Second Amendment 101: Texas moves to allow guns at universities

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
"A law restricting universities from banning the concealed carrying of handguns on campus received preliminary approval by Texas legislators. House Democrats tried to stall the vote on the bill, but gave up just minutes before the deadline.
The “campus carry” law, or Senate Bill 11, received preliminary approval by a 101-47 vote, after House Republicans added amendments exempting hospitals and allowing universities to establish limited gun-free areas. Another amendment said that private colleges would have to follow the lead of public universities concerning the measure, reported the Texas Tribune.
Current laws allow Texans to carry handguns onto college campuses, but ban weapons from dormitories, cafeterias and classrooms. The new bill would retain the prohibition of weapons at sporting events and in campus hospitals.
Proponents of the bill argue that continuing to ban handguns infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, and leaves them without the means of self-defense in case of an attack.
In addition to Democratic lawmakers, the leading voice of opposition is the University of Texas System Chancellor William McRaven, a retired US Navy Admiral formerly in charge of the Special Operations Command (SOCOM).
After the Texas Senate approved its version of the bill in January, by a 20-11 vote, McRaven wrote to the lawmakers arguing that allowing guns on campuses would “lead to an increase in both accidental shootings and self-inflicted wounds.
McRaven also said that allowing guns in the classroom would have a chilling effect on interactions between teachers and students".
I really doubt that it is a wise decision. Do we have too few shootings in dorms?
Young people tend to solve their problem radically. With "the campus carry" we will lose all the youth quickly.
Guns do not provide safety they just increase the death rate.
"Second Amendment 101"


The pending Texas measure has nothing to do with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Schools, colleges, and universities are at liberty to prohibit the possession of firearms on school property, where such a prohibition in no way 'violates' the Second Amendment:

“ 2. Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.”

Aaaww shucks... you mean the progtards might actually benefit from a conservative packing some heat?

Well when some jerkoff muslim or whatever starts shooting the campus up, if there's a conservative near with a gun, he should ask the people cowering if they're liberal or conservative, and if they're liberals just say, "sorry, you're on your own. You don't like guns so I won't use mine to protect you."
Aaaww shucks... you mean the progtards might actually benefit from a conservative packing some heat?

Well when some jerkoff muslim or whatever starts shooting the campus up, if there's a conservative near with a gun, he should ask the people cowering if they're liberal or conservative, and if they're liberals just say, "sorry, you're on your own. You don't like guns so I won't use mine to protect you."
100% agree. I'd video tape it too.
"A law restricting universities from banning the concealed carrying of handguns on campus received preliminary approval by Texas legislators. House Democrats tried to stall the vote on the bill, but gave up just minutes before the deadline.
The “campus carry” law, or Senate Bill 11, received preliminary approval by a 101-47 vote, after House Republicans added amendments exempting hospitals and allowing universities to establish limited gun-free areas. Another amendment said that private colleges would have to follow the lead of public universities concerning the measure, reported the Texas Tribune.
Current laws allow Texans to carry handguns onto college campuses, but ban weapons from dormitories, cafeterias and classrooms. The new bill would retain the prohibition of weapons at sporting events and in campus hospitals.
Proponents of the bill argue that continuing to ban handguns infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, and leaves them without the means of self-defense in case of an attack.
In addition to Democratic lawmakers, the leading voice of opposition is the University of Texas System Chancellor William McRaven, a retired US Navy Admiral formerly in charge of the Special Operations Command (SOCOM).
After the Texas Senate approved its version of the bill in January, by a 20-11 vote, McRaven wrote to the lawmakers arguing that allowing guns on campuses would “lead to an increase in both accidental shootings and self-inflicted wounds.
McRaven also said that allowing guns in the classroom would have a chilling effect on interactions between teachers and students".
I really doubt that it is a wise decision. Do we have too few shootings in dorms?
Young people tend to solve their problem radically. With "the campus carry" we will lose all the youth quickly.
Guns do not provide safety they just increase the death rate.

There is a HUGE tear between proud gun owners and gun haters. This topic seems to apply to one side.

As we have seen before, if the media that the gun industry invests in can use "fear mongering", gun sales will go through the roof.
Aaaww shucks... you mean the progtards might actually benefit from a conservative packing some heat?

Well when some jerkoff muslim or whatever starts shooting the campus up, if there's a conservative near with a gun, he should ask the people cowering if they're liberal or conservative, and if they're liberals just say, "sorry, you're on your own. You don't like guns so I won't use mine to protect you."
Please seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need, as conservatism is indeed a mental disorder; this post is proof of that.
Aaaww shucks... you mean the progtards might actually benefit from a conservative packing some heat?

Well when some jerkoff muslim or whatever starts shooting the campus up, if there's a conservative near with a gun, he should ask the people cowering if they're liberal or conservative, and if they're liberals just say, "sorry, you're on your own. You don't like guns so I won't use mine to protect you."

I get it. You think all right wingers are well trained Sargent York types who are capable of protecting everyone in their area, and would never accidentally shoot the wrong person. Typical fantasy for a less than adequate right winger.

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