Secret Service now investigating Trump's adviser call to execute Clinton. This is Trump's GOP.

The FBI investigation proved her guilty of crime. She has yet to be tried for her crimes. She may yet be tried for a capitol crime among others.
The first statement is a lie. The last statement is a disgrace to those who served in the Manchus.
Your post is the lie.
You are deflecting the fire! The FBI proved her not guilty of any crime. Be honest, li9ttle dragon.

Try to pay attention. The FBI did not recommend prosecution but it stated that she lied about criminal acts. A lot of criminal acts for which she has not yet been tried much less found innocent. I expect a new administration will see to that along with a shake up of the FBI.
The FBI did not say she lied about criminal acts and they did not state a crime took place. Calling for a hanging or firing squad is way beyond the pale and irresponsible to encourage.
You are right calling for a firing squad is not necessary and would not help a thing as she wouldn't have long enough to reflect in her own misery.
We're getting ridiculous now. Calling for someone to face the penalty for a capital crime is not a threat. If there were any justice left, Hillary would be tried for 4 counts of murder in Ben Ghazi and be subject to the death penalty according to law. Is the Secret Service going to come after me now? I doubt I'm the first to make such a suggestion, so probably not.
She committed no capital crime.

Many GOP investigations have proved she committed no capital crime.

The FBI investigation proved her guilty of crime. She has yet to be tried for her crimes. She may yet be tried for a capitol crime among others.
The first statement is a lie. The last statement is a disgrace to those who served in the Manchus.
The dying breed?
The Manchus ruled China into the 20th century, but their language is nearly extinct

A few links added for those who have eyes to see...
A Treasury from the East: What We Can Learn from Chinese Genealogy - Ensign Oct. 1988 - ensign

Manchus - Google Search
9th ID and I served in a battalion of the 9th Infantry at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The 9th are the Manchus, designated so because of their valorous service in the Boxer Rebellion.

Good Lord, can't you get anything right? The 9th ID (nicknamed "Old Reliables") was probably best remembered for being first across the Rhine at Ramagen during WWII. I served with it during my tour in Vietnam. I have never been to Ft. Wainwright. My Bn. patch:
She committed no capital crime.

Many GOP investigations have proved she committed no capital crime.

The FBI investigation proved her guilty of crime. She has yet to be tried for her crimes. She may yet be tried for a capitol crime among others.
The first statement is a lie. The last statement is a disgrace to those who served in the Manchus.
The dying breed?
The Manchus ruled China into the 20th century, but their language is nearly extinct

A few links added for those who have eyes to see...
A Treasury from the East: What We Can Learn from Chinese Genealogy - Ensign Oct. 1988 - ensign

Manchus - Google Search
9th ID and I served in a battalion of the 9th Infantry at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The 9th are the Manchus, designated so because of their valorous service in the Boxer Rebellion.
I see.
View attachment 82593
Boxer Rebellion - Google Search
A quick snippet of history from the review of The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China
"A concise history of an uprising that took down a three-hundred-year-old dynasty and united the great powers
The year is 1900, and Western empires are locked in entanglements across the globe. The British are losing a bitter war against the Boers while the German kaiser is busy building a vast new navy. The United States is struggling to put down an insurgency in the South Pacific while the upstart imperialist Japan begins to make clear to neighboring Russia its territorial ambition. In China, a perennial pawn in the Great Game, a mysterious group of superstitious peasants is launching attacks on the Western powers they fear are corrupting their country. These ordinary Chinese―called Boxers by the West because of their martial arts showmanship―rise up seemingly out of nowhere. Foreshadowing the insurgencies of our recent past, they lack a centralized leadership and instead tap into latent nationalism and deep economic frustration to build their army.
Many scholars brush off the Boxer Rebellion as an ill-conceived and easily defeated revolt, but in The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China, the military historian David J. Silbey shows just how close the Boxers came to beating back the combined might of the imperial powers. Drawing on the diaries and letters of allied soldiers and diplomats, he paints a vivid portrait of the war. Although their cause ended just as quickly as it began, the Boxers would inspire Chinese nationalists―including a young Mao Zedong―for decades to come."
We're getting ridiculous now. Calling for someone to face the penalty for a capital crime is not a threat. If there were any justice left, Hillary would be tried for 4 counts of murder in Ben Ghazi and be subject to the death penalty according to law.

Is the Secret Service going to come after me now? I doubt I'm the first to make such a suggestion, so probably not.
She committed no capital crime.

Many GOP investigations have proved she committed no capital crime.

The FBI investigation proved her guilty of crime. She has yet to be tried for her crimes. She may yet be tried for a capitol crime among others.
The first statement is a lie. The last statement is a disgrace to those who served in the Manchus.
Your post is the lie.
You are deflecting the fire! The FBI proved her not guilty of any crime. Be honest, li9ttle dragon.

Try to pay attention. The FBI did not recommend prosecution but it stated that she lied about criminal acts. A lot of criminal acts for which she has not yet been tried much less found innocent. I expect a new administration will see to that along with a shake up of the FBI.
That is not what the FBI said at all. Act like a Manchu like LTC Leavitt would have expected from you.
She committed no capital crime.

Many GOP investigations have proved she committed no capital crime.

The FBI investigation proved her guilty of crime. She has yet to be tried for her crimes. She may yet be tried for a capitol crime among others.
The first statement is a lie. The last statement is a disgrace to those who served in the Manchus.
The dying breed?
The Manchus ruled China into the 20th century, but their language is nearly extinct

A few links added for those who have eyes to see...
A Treasury from the East: What We Can Learn from Chinese Genealogy - Ensign Oct. 1988 - ensign

Manchus - Google Search
9th ID and I served in a battalion of the 9th Infantry at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. The 9th are the Manchus, designated so because of their valorous service in the Boxer Rebellion.

