Second Republican Resigns From House Freedom Caucus

you idiots come here every day trying to ridicule Republicans as irrelevant.......................

left-wingnuts just really seem to be unclear of the concept!!! lol

You're like the old time movie where the villain has swallowed poison and doesn't know he's dead yet. You're as irrelevant as you will ever be.

........................said the left-wing loser in response to something i posted; for the umpteenth time

idiot. like i say unclear of the concept

i imagine left-wing idiot is stupid enough to say hillary's server is being investigated, not HIllary!!

lmao!! idiots and hypocrites

FBI Is Conducting Serious Investigation Of Hillary's Server ...
The Daily Caller
Aug 28, 2015 - The FBI "A-team" is conducting what one intelligence source tells Fox News is an "extremely serious" investigation of Hillary Clinton's email
SHOULD the FBI find criminal things were done through Hillary's e-mail server are the going to serve a machine with an indictment??

libs are morons who delude themselves!!
the complete idiots on the Left here appear to be admitting somebody other than Hillary will fall on their swords for the cause

idiots and hypocrites
how do you tell left-wing losers a hundred posts a day concerning all things Republican dont make the case Republicans are falling apart, but maybe the poster is, or the other Party is??

lol idiots and hypocrites

Some of you are just naturally slow to comprehend, but you'll see in time.

i see we took back the House and Senate; and i see idiots that cant say who is going to take back all those seats from Republicans

but maybe these idiots will see in time...................

You took back the Senate because 10 seats in mostly contested states were up for grabs. In 2016, 24 Republican Senate seats are up for grabs in states where Obama won handily. The House will likely stay Republican because of highly gerrymandered seats. The presidency will go to Democrats because Republicans didn't take care of business and develop minority votes because there old white base is dying off too quick.
So we did our homework and are prepared to govern for a very long time, we look forward to stacking the Supreme Court and lower courts, and making sure this country stays safe. Something Repubs seem incapable of doing.

i've asked losers like you REPEATEDLY for ACTUAL NAMES of red hot Progressives poised to take those seats back. Just saying they are in districts won by obama isnt saying anything dullard

the names please; all of them!!


You still don't seem to get it. Senate Democrats only need to win 5 seats out of 24 contests to take back the Senate. Anything past that number is icing on the cake. Maybe now you'll realize just how bleak your future looks.
........... to say her server is being investigated, she isnt!!!!!



NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation." In an August 14 article,The New York Times explained that Hillary Clinton is not a target of the FBI's investigation into her private email server. TheTimes wrote (emphasis added):

Law enforcement officials have said that Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, is not a target of the investigation,
and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence. [TheNew York Times,8/14/15]

Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
According to an August 11 report inThe Washington Post, the current FBI investigation is "focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material." ThePostgoes on to explain that Hillary Clinton "is not a target":

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target. [The Washington Post,8/11/15]
Unhinged GOP Crazies from Outer Space

........... to say her server is being investigated, she isnt!!!!!



NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation." In an August 14 article,The New York Times explained that Hillary Clinton is not a target of the FBI's investigation into her private email server. TheTimes wrote (emphasis added):

Law enforcement officials have said that Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, is not a target of the investigation,
and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence. [TheNew York Times,8/14/15]

Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
According to an August 11 report inThe Washington Post, the current FBI investigation is "focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material." ThePostgoes on to explain that Hillary Clinton "is not a target":

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target. [The Washington Post,8/11/15]

ur right nutcase; but who SHOULD be the target of HILLARY'S email server investigation???????????????

you cant investigate me! those emails mailed themselves!! somebody else set up my server!
i didnt know i was comitting a crime......................again!!!

libs are losers who lie to themselves
how do you tell left-wing losers a hundred posts a day concerning all things Republican dont make the case Republicans are falling apart, but maybe the poster is, or the other Party is??

lol idiots and hypocrites

Some of you are just naturally slow to comprehend, but you'll see in time.

i see we took back the House and Senate; and i see idiots that cant say who is going to take back all those seats from Republicans

but maybe these idiots will see in time...................

You took back the Senate because 10 seats in mostly contested states were up for grabs. In 2016, 24 Republican Senate seats are up for grabs in states where Obama won handily. The House will likely stay Republican because of highly gerrymandered seats. The presidency will go to Democrats because Republicans didn't take care of business and develop minority votes because there old white base is dying off too quick.
So we did our homework and are prepared to govern for a very long time, we look forward to stacking the Supreme Court and lower courts, and making sure this country stays safe. Something Repubs seem incapable of doing.

i've asked losers like you REPEATEDLY for ACTUAL NAMES of red hot Progressives poised to take those seats back. Just saying they are in districts won by obama isnt saying anything dullard

the names please; all of them!!


You still don't seem to get it. Senate Democrats only need to win 5 seats out of 24 contests to take back the Senate. Anything past that number is icing on the cake. Maybe now you'll realize just how bleak your future looks.
We may get a filibuster-proof majority.
........... to say her server is being investigated, she isnt!!!!!



NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation." In an August 14 article,The New York Times explained that Hillary Clinton is not a target of the FBI's investigation into her private email server. TheTimes wrote (emphasis added):

Law enforcement officials have said that Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, is not a target of the investigation,
and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence. [TheNew York Times,8/14/15]

Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
According to an August 11 report inThe Washington Post, the current FBI investigation is "focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material." ThePostgoes on to explain that Hillary Clinton "is not a target":

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target. [The Washington Post,8/11/15]

Dumb fucking Republicans obviously have a serious reading problem.
........... to say her server is being investigated, she isnt!!!!!



NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation." In an August 14 article,The New York Times explained that Hillary Clinton is not a target of the FBI's investigation into her private email server. TheTimes wrote (emphasis added):

Law enforcement officials have said that Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, is not a target of the investigation,
and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence. [TheNew York Times,8/14/15]

Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
According to an August 11 report inThe Washington Post, the current FBI investigation is "focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material." ThePostgoes on to explain that Hillary Clinton "is not a target":

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target. [The Washington Post,8/11/15]

please idiot

read your own post above again and find where you're quoting an actual FBI person. give me that name ok?

you are a nobody calling itself "Bedowin62"...I just posted both the Washington Post and the New York Times supporting what I got what ...mouth breathing oh yeah and 'snicker"..:321:

you go ahead and post the name of an official of the FBI saying there is a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton go ahead bro with quotes
Weird thing is under Bush I thought the republican party could govern and do a good job. Then came the "freedom caucus/tea party"!

Bush believed in investing in America and institutions of science, etc.
Tea party believes in no rights of the worker, no clean air, water or food and is made up of loserterian sicko's.

I don't consider the tea party/freedom shithouse part of the party that I once supported. I am ashamed and sadden by what these bastards have done to the imagine of a formerly great party.
........... to say her server is being investigated, she isnt!!!!!



NY Times: Hillary Clinton "Is Not A Target Of The Investigation." In an August 14 article,The New York Times explained that Hillary Clinton is not a target of the FBI's investigation into her private email server. TheTimes wrote (emphasis added):

Law enforcement officials have said that Mrs. Clinton, who is seeking the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, is not a target of the investigation,
and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence. [TheNew York Times,8/14/15]

Washington Post: Clinton "Is Not" The "Target" Of The FBI's Investigation
According to an August 11 report inThe Washington Post, the current FBI investigation is "focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material." ThePostgoes on to explain that Hillary Clinton "is not a target":

The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target. [The Washington Post,8/11/15]

Dumb fucking Republicans obviously have a serious reading problem.

it's not hard moron. since you're so smart and i'm so dumb

where in what you just posted is the name of an actual person from the FBI????


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