Second time I must commend the Biden administration today...

And yet, you support gun-free zones, because they make it easy to kill innocent people.

He murdered his mother, and stole it.

Your statement, above, is a lie.
Why do you need to lie?

Here's the link to prove my point. Why do you need to lie?

The rest explains itself.

Why don't you think or research something before you shoot your mouth off? It's not hard and you can save yourself embarrassment.
Your statement is a lie, as you know your statement does nothing to prove your claim re: Sandy Hook.

You can deny it all you like and it wont change the fact a nut got a gun he shouldn't have and slaughtered 20 kids.
Wriggle out of that Rambo.
I will. Because your statement is a lie.
Background checks had nothing to do with Sandy Hook.

How did he get that gun?
Hint: You've already been told at least three times.

You're the liar here. I posted the link and you didn't like it so brand it a lie.

I don't care how he got the gun, its irrelevant. His mother must have been mad also to allow the idiot access to it. She's better off off the planet also.

The fact remains he murdered 20 kids for no reason and you are defending his actions and the guns. Wake up to yourself idiot. If his ratbag mother didn't have a gun , it could gave been different.
The lengths you Rambos go to to justify having guns is breathtaking. You mostly are good Christians but don't care about the murder of little kids because it could interfere with the 2nd.
You prance everywhere trying to stop abortion so to allow them to get to school and a nut kills them. You've got your priorities right. Your brain dead.
It is most certainly relevant.
How did he get the gun?

It might be relevant to you but from the point the country is saturated with guns, not me.
If there were more stringent restrictions on who was allowed to access them, the slaughter of little kids by lunatics like him would be less.
Don't attempt to justify the disgraceful gun culture because of the misinterpreted 2nD Rambo.
You didn't provide much security for the kids slaughtered at Sandy hook. You speak of it as collateral damage and necessary to have unlimited guns.
Don't give me that crap about protecting yourselves. You've go no guts.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a stop even mass public shootings when they are allowed to have their guns....

The major factor in the deaths of those children was the fact they were in a gun free guns were allowed for legal citizens, had there been, he would have chosen a different location for his attack.

Do you pray for the deaths of children? Because you stand on their bodies to push gun control that does nothing to save lives.
It might be relevant to you but from the point the country is saturated with guns, not me.
If there were more stringent restrictions on who was allowed to access them, the slaughter of little kids by lunatics like him would be less.
Don't attempt to justify the disgraceful gun culture because of the misinterpreted 2nD Rambo.

You have to keep using Sandy Hook because school shootings are so rare, and kill so few each year......the majority of gun deaths are young black males murdered by young black males...but that doesn't sell the gun control crap because the majority of those young black males are violent gang you have to ignore that and focus on the few times children are targeted by mass shooters.....

Gun murder and children........

In 2012, the year of Sandy Hook.... 67 children were murdered with guns age 5-9..........20 of those children were in Sandy the majority were killed by criminals in likely democrat party voting don't care about them because that would reflect badly on the you ignore those they are the victims of violent criminals shooting at each other.......

Fatal Injury and Violence Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC
It might be relevant to you but from the point the country is saturated with guns, not me.
If there were more stringent restrictions on who was allowed to access them, the slaughter of little kids by lunatics like him would be less.
Don't attempt to justify the disgraceful gun culture because of the misinterpreted 2nD Rambo. many children were murdered in the gun free zone at Sandy Hook....


How many children are there in the U.S.......

73 million.

How many Children die each and every year in bathtubs?

87.......... Every year.....

How many children are killed by guns vs. by other means in the U.S.....2019...

Gun murder ....children 2019....





Out of 73 million children......

Guns are not the problem......the democrats are the problem.
It might be relevant to you but from the point the country is saturated with guns, not me.
If there were more stringent restrictions on who was allowed to access them, the slaughter of little kids by lunatics like him would be less.
Don't attempt to justify the disgraceful gun culture because of the misinterpreted 2nD Rambo.


How many children were killed in the mass public shooting.... in the gun free Sandy Hook.....


How many children died from drowning that same year?


For the deaths of 20 children in a gun free zone at the hands of a man who illegally used want to ban and confiscate 600 million guns.....

Meanwhile, 141 children died from bathtubs....

do you want to ban bathtubs since they actually kill more children?

Your logic is stupid....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....they are used to save lives from rape, robbery, beatings, stabbings, and murder.........

1.1 million times a year....can you see which number is bigger, and how many lives are saved?

You failed to answer the questions...

A woman is grabbed by a serial rapist at a bus stop or train platform. He drags her into an alley or abandoned building to beat, rape and murder her.

Should that woman be able to use a legal gun to stop the rape, beating and murder?

If she had a gun, would you go back in time and take that gun away from her before the rape?

Be coward....answer the questions..
Missourian Biden's is the worst administration ever:
hate law-order-police but LOVE criminals
paying people not to work
open borders
etc etc etc
Interesting how even disinformation like this can be informative.

"Keep your friends close
your enemies even closer."
Rant all you like tough guy.
The stats are there and I don't care if you don't believe them it's still a fact.
Settle down Rambo. You can't change a thing.
Not a single child in the US was murdered by a firearm. Many were murdered with firearms by people who were determined to commit murder. Guns don't kill children; people kill children.
I have never denied there is a right. My point is there are too many gu s out there which are not used for their purpose. Take ak47 etc. Not one person needs a weapon like that. You get them because the NRA are playing on your fears and emotions. You're frightened of a tyrannical government. You need it to protect yourselves from yourselves.

Heard them all before.

Don't make me vomit with your pathetic excuses.

What is it about an AK-47 that suggests to you that no one needs one?
That's fair.

My position has always been... before we enact NEW gun laws,. we should enforce the laws already on the books.

And when the government does the thing that I advocate... the proper response is to give them credit for moving in what I consider the right direction.

That's a dishonest twist on what you've been saying. You have said very little about enforcing the laws already on the books before enacting new laws. Your premise in the opening post and in most posts since then has been wholly that the government can decide who gets to keep and bear arms and who can not and that, as long as they're restricting the people you want them to restrict, you support them in doing so. Then you refuse to answer about others such as veterans or other rights like free speech or jury trials.

At least the gun-controller jarlaxle has the honestly to openly defend the incrementalism of adding hundreds of thousands of honorably discharged veterans to the list. He's a gun controller willing to defend his support for government infringement.

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