Good Lord, can't you get anything right? The 9th ID (nicknamed "Old Reliables") was probably best remembered for being first across the Rhine at Ramagen during WWII. I served with it during my tour in Vietnam. I have never been to Ft. Wainwright. My Bn. patch:
Thought you were. Your loss.


yep trumps feral uneducated rubes for all to see

the personification of a subhuman white christian party member

The hits keep coming from the radical party of Trump. First, Michael Folk calls for a public hanging of Clinton and is then suspended by his employer United Airlines.

Now we have New Hampshire delegate and Trump adviser Al Baldasaro's call to execute Clinton by firing squad being investigated by the Secret Service.

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser after Clinton remark -
Wow Libtards are working overtime these days, Trump got them running scared.
There is a serious problem when too many carnal beings are claiming a Kingdom that does not belong to the carnal. Because as usual when it comes to people are selling 'swine'. And too many are really only interested in furthering their own cause as they are building their own castles and Pyramids on the backs of the poor and ignorant blind masses. So confusion ensues while everyone pushes their own precepts and ideals v. teaching about the spirit as they do not and cannot understand the spirit while they are living in their own Eden.

International Development from a Kingdom Perspective

Millennium Development Goals
Saudi Prince pledges $32 billion to “charity”: promoting Islam, while censoring criticism of it
The FBI investigation proved her guilty of crime. She has yet to be tried for her crimes. She may yet be tried for a capitol crime among others.
The first statement is a lie. The last statement is a disgrace to those who served in the Manchus.
Your post is the lie.
You are deflecting the fire! The FBI proved her not guilty of any crime. Be honest, li9ttle dragon.

Try to pay attention. The FBI did not recommend prosecution but it stated that she lied about criminal acts. A lot of criminal acts for which she has not yet been tried much less found innocent. I expect a new administration will see to that along with a shake up of the FBI.
That is not what the FBI said at all. Act like a Manchu like LTC Leavitt would have expected from you.

It a shame you don't know the difference between a Division and a Regiment. Were you actually in the Army? The US Army I mean?
Rudy Giuliani really tore into “Crooked Hillary”during his barn burner of an RNC speech this week, and he continued along the same theme during an RNC breakfast today.

According to Politico, Giuliani called Clinton a power-hungry calculating “criminal” who is “running to try to prevent getting an orange jumpsuit.”

And it sounds like he made a promise about what would happen if Trump wins:

“The national security case against her is so strong that I’ve convicted people based on ten percent” of the case against her, said Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor.

“Why wasn’t she prosecuted?” he said. “If Donald Trump becomes president, the statute of limitations will not have run. … We can reopen the case.”

Trump has previously said that if Clinton wasn’t charged by the FBI or DOJ over her emails, he would reopen it if he’s president.
yep trumps feral uneducated rubes for all to see

the personification of a subhuman white christian party member

The hits keep coming from the radical party of Trump. First, Michael Folk calls for a public hanging of Clinton and is then suspended by his employer United Airlines.

Now we have New Hampshire delegate and Trump adviser Al Baldasaro's call to execute Clinton by firing squad being investigated by the Secret Service.

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser after Clinton remark -

Stupid dip shit. Hillary is under what, 4 investigations now? And you think an advisor to Trump being investigated is a big deal? You truly are a stupid hack.
Hussein invited the thugs who celebrated the assassination of five Officers in Texas to freaking dinner at the White House and the left worries about what, a joke?
yep trumps feral uneducated rubes for all to see

the personification of a subhuman white christian party member

The hits keep coming from the radical party of Trump. First, Michael Folk calls for a public hanging of Clinton and is then suspended by his employer United Airlines.

Now we have New Hampshire delegate and Trump adviser Al Baldasaro's call to execute Clinton by firing squad being investigated by the Secret Service.

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser after Clinton remark -

And yet....he's gonna be our next president......nothing this guy or his people do, will stop the white train of madness from pulling into the white house....(sigh).
yep trumps feral uneducated rubes for all to see

the personification of a subhuman white christian party member

The hits keep coming from the radical party of Trump. First, Michael Folk calls for a public hanging of Clinton and is then suspended by his employer United Airlines.

Now we have New Hampshire delegate and Trump adviser Al Baldasaro's call to execute Clinton by firing squad being investigated by the Secret Service.

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser after Clinton remark -

Stupid dip shit. Hillary is under what, 4 investigations now? And you think an advisor to Trump being investigated is a big deal? You truly are a stupid hack.
you pasty faced white goy don't have enough uneducated white trash to elect a national dog catcher , lets see how it works out for your ilk without minorities , progressive whites and non christers
yep trumps feral uneducated rubes for all to see

the personification of a subhuman white christian party member

The hits keep coming from the radical party of Trump. First, Michael Folk calls for a public hanging of Clinton and is then suspended by his employer United Airlines.

Now we have New Hampshire delegate and Trump adviser Al Baldasaro's call to execute Clinton by firing squad being investigated by the Secret Service.

Secret Service investigating Trump adviser after Clinton remark -

Stupid dip shit. Hillary is under what, 4 investigations now? And you think an advisor to Trump being investigated is a big deal? You truly are a stupid hack.
you pasty faced white goy don't have enough uneducated white trash to elect a national dog catcher , lets see how it works out for your ilk without minorities , progressive whites and non christers

Ah! Childish deflection. You lose.

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