Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

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Because it never made headlines in 2016:

LOL...what commercial breaks are they referring to? BTW, Hillary was given the debate questions ahead of time in 2016. Democrats have no room to talk.
She was given one question for a town hall, not a formal debate.

Y’all acted like it was the end of the world yet we have numerous episodes of Trump cheating at actual debates and silence.
Do you ever not lie?

I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.

Nah. Trump is right. They should both be at the Town Hall in person. Trump excels at the Town Hall format. Biden? Not so much.

Virtual works well for Biden cause no one will be able to see the people feeding him answers and no one can search him for a wire like he had n the first debate.
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.

I'm a Canadian by circumstance only. As was said after 9/11 by the French, "today we are all American!" We should all know what's at stake. Especially if we have knowledge of history.
Are you saying they won’t be separated? Trump could be 20 feet away from the question askers and I will be safe.. what’s the problem? They’re going to have to do a Trump wants because they’re going to lose millions of dollars in revenue
Because with Trump's screaming and hollering, he's likely to aerosolize and spread could be considerably further

It just makes no sense for the president to be currently infected with COVID to be showing up at a debate. Zero.
Wear masks. Or are you saying they don’t work?
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.
Trump should be allowed observers on site with biden to ensure he is not cheating

obviously the debate committee is pro biden
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First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.
So every one that got the virus did not take it serious? Every congress person, every world leader did not take it seriously?
What is the air like on your planet?

I don't know, you tell me. This really isn't that difficult. I get you virus deniers will always excuse your hero. See if you can spot how many infections. There will be a quiz afterwards.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.
So every one that got the virus did not take it serious? Every congress person, every world leader did not take it seriously?
What is the air like on your planet?

I don't know, you tell me. This really isn't that difficult. I get you virus deniers will always excuse your hero. See if you can spot how many infections. There will be a quiz afterwards.
View attachment 398674
You have already told us that anyone who got the virus did not take it seriously.
Obviously you hate people.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

Can't be any worse than what I saw last Tuesday night. And Trump will actually have to answer questions in a format that
is not even remotely in his ballpark.

I disagree. Trump is great at the Town Hall venue. Biden?? Not so much.

You apparently didn't watch Trump's last Town Hall. It didn't go so well. And he was by himself. He can't riff so this format doesn't suit him.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.
So every one that got the virus did not take it serious? Every congress person, every world leader did not take it seriously?
What is the air like on your planet?

I don't know, you tell me. This really isn't that difficult. I get you virus deniers will always excuse your hero. See if you can spot how many infections. There will be a quiz afterwards.
View attachment 398674
You have already told us that anyone who got the virus did not take it seriously.
Obviously you hate people.

No, cookie. I said TRUMP didn't take the virus seriously. It is 100% his fault that he got the virus. Combination of arrogance, negligence, and a rejection of belief in science.
The reason the debate committee decided to make this virtual was because of Trump. Let's see if you are genuine enough to assign the blame where it actually belongs.
I won't hold my breath.
The debates will go on with or without Trump

Trump has skipped debates before
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

Can't be any worse than what I saw last Tuesday night. And Trump will actually have to answer questions in a format that
is not even remotely in his ballpark.

I disagree. Trump is great at the Town Hall venue. Biden?? Not so much.

You apparently didn't watch Trump's last Town Hall. It didn't go so well. And he was by himself. He can't riff so this format doesn't suit him.

I did watch and Trump was Trump. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks. He says what he thinks.

Town Hall suites him to a T. Biden?? Not at all. He will actually have to answer questions from people. I sure hope they search him so he doesn't have another wire.
Biden responded as such:

"I'm going to follow the commission recommendations."

So, you mean a political group rather than the scientists?

I think this will end better for Trump to have a rally outside with 20,000 people. I see the youtube views alone on some of them and he hits big numbers. People want to know what his policies are. The undecided voters are consumers of this information.
I predicted this, that Trump would bail on the debates, and that all of his cultists would then praise DearLeader for chickening out.

It's wasn't hard to see it coming, given Trump's cowardly nature, and given the authoritarian lickspittle nature of his followers.

And no, I don't get tired of being proven right over and over. I still enjoy it, no matter how often it happens.
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

Can't be any worse than what I saw last Tuesday night. And Trump will actually have to answer questions in a format that
is not even remotely in his ballpark.

I disagree. Trump is great at the Town Hall venue. Biden?? Not so much.

You apparently didn't watch Trump's last Town Hall. It didn't go so well. And he was by himself. He can't riff so this format doesn't suit him.

I did watch and Trump was Trump. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks. He says what he thinks.

Town Hall suites him to a T. Biden?? Not at all. He will actually have to answer questions from people. I sure hope they search him so he doesn't have another wire.

Well, sorry but most of America doesn't want to see Trump being Trump. The actually want competence and compassion out of their President. Neither of which Trump is familiar with.
I suppose you'll have to settle for the right wing making as much noise and misinformation about wires, earpieces, voter fraud, and dementia between now and November 3rd. You'll
have to hope it's enough to offset what looks at this point to be a route for Democrats. Sad what this has come to because of Trump.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
All debates are a waste of time.
It is just a platform for the Dems to spew more hate, fear and lies.
Let Biden debate an empty chair.
He can't talk for 5 minutes without going of the rails.

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