Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

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Evidently, the debate will go on whether Trump attends or not.

It would be a virtual Town Hall with Biden only
While a virtual debate would probably allow for a more interesting debate in terms of the issues, I want Trump set loose to be the petulant, ignorant, angry child that he is.

If a moderator can just shut him up with a keystroke, he may appear to be closer to a normal, intelligent adult.

Free Donald Trump! Let him be himself!

That's akin to "Free Willie"

Actually, it was Bill Clinton who was known derisively as "Willie", with the roaming penis connotation.
Take your meds bro

Maybe you should study more:

No one in their right mind would want an in person debate with someone currently infected with COVID.
Like I said get some help.. no one has covid,, they will all be tested. Spacing.. you have no excuse
Evidently, the debate will go on whether Trump attends or not.

It would be a virtual Town Hall with Biden only

He'll show. Just give him 24 hours. He'll change his mind.
Like the stimulus that was off the table..then back on the table...then off the table again. :)
The White House is a cesspool of disease. It’s virtual or nothing.
TRUMP should agree to the virtual debate and
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

The last debate was a complete shit show.
And this one would be even worse with the typical internet lag.

We're doing a lot of Zoom calls. They are working pretty well for the most part.

The issue is when would virtual communication end with a Biden administration? You are naive if you think Biden would be anywhere near as transparent as TRUMP with the press...even with a press that is willing to provide cover for him. The debate commission announcing a virtual debate without outlining a detailed formate and without consulting the TRUMP campaign is a joke.

That said TRUMP should agree to the virtual debate and hold a live rally at his location.
Who invented the light bulb?

- Mr. Trump, you will have 10 seconds in which to respond.
- Mr. Biden, you will have 10 minutes in which to expand upon your answer
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

Can't be any worse than what I saw last Tuesday night. And Trump will actually have to answer questions in a format that
is not even remotely in his ballpark.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.
So every one that got the virus did not take it serious? Every congress person, every world leader did not take it seriously?
What is the air like on your planet?
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

Can't be any worse than what I saw last Tuesday night. And Trump will actually have to answer questions in a format that
is not even remotely in his ballpark.
You’re going to get a left-wing moderator you’re going to get left-wing answers slanted to the Democrats softball questions all Biden have to do is show up and he has a 90% chance of winning the problem is if Trump does remotely well he’s going to be looked at as the underdog and winning.. you know that terrifies you
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."

I don't blame him. They both need to be at the Town Hall and answer questions. Not at a computer.

I'd also like to see Biden searched to make sure he isn't wearing another wire.

That would be so easy for him to do in a virtual debate. Hell he wouldn't even need a wire.

Virtual works for Biden quite well.

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?

I agree. Virtual works for Biden way better than an in person Town Hall meeting.

Trump should stick to his guns and demand an in person Town Hall. Not a computer Town Hall.
This format will be a complete disaster. Between internet delays, interruptions from candidates and the moderator.

I predict a complete shit show.

Can't be any worse than what I saw last Tuesday night. And Trump will actually have to answer questions in a format that
is not even remotely in his ballpark.

I disagree. Trump is great at the Town Hall venue. Biden?? Not so much.
President Trump isn't stupid, he put the Kibosh on this liberal scheme immediately.

Yes he did and he needs to stick to his guns.

Trump is great at the Town Hall venue. Biden?? Not so much.

They need to have the Town Hall in person, not at a computer.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.

Actually, the President took the virus very seriously. Sent tens of millions checks to help them out, sent hospital ships to New York, working on treatments, etc.

No he didn't. Because..well, he got the virus. So he couldn't have taken it that seriously.
This is the most protected man in the world. Kinda stupid, don't you think?

We've been over the abysmal response to the virus. Not the topic here.
So every one that got the virus did not take it serious? Every congress person, every world leader did not take it seriously?
What is the air like on your planet?

It also discounts all the people caring for those who have COVID. Everyday people are willing to take risks by doing things like providing meals, shopping and basic care for their loved ones, neighbors and friends who have COVID, but Biden is so fearfully of catching COVID that he is unwilling to trust the science that is telling everyday people how to safely care for someone who has COVID.
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.

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