Secession Movement Beginning In Maryland

I think we should simply resend the statehood of the "blue states". Let them sponge off each other for awhile. Except for Ca. which we should give to Mexico.

Another really stupid poster. It is the red states that are the welfare states, sponging off of the blue states.

PolitiFact | 'Red State Socialism' graphic says GOP-leaning states get lion's share of federal dollars

I know...I was shocked as well!
I wonder what else these people could be wrong makes one shudder to think about it.
Kinda reminds you a bit of Detroit doesn't it?
Yep. It used to just look like that in D.C., then they started forced busing and subsidized housing and within a few years Md. looked like D.C. Liberal social engineering.

Baltimore is the biggest shithole I've ever seen in my life. Aside from a few block radius near the inner harbor, the entire city is one vast slum. There are boarded up buildings and graffiti everywhere. For a year I lived in an area on the South side of this area, just inside the combat zone, and I was robbed seven times.

Never been robbed by anyone anywhere in my life. Some of you just look like easy victims.
good luck with that.

The rest of the state considers them a non-entity.

hicks ,rednecks,crackers

Realistically there will be no secession, but they would get a better deal if they joined WV

What makes you think they would be any more welcome in the one state to separate from the South during the Civil War?

because they are similar to West Virginians you fucking bigot

ps still fighting the war I see

Bigot? I must be one of those self-hating West Virginians you hear so much about... :eusa_hand:
Secession Movement Beginning In Maryland

Only in the heads of the sillies.
That's what they said in Jolly Old England before the Revolutionary War.

I'm fairly certain there will be no war in Maryland.
You missed the point entirely.


I share the incredulity of some of the responses here. It's very unlikely that any states will seriously try to secede, much less accomplish it.

But doesn't anyone find it disturbing that so many people are so frustrated with the overbearing nature of our federal government?

In a democracy, good leadership isn't about scrounging up slim majority support and slamming laws home. It's about building real consensus and forming policy we can all support, even if it's not our first choice.
I'm fairly certain there will be no war in Maryland.
You missed the point entirely.


I share the incredulity of some of the responses here. It's very unlikely that any states will seriously try to secede, much less accomplish it.

But doesn't anyone find it disturbing that so many people are so frustrated with the overbearing nature of our federal government?

In a democracy, good leadership isn't about scrounging up slim majority support and slamming laws home. It's about building real consensus and forming policy we can all support, even if it's not our first choice.

thats' exactly what is happening in MD

The easrten counties are shoving their legislation down western MD's throats.
Secession is building in Maryland, Colorado and California. It's not secession from the United States (although it should be). It's secession from the state and the formation of a new state that can govern itself rather than be under a liberal bootheel.
You missed the point entirely.


I share the incredulity of some of the responses here. It's very unlikely that any states will seriously try to secede, much less accomplish it.

But doesn't anyone find it disturbing that so many people are so frustrated with the overbearing nature of our federal government?

In a democracy, good leadership isn't about scrounging up slim majority support and slamming laws home. It's about building real consensus and forming policy we can all support, even if it's not our first choice.

thats' exactly what is happening in MD

The easrten counties are shoving their legislation down western MD's throats.

No, they are voting on it in a representative democracy.

How do you think liberals in Texas or Alabama or any of the other toothless states feel? Do they feel terribly represented? What options do they have?

Oh I know...they could convince people their ideas are better or they could move.
Buncha cranky-ass crybabies.

they should be pissed. The western counties and northern counties of Garrett, Allganey Washington,Carroll and Frederick have been treated with an air of dismissiveness and bigotry by the large population areas.

I never never lived there, but have lived in close proximity for most of my life. You?

[MENTION=25837]squeeze berry[/MENTION] I was born and raised in Garrett County. Mountainous country composed mostly of farmers and coal miners. I haven't talked to anyone back home about this, but I imagine their main complaint is they feel they get absolutely no representation in Annapolis. When I would go down east and tell people I was from Garrett County, many would tell me they'd never heard of it or ask me if that was part of Maryland. Which was fine with me. Google Garret County, Maryland or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, or Swallow Falls, Maryland. You'll see it has some of the most beautiful scenery in the country.
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There will be no secession, of course, in any of the states.

Liberals or conservatives or whatever, if unable to change the consensus in their communities, are free to move elsewhere.

I share the incredulity of some of the responses here. It's very unlikely that any states will seriously try to secede, much less accomplish it.

But doesn't anyone find it disturbing that so many people are so frustrated with the overbearing nature of our federal government?

In a democracy, good leadership isn't about scrounging up slim majority support and slamming laws home. It's about building real consensus and forming policy we can all support, even if it's not our first choice.

thats' exactly what is happening in MD

The easrten counties are shoving their legislation down western MD's throats.

No, they are voting on it in a representative democracy.

How do you think liberals in Texas or Alabama or any of the other toothless states feel? Do they feel terribly represented? What options do they have?

Oh I know...they could convince people their ideas are better or they could move.

Majority rule is just as capable of trampling minority rights as a dictatorship. Which is why constitutional limits on government (yes, even at the state level) are so important. Might makes right is not how we want to run society.
You missed the point entirely.


I share the incredulity of some of the responses here. It's very unlikely that any states will seriously try to secede, much less accomplish it.

But doesn't anyone find it disturbing that so many people are so frustrated with the overbearing nature of our federal government?

In a democracy, good leadership isn't about scrounging up slim majority support and slamming laws home. It's about building real consensus and forming policy we can all support, even if it's not our first choice.

thats' exactly what is happening in MD

The easrten counties are shoving their legislation down western MD's throats.

Aren't the eastern counties chicken ranches?
thats' exactly what is happening in MD

The easrten counties are shoving their legislation down western MD's throats.

No, they are voting on it in a representative democracy.

How do you think liberals in Texas or Alabama or any of the other toothless states feel? Do they feel terribly represented? What options do they have?

Oh I know...they could convince people their ideas are better or they could move.

Majority rule is just as capable of trampling minority rights as a dictatorship. Which is why constitutional limits on government (yes, even at the state level) are so important. Might makes right is not how we want to run society.

And if their "rights are trampled on", they have recourse through the judicial branch. There is no "tyranny" to succeed from. :rolleyes:
No, they are voting on it in a representative democracy.

How do you think liberals in Texas or Alabama or any of the other toothless states feel? Do they feel terribly represented? What options do they have?

Oh I know...they could convince people their ideas are better or they could move.

Majority rule is just as capable of trampling minority rights as a dictatorship. Which is why constitutional limits on government (yes, even at the state level) are so important. Might makes right is not how we want to run society.

And if their "rights are trampled on", they have recourse through the judicial branch. There is no "tyranny" to succeed from. :rolleyes:

That depends on whether the state's constitution, or the judicial branch's interpretation of it, actually provide any protection.

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