Second Republican Resigns From House Freedom Caucus

Shouldn't Assoholic be applauding Republicans for abandoning the Freedom Caucus? Shouldnt he be applauding the Republicans for not going for McCarthy, whom he characterized as partisan and stupid?
I am! This is the beginning of the end for the wingnuts holding Congress hostage.

Republicans are talking about it right now on MSNBC. If they don't get behind someone who may be willing to run the House responsibly, they will lose credibility with the rest of the House Republicans.

I'm lovin' it!
I had no idea you were pro Republican. Wow.
The Wingnut Caucus may be falling apart.

Second Republican Resigns From House Freedom Caucus

Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Wis., announced Thursday he was leaving the exclusive contingent of conservative hard-liners over the group’s role in derailing Thursday’s anticipated vote inside the House Republican Conference to nominate Speaker John A. Boehner’s successor.

“I was a member of the Freedom Caucus in the very beginning because we were focused on making process reforms to get every Member’s voice heard and advance conservative policy,” Ribble said in a statement provided to CQ Roll Call. “When the Speaker resigned and they pivoted to focusing on the leadership race, I withdrew.”


Ribble’s resignation comes on the heels of Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., who left the group in mid-September over disagreements on the HFC strategy to vote against any continuing resolution that funded Planned Parenthood.

In other equally as important news, a duck shit in the pond....
read what you posted again

holla back
Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation."

you got the quote and the name of an FBI official saying that Hillary herself is being investigated ? post it


machines cant be investigated

you sad idiot
Can you site the name of the official that informed YOU that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton ...I cited the NYT and WAPO what can you site ...:9:

you didnt cite people you idiot

i asked YOU for someone saying the investigation isnt targeting hillary

you have nothing

machines cant comitt crimes


Suspicious Voting Machines Subject of FBI Investigation

Can you site someone other than yourself of course someone in the FBI for instance or in some other Law Enforcement position who says what you are saying...lets see I cited CNN, NYT and WAPO

giver me a holla when you have that K
With the media understandably focused on the hottest story in politics this week, Hillary Clinton's email troubles have continued to spiral. Lie after provable lie has been exposed over recent weeks, with Team Clinton deflecting, distorting and lashing out with each development. Their latest hobby horse has been flogging the New York Times for 'erroneously' reporting that the Inspectors General-referred federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton's unsecure email scheme is criminal in nature. The Times botched the story, the Clinton camp says, because (a) the probe isn't "criminal," and (b) it's not technically investigating her -- but rather her email arrangement. The latter point is a distinction without a meaningful difference. She ordered the secret server to be set up. She ordered it to be culled. Her inner circle destroyed evidence without supervision. And she's personally made demonstrably false claims about the entire imbroglio at every step. Earlier this week, the New York Post tossed cold water on the former point as well:
read what you posted again

holla back
Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation."

you got the quote and the name of an FBI official saying that Hillary herself is being investigated ? post it


machines cant be investigated

you sad idiot
Can you site the name of the official that informed YOU that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton ...I cited the NYT and WAPO what can you site ...:9:

you didnt cite people you idiot

i asked YOU for someone saying the investigation isnt targeting hillary

you have nothing

machines cant comitt crimes


Suspicious Voting Machines Subject of FBI Investigation
You are an idiot times 10. Machines are evidence of possible crime. Crimes are committed by people, not machines.
I cant believe I have to explain this to an adult.
you're the kind of loser that makes my point for me
machines dont committ crimes; people do. an email server cant be the target of an investigation; the people who set it up and who requested it be set up that way will be though

libs are pathetic clowns who LIE TO THEMSELVES
Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation."

you got the quote and the name of an FBI official saying that Hillary herself is being investigated ? post it


machines cant be investigated

you sad idiot
Can you site the name of the official that informed YOU that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton ...I cited the NYT and WAPO what can you site ...:9:

you didnt cite people you idiot

i asked YOU for someone saying the investigation isnt targeting hillary

you have nothing

machines cant comitt crimes


Suspicious Voting Machines Subject of FBI Investigation
You are an idiot times 10. Machines are evidence of possible crime. Crimes are committed by people, not machines.
I cant believe I have to explain this to an adult.

THEY ARE LIKE LITTLE SISSY CRYBABIES; when confronted with cold hard facts they pout like little girls
you're the kind of loser that makes my point for me
machines dont committ crimes; people do. an email server cant be the target of an investigation; the people who set it up and who requested it be set up that way will be though

libs are pathetic clowns who LIE TO THEMSELVES
lets see I cited NYT , Washington Post and CNN all saying Clinton is not the target of a criminal investigation...who are you citing...?
no wonder these are the same imbeciles that blame guns for crimes, not the people that used them
THEY ARE LIKE LITTLE SISSY CRYBABIES; when confronted with cold hard facts they pout like little girls

does that mean you are about to provide a citation from law enforcement sources [with names] to the effect the Hillary Clinton is the target of a criminal investigation ?
you're the kind of loser that makes my point for me
machines dont committ crimes; people do. an email server cant be the target of an investigation; the people who set it up and who requested it be set up that way will be though

libs are pathetic clowns who LIE TO THEMSELVES
lets see I cited NYT , Washington Post and CNN all saying Clinton is not the target of a criminal investigation...who are you citing...?

read what you just posted again

who did you cite idiot?????????????????????????????????

lmao! keep making my case for me!!

read what you posted again

holla back
Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation."

you got the quote and the name of an FBI official saying that Hillary herself is being investigated ? post it


machines cant be investigated

you sad idiot
Can you site the name of the official that informed YOU that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton ...I cited the NYT and WAPO what can you site ...:9:

you didnt cite people you idiot

i asked YOU for someone saying the investigation isnt targeting hillary

you have nothing

machines cant comitt crimes


Suspicious Voting Machines Subject of FBI Investigation

did the machines eventually go to prison for their crimes Einstein?????
Why does the white christian party do this to themselves? :badgrin:
lmao! keep making my case for me!!


I am starting to lose faith that you are going to provide the name of an FBI official and a quote as to Hillary Clinton being the target of a criminal investigation as you keep repeating............
were the machines arrested, tried and convicted? or were they found not guilty by a jury of their peers???

washing machines maybe??

lol look at these idiots!!
lmao! keep making my case for me!!


I am starting to lose faith that you are going to provide the name of an FBI official and a quote as to Hillary Clinton being the target of a criminal investigation as you keep repeating............

i'm starting to lose faith you are man enough to admit machines cant be the target of investigations

prove me wrong left-wing nutjob

restore my faith in humanity!!!
THEY ARE LIKE LITTLE SISSY CRYBABIES; when confronted with cold hard facts they pout like little girls

does that mean you are about to provide a citation from law enforcement sources [with names] to the effect the Hillary Clinton is the target of a criminal investigation ?
Its a criminal investigation. Teh FBI is tasked with investigating crime. This is a possible crime.
FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

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