Secession Movement Beginning In Maryland

And it will end as fast as it began.
That's what they said in Jolly Old England before the Revolutionary War.

Not true! England took the threat of succession very seriously. They created laws and sent large amount of infrantry to the New World! The settlers outnumbered the loyalists and British in the New World. In this case they are well outnumbered in their own state and country. There is no talk (for good reason) of armed resistences.

This is very different and it's not going to happen!
Yep. It used to just look like that in D.C., then they started forced busing and subsidized housing and within a few years Md. looked like D.C. Liberal social engineering.

Baltimore is the biggest shithole I've ever seen in my life. Aside from a few block radius near the inner harbor, the entire city is one vast slum. There are boarded up buildings and graffiti everywhere. For a year I lived in an area on the South side of this area, just inside the combat zone, and I was robbed seven times.

Never been robbed by anyone anywhere in my life. Some of you just look like easy victims.

And some people are just plain stupid assholes.
Still, secession will not be easy, for a variety of reasons, including that many of these remote, rural regions rely on money generated in their state’s more commercial and populated cities. And secession leaders would need state and federal approval, which seems unlikely considering the last time a region broke off was 1863, when 50 western Virginia counties split to form West Virginia.

Read more: Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News

Typical right wing

They hate those urban areas when they make laws they don't like but love taking the revenue being generated by the cities

Typical reaction to the "Red State" takers
There entirely is no point because nothing is going to happen.
Not overnight, no.

Here’s the problem with conservatives and their idiotic claims: no time-frame or deadline as to when whatever is gong to happen will happen, thus allowing them to be proven wrong when indeed it doesn’t happen, subjecting them to the ridicule they so richly deserve.

Like most conservatives the OP is a coward, he lacks the conviction of his claim to offer specifics.

It’s likely the OP doesn’t even believe it himself, this is just another lame rightwing gloom and doom thread.

Northern Colorado threatening secession (seriously) is what allowed their recalls to succeed.
Hey fucktard, I didn't write the article, I posted it. Ever heard the expression "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn"? Grass roots movements take time. I know you freeloaders like you think the producers of this country are going to continue indefinitely to support your sorry asses, but they're getting fed up with it, and secession is rapidly becoming an attractive option. BTW, I hope you libtards continue to laugh, that'll make the victory even sweeter.

It's interesting that you call him a free loader when in fact your own article states that these five counties highly benefit from the tax dollars of urban Maryland, whom they want to secede from.
And if their "rights are trampled on", they have recourse through the judicial branch. There is no "tyranny" to succeed from. :rolleyes:

:lol: That's a rather naive point of view. People's rights get trampled on every day and our judiciary is complicit in the act.
Not overnight, no.

Here’s the problem with conservatives and their idiotic claims: no time-frame or deadline as to when whatever is gong to happen will happen, thus allowing them to be proven wrong when indeed it doesn’t happen, subjecting them to the ridicule they so richly deserve.

Like most conservatives the OP is a coward, he lacks the conviction of his claim to offer specifics.

It’s likely the OP doesn’t even believe it himself, this is just another lame rightwing gloom and doom thread.

Northern Colorado threatening secession (seriously) is what allowed their recalls to succeed.

The recall elections took place in central and southern Colorado, not northern.
Liberals who think Americans are going to just roll over while their freedom and independence is stolen are mistaken. It ain't gonna happen without a fight.

Maryland counties join movement to secede from largely Democrat-run state | Fox News

I wonder how much of a fight they would put up, if Uncle Sam sent the Big Red One in there to rub them all out.

That would be Uncle Sam's biggest mistake, it's exactly what Constitution loving servicemen/military/veterans are waiting for.
Here’s the problem with conservatives and their idiotic claims: no time-frame or deadline as to when whatever is gong to happen will happen, thus allowing them to be proven wrong when indeed it doesn’t happen, subjecting them to the ridicule they so richly deserve.

Like most conservatives the OP is a coward, he lacks the conviction of his claim to offer specifics.

It’s likely the OP doesn’t even believe it himself, this is just another lame rightwing gloom and doom thread.

Northern Colorado threatening secession (seriously) is what allowed their recalls to succeed.

The recall elections took place in central and southern Colorado, not northern.

Yes, the point exactly, the central and southern gun grabbing congressmen almost caused the north to secede.

Thanks for clarifying it.


[love when Libtards shoot themselves in the foot]
No one's rights are being infringed. They are petulant crybabies who do not realize that their brand of politics is not for everyone. Petulant crybabies who do not understand the politics of statesmanship, but rather embrace the politics of obstinance. If we can't get our way 100% of the time, we'll just take our ball and go home!

Division as political tactic. Fear and suspicion and unfounded self righteousness as motivation. A recipe for hilarious comedy at best, sedition and violence at worst. The end result is up to the instigators.

I share the incredulity of some of the responses here. It's very unlikely that any states will seriously try to secede, much less accomplish it.

But doesn't anyone find it disturbing that so many people are so frustrated with the overbearing nature of our federal government?

In a democracy, good leadership isn't about scrounging up slim majority support and slamming laws home. It's about building real consensus and forming policy we can all support, even if it's not our first choice.

thats' exactly what is happening in MD

The easrten counties are shoving their legislation down western MD's throats.

No, they are voting on it in a representative democracy.

How do you think liberals in Texas or Alabama or any of the other toothless states feel? Do they feel terribly represented? What options do they have?

Oh I know...they could convince people their ideas are better or they could move.

toothless state?

How tolerant of you.

I'll bet if it was homosexuals on the receiving end you would be bitching
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And it will end as fast as it began.
That's what they said in Jolly Old England before the Revolutionary War.

I'm fairly certain there will be no war in Maryland.

Those cowardly bastards had their chance, but they failed to have moral courage to support their southern bretheren. Sure they pelted the Army of the Potomoc with refuse as the Northern Aggressors marched through Baltimore in 1861, but they generally lacked real stones.
No one's rights are being infringed. They are petulant crybabies who do not realize that their brand of politics is not for everyone. Petulant crybabies who do not understand the politics of statesmanship, but rather embrace the politics of obstinance. If we can't get our way 100% of the time, we'll just take our ball and go home!

Division as political tactic. Fear and suspicion and unfounded self righteousness as motivation. A recipe for hilarious comedy at best, sedition and violence at worst. The end result is up to the instigators.


I'll bet you would not say that if it was black people
That's what they said in Jolly Old England before the Revolutionary War.

I'm fairly certain there will be no war in Maryland.

Those cowardly bastards had their chance, but they failed to have moral courage to support their southern bretheren. Sure they pelted the Army of the Potomoc with refuse as the Northern Aggressors marched through Baltimore in 1861, but they generally lacked real stones.

Abraham Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire state legislature and the governor of Maryland without a trial, so it's hardly surprising the state did nothing. However, Lincoln should have been arrested and imprisoned as a war criminal.

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