW, I hope you libtards continue to laugh, that'll make the victory even sweeter.


Most conservative states are the ones in need of support.

And within most states, it's the most conservative parts that rely most heavily on government.

Upstate New York is a good example. Extremely red..and extremely poor.

Simple solution: abolish all those welfare programs you despise so much.
Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution

Seems we had a bunch of traitorous states already ignoring the Constitution and taking up arms against their country while defending their rights to hold others in bondage

Where does the Constitution say a state cannot secede? On the other hand, it did say slavery was legal.

Lincoln violated the Constitution, not the Confederacy.

Our Constitution has provisions for states to join the union. There are NO provisions for states to leave. If our founders intended states to come and go as they please they would have provided a mechanism for them to do so

Confederacy were traitors whose actions led to 600,000 American deaths
Yep. It used to just look like that in D.C., then they started forced busing and subsidized housing and within a few years Md. looked like D.C. Liberal social engineering.

Baltimore is the biggest shithole I've ever seen in my life. Aside from a few block radius near the inner harbor, the entire city is one vast slum. There are boarded up buildings and graffiti everywhere. For a year I lived in an area on the South side of this area, just inside the combat zone, and I was robbed seven times.

Never been robbed by anyone anywhere in my life. Some of you just look like easy victims.
Not surprising. A lot of people think like you, "If it doesn't happen to me, it's not my problem". Then when it DOES happen to you, you squeal like a pig and demand justice (and of course, a monetary settlement).
Seems we had a bunch of traitorous states already ignoring the Constitution and taking up arms against their country while defending their rights to hold others in bondage

Where does the Constitution say a state cannot secede? On the other hand, it did say slavery was legal.

Lincoln violated the Constitution, not the Confederacy.

Our Constitution has provisions for states to join the union. There are NO provisions for states to leave. If our founders intended states to come and go as they please they would have provided a mechanism for them to do so

Confederacy were traitors whose actions led to 600,000 American deaths

You do realize that it is the sovereign states that give the power to the federal government.. they did not hand over all power to the federal government.. unless a specific power was granted to the fed, it was for the states or the individuals... and removing itself from the union does seem to fall under a power controlled by the fed

You can call those asking to be removed from government and start their own traitors... for they wished to not be a part of the government they were trying to get away from.. but Lincoln's actions were under the guise of the constitution, violating the very document he hid behind
Wage disparity has been growing exponentially. The rich get even richer while the middle class melts away and the poor get even poorer.

And the Conservative attitude? Great! Let the rich get richer! Let the poor get poorer and let the middle class erode! We're for wealth and the sequester of that wealth among the very few! For that's how we define freedom.

And in the midst of the trillions around us, yet inaccessible to us, we hear Conservatives call for austerity. It's as if the economy was a vampire and the Conservatives want to drive that stake into its heart.

What Conservatives fail to realize, among other obvious things, is the middle class is supposed to be vibrant and active. That's what makes the economy run, not all the wealth gathered among the very few. Economic activity is driven by consumer spending. The exchange of capital for goods and services is what makes a Capitalist economy grow.

What the Conservatives want is meritocracy, not democracy.
Where does the Constitution say a state cannot secede? On the other hand, it did say slavery was legal.

Lincoln violated the Constitution, not the Confederacy.

Our Constitution has provisions for states to join the union. There are NO provisions for states to leave. If our founders intended states to come and go as they please they would have provided a mechanism for them to do so

Confederacy were traitors whose actions led to 600,000 American deaths

You do realize that it is the sovereign states that give the power to the federal government.. they did not hand over all power to the federal government.. unless a specific power was granted to the fed, it was for the states or the individuals... and removing itself from the union does seem to fall under a power controlled by the fed

You can call those asking to be removed from government and start their own traitors... for they wished to not be a part of the government they were trying to get away from.. but Lincoln's actions were under the guise of the constitution, violating the very document he hid behind

Maybe under the Articles of Confederation. When they joined the United States they formed something bigger than themselves. There have never been any provisions to disolve the United States in the Constitution

The South committed treason and were responsible for the deaths of 600,000 people.

