Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

  • Yes!

  • No!

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Makes sense

Trump is still infectious
Even if Trump weren't infectious, it's still a good idea; just ask Chris Christie.
Are you saying they won’t be separated? Trump could be 20 feet away from the question askers and I will be safe.. what’s the problem? They’re going to have to do a Trump wants because they’re going to lose millions of dollars in revenue
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Biden's a pussy. Everyone knew the Democrats would find a way out for him.
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First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.
While a virtual debate would probably allow for a more interesting debate in terms of the issues, I want Trump set loose to be the petulant, ignorant, angry child that he is.

If a moderator can just shut him up with a keystroke, he may appear to be closer to a normal, intelligent adult.

Free Donald Trump! Let him be himself!
While a virtual debate would probably allow for a more interesting debate in terms of the issues, I want Trump set loose to be the petulant, ignorant, angry child that he is.

If a moderator can just shut him up with a keystroke, he may appear to be closer to a normal, intelligent adult.

Free Donald Trump! Let him be himself!

That's akin to "Free Willie"
Are you saying they won’t be separated? Trump could be 20 feet away from the question askers and I will be safe.. what’s the problem? They’re going to have to do a Trump wants because they’re going to lose millions of dollars in revenue
Because with Trump's screaming and hollering, he's likely to aerosolize and spread could be considerably further

It just makes no sense for the president to be currently infected with COVID to be showing up at a debate. Zero.
Are you saying they won’t be separated? Trump could be 20 feet away from the question askers and I will be safe.. what’s the problem? They’re going to have to do a Trump wants because they’re going to lose millions of dollars in revenue
Because with Trump's screaming and hollering, he's likely to aerosolize and spread could be considerably further

It just makes no sense for the president to be currently infected with COVID to be showing up at a debate. Zero.
Take your meds bro
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.

President Trump DID take it seriously. When he got the virus, he sought medical assistance. Its a very wee pathogen, and there is no way to stop it. The only thing that could be done- and was done- were efforts to flatten the curve and spread the virus out over time.

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?
This is a lie, no one is cheating.
Are you saying they won’t be separated? Trump could be 20 feet away from the question askers and I will be safe.. what’s the problem? They’re going to have to do a Trump wants because they’re going to lose millions of dollars in revenue
Because with Trump's screaming and hollering, he's likely to aerosolize and spread could be considerably further

It just makes no sense for the president to be currently infected with COVID to be showing up at a debate. Zero.
Delay the debate as necessary. Its not rocket science
Take your meds bro

Maybe you should study more:

No one in their right mind would want an in person debate with someone currently infected with COVID.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.

President Trump DID take it seriously. When he got the virus, he sought medical assistance. Its a very wee pathogen, and there is no way to stop it. The only thing that could be done- and was done- were efforts to flatten the curve and spread the virus out over time.

Sure. You run with that. Be sure to tell the 210K+ people (and counting) who've died from it that. I'm sure you'll get a lot of thanks. There were almost no masks and no distancing during Barrett's coronation. That is almost certainly where he picked it up. We've known about how the virus spreads for months. So, sorry, he didn't take it seriously. And what's worse, by his cavalier and negligent behavior, he put a lot of other people at risk too.

Trump was already at a disadvantage in the Town Hall format. Now that he won't be able to riff and interrupt constantly, he's going to have to actually answer questions.
This should be a lot of fun.
Take your meds bro

Maybe you should study more:

No one in their right mind would want an in person debate with someone currently infected with COVID.
Allowing candidates to read from notes is not the answer
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.

President Trump DID take it seriously. When he got the virus, he sought medical assistance. Its a very wee pathogen, and there is no way to stop it. The only thing that could be done- and was done- were efforts to flatten the curve and spread the virus out over time.

This is where propaganda is so important to democrats. They are banking on the people not recognizing that they are treating Trump like a patient with a pre-existing condition and barring him from an actual debate "Typhoid Mary" style. If they get in they will do the same thing to you with the Affordable Care Act. That is how propaganda works.

The best way to spot hypocrites is not to listen to what they say but to watch what they do. All this rigging and taking advantage of a Chinese attack is disconcerting but I don't think it is going to work.
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While a virtual debate would probably allow for a more interesting debate in terms of the issues, I want Trump set loose to be the petulant, ignorant, angry child that he is.

If a moderator can just shut him up with a keystroke, he may appear to be closer to a normal, intelligent adult.

Free Donald Trump! Let him be himself!

Not if he's still on camera still trying to continue to talk and undulating wildly in the background.
That might make for good comedy. He'd come off as even more unhinged than he is. :)
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?
Trump has COVID. Debate should be virtual. Biden says he’s in. Baby Trump says he’s out.

So after all this talk about Biden not debating we have Trump being the one who is backing out. Wow, doesn’t get much more ironic than that! What a joke.

Spin away Trumpsters... spin away

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