Second time I must commend the Biden administration today...

Here's the link to prove my point. Why do you need to lie?

The rest explains itself.

Why don't you think or research something before you shoot your mouth off? It's not hard and you can save yourself embarrassment.
Has nothing to do with the Sandy Hook shooter getting a gun. As M14 Shooter already told you, he murdered his own mother to get the gun. Should we have background checks mandatory before committing murder?
Has nothing to do with the Sandy Hook shooter getting a gun. As M14 Shooter already told you, he murdered his own mother to get the gun. Should we have background checks mandatory before committing murder?

It doesn't matter how he got it who who he shot to get it. The fact is he slaughtered 20 kids but you continue with your pathetic justifications about gun ownership.

You people have mental issues if you can't see there are too many guns floating around. I don't care what ratbag reasons you have nothing will change
The basic reason.
You idiots will say and do anything to keep guns in multiples. It's ego and testosterone related. You guys don't even use half the guns you own and don't say you do. You own enough for ammo Vietnam war and it sits rotting in the shed, just in case.
What a load of shit. You're all barking mad yet accept mass slaughters as if It is quite normal price to own a gun.
The national is an international disgrace.
Not a single child in the US was murdered by a firearm. Many were murdered with firearms by people who were determined to commit murder. Guns don't kill children; people kill children.
You have to be kidding. Read this you idiot. It's the second largest killer in the US. You are a blatant liar.

Have you anymore pathetic excuses?
That's a dishonest twist on what you've been saying. You have said very little about enforcing the laws already on the books before enacting new laws. Your premise in the opening post and in most posts since then has been wholly that the government can decide who gets to keep and bear arms and who can not and that, as long as they're restricting the people you want them to restrict, you support them in doing so. Then you refuse to answer about others such as veterans or other rights like free speech or jury trials.

At least the gun-controller jarlaxle has the honestly to openly defend the incrementalism of adding hundreds of thousands of honorably discharged veterans to the list. He's a gun controller willing to defend his support for government infringement.
OK, now you have gone from bullshit, to straw men, to outright making shit up.
Because the 2nd Amendment doesn't mention anything about needs.
That reaffirms my case. If you don't need it, why have it?
Because you can and it gives a sense of power and control. What happened to the home of the brave? Gutless wimps. Anyone who has that many guns lying around has no reason to have them.
It's a right you don't have to show a need to exercise it.

It's your right to religion freedom but not everyone believes or does it because they can.
You're feeble excuses is the reason of so much gun violence. If you don't need it why buy it? It's a testosterone thing without doubt.
That's a dishonest twist on what you've been saying
Not at all. It IS the law that convicted felons are prohibited from owning firearm. It's been that way as long as I've been alive. So twist at all.
You have to be kidding. Read this you idiot. It's the second largest killer in the US. You are a blatant liar.

Have you anymore pathetic excuses?
Are you claiming that the gun walked itself by the trigger over to the child, spun on the grip to face the child and pulled it's own trigger? The gun did all that and murdered the child? I don't suppose you have any videos of this behavior from guns, do you? Any surveillance cameras downtown Chicago that caught the gun killing children in their mothers arms?

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