All so that they could enslave other people
Wage disparity has been growing exponentially. The rich get even richer while the middle class melts away and the poor get even poorer.

And the Conservative attitude? Great! Let the rich get richer! Let the poor get poorer and let the middle class erode! We're for wealth and the sequester of that wealth among the very few! For that's how we define freedom.

And in the midst of the trillions around us, yet inaccessible to us, we hear Conservatives call for austerity. It's as if the economy was a vampire and the Conservatives want to drive that stake into its heart.

What Conservatives fail to realize, among other obvious things, is the middle class is supposed to be vibrant and active. That's what makes the economy run, not all the wealth gathered among the very few. Economic activity is driven by consumer spending. The exchange of capital for goods and services is what makes a Capitalist economy grow.

What the Conservatives want is meritocracy, not democracy.
Um, in case you haven't noticed, the shrinking of the middle class and the expansion of the poor is happening under Obama.
Abraham Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire state legislature and the governor of Maryland without a trial, so it's hardly surprising the state did nothing. However, Lincoln should have been arrested and imprisoned as a war criminal.

Desperate times called for desperate measures

Yep.. desperate measures like locking up Lincoln for his war crimes and thwarting of the constitution


There were no "war crimes" or "thwarting of the constitution".

The south was involved in treason and insurrection.

If anything, reconstruction was far too kind considering the gravity of that.
Wage disparity has been growing exponentially. The rich get even richer while the middle class melts away and the poor get even poorer.

And the Conservative attitude? Great! Let the rich get richer! Let the poor get poorer and let the middle class erode! We're for wealth and the sequester of that wealth among the very few! For that's how we define freedom.

And in the midst of the trillions around us, yet inaccessible to us, we hear Conservatives call for austerity. It's as if the economy was a vampire and the Conservatives want to drive that stake into its heart.

What Conservatives fail to realize, among other obvious things, is the middle class is supposed to be vibrant and active. That's what makes the economy run, not all the wealth gathered among the very few. Economic activity is driven by consumer spending. The exchange of capital for goods and services is what makes a Capitalist economy grow.

What the Conservatives want is meritocracy, not democracy.
Um, in case you haven't noticed, the shrinking of the middle class and the expansion of the poor is happening under Obama.
Where were you five years ago today? The Bush administration opened with the September 11 attacks and ended with the banking meltdown. But you blame Obama as if the past has been reset by some magical ignorance button.
Disgruntled Austinites Petition To Secede From Texas
While conservative Texans petition to secede from the United States (and residents of other states petition to kick us out), Austinite “Caleb M” has created his own petition to allow Austin to withdraw from Texas and remain part of the United States. While over 77,000 people have signed the petition for Texas to secede, many more signatures are needed to reach the minimum 25,000 signatures to get the Austin petition to the White House for review. As we post, the Austin petition has fewer than 200 signatures.
Wage disparity has been growing exponentially. The rich get even richer while the middle class melts away and the poor get even poorer.

And the Conservative attitude? Great! Let the rich get richer! Let the poor get poorer and let the middle class erode! We're for wealth and the sequester of that wealth among the very few! For that's how we define freedom.

And in the midst of the trillions around us, yet inaccessible to us, we hear Conservatives call for austerity. It's as if the economy was a vampire and the Conservatives want to drive that stake into its heart.

What Conservatives fail to realize, among other obvious things, is the middle class is supposed to be vibrant and active. That's what makes the economy run, not all the wealth gathered among the very few. Economic activity is driven by consumer spending. The exchange of capital for goods and services is what makes a Capitalist economy grow.

What the Conservatives want is meritocracy, not democracy.
Um, in case you haven't noticed, the shrinking of the middle class and the expansion of the poor is happening under Obama.
Where were you five years ago today? The Bush administration opened with the September 11 attacks and ended with the banking meltdown. But you blame Obama as if the past has been reset by some magical ignorance button.
Go to the default argument, BLAME BUSH.

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