Secretary Clinton:"I'm going to keep speaking out" against Trump even though "he's obsessed with me"

Clinton: How does Trump get things done 'between tweeting and golfing?'

Crooked Hillary thinks she's Marilyn Monroe.

sorry, Hillary, he's just isn't that into you...
Lol look, I wanted Bernie over Clinton since the beginning, but one thing Hillary is good at is getting under Trump’s skin. Trump WILL respond to this in a Twitter tantrum because he is that insecure.

Hillary gets under everyone's skin: That raspy demented cackling laugh, her elitist "Better than you" attitude, to name a couple things. Being a Sanders supporter, you of all people should feel cheated from the way she screwed Sanders out of the game.

But as for Trump being "insecure", I keep hearing that coming from the MSM. That's more wishful thinking than anything else. A person doesn't usually become a multi-billionaire, marry a supermodel wife, and become the President of the greatest country on earth, by being "insecure".

Donald Trump is from NY and I've known a few people from that part of the country. They all seem to share some common traits: People from NYC have a tendency to give you a nickname when you meet them. You might not like the nickname but you're stuck with it. It's tattooed to your forehead and from then on, that's who or what you are.

New Yorkers can also be brutally honest, that's just the way they are. They have ways of riding your ass until it pisses you off, then they act like "What the hell is wrong with you"?

It's funny to watch. Texans can be the same way sometimes.
She had the right idea after the election just wandering around in the woods. What happened?

Perhaps the Wildlife complained.

We are, at last, near the end of the Clintons. The Rapist Clinton has already gone to ground. He knows he has bullshitted his last voter...has pilfered his last buck.

But, this old harridan Hillary is not smart enough to quit. She remains desperate enough for Attention....even if it is Contemptuous pick a twitter fight with Don Trump.

We'll see how that goes.
She had the right idea after the election just wandering around in the woods. What happened?

Perhaps the Wildlife complained.

We are, at last, near the end of the Clintons. The Rapist Clinton has already gone to ground. He knows he has bullshitted his last voter...has pilfered his last buck.

But, this old harridan Hillary is not smart enough to quit. She remains desperate enough for Attention....even if it is Contemptuous pick a twitter fight with Don Trump.

We'll see how that goes.

Kinda hate to say it but never say never.
Secretary Clinton: "I'm going to keep speaking out" against Trump even though "he's obsessed with me"

Look in the dictionary under "Neurotic transference" and you'll find a copy of that quote. :confused-84:
Clinton: How does Trump get things done 'between tweeting and golfing?'

Crooked Hillary thinks she's Marilyn Monroe.

sorry, Hillary, he's just isn't that into you...
Lol look, I wanted Bernie over Clinton since the beginning, but one thing Hillary is good at is getting under Trump’s skin. Trump WILL respond to this in a Twitter tantrum because he is that insecure.

Hillary gets under everyone's skin: That raspy demented cackling laugh, her elitist "Better than you" attitude, to name a couple things. Being a Sanders supporter, you of all people should feel cheated from the way she screwed Sanders out of the game.

But as for Trump being "insecure", I keep hearing that coming from the MSM. That's more wishful thinking than anything else. A person doesn't usually become a multi-billionaire, marry a supermodel wife, and become the President of the greatest country on earth, by being "insecure".

Donald Trump is from NY and I've known a few people from that part of the country. They all seem to share some common traits: People from NYC have a tendency to give you a nickname when you meet them. You might not like the nickname but you're stuck with it. It's tattooed to your forehead and from then on, that's who or what you are.

New Yorkers can also be brutally honest, that's just the way they are. They have ways of riding your ass until it pisses you off, then they act like "What the hell is wrong with you"?

It's funny to watch. Texans can be the same way sometimes.
Okay, for one thing, as flawed as Hillary is, it’s stupid and immature to judge who she is as a person based on her laugh. I understand why you perceive her as arrogant, but her demeanor wasn’t meant for politics so people just assume she had a stick up her ass about poor people. None of this changes the fact that she was the most accomplished candidate out of anyone in the 2016 race. You can pretend financial success is the ultimate goal of human superiority, but I’m sure even you can admit she is far more intelligent than Trump. Doesn’t that matter?

And I’ll explain why I think he is insecure. In terms of his wealth, daddy gave him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses. There’s nothing about Trump’s personality or intelligence that explains why he is as successful as he is.

Now when you bring up his wife, you make a fair point about how could he be insecure if he landed an attractive wife? How could he handle public speaking? The thing about Trump is that he is a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. People with this condition behave very confidently. They, on the immediate surface, believe they are god’s gift to man. However, deep down they are still very insecure. If circumstance in their life does not align with their perception of being exceptional, it makes them angry and distraught. You see that with the way Trump makes the bullshit claim any negative polls about him are “fake news”. It’s both immature and pathetic.
Clinton: How does Trump get things done 'between tweeting and golfing?'

Crooked Hillary thinks she's Marilyn Monroe.

sorry, Hillary, he's just isn't that into you...
Lol look, I wanted Bernie over Clinton since the beginning, but one thing Hillary is good at is getting under Trump’s skin. Trump WILL respond to this in a Twitter tantrum because he is that insecure.

Hillary gets under everyone's skin: That raspy demented cackling laugh, her elitist "Better than you" attitude, to name a couple things. Being a Sanders supporter, you of all people should feel cheated from the way she screwed Sanders out of the game.

But as for Trump being "insecure", I keep hearing that coming from the MSM. That's more wishful thinking than anything else. A person doesn't usually become a multi-billionaire, marry a supermodel wife, and become the President of the greatest country on earth, by being "insecure".

Donald Trump is from NY and I've known a few people from that part of the country. They all seem to share some common traits: People from NYC have a tendency to give you a nickname when you meet them. You might not like the nickname but you're stuck with it. It's tattooed to your forehead and from then on, that's who or what you are.

New Yorkers can also be brutally honest, that's just the way they are. They have ways of riding your ass until it pisses you off, then they act like "What the hell is wrong with you"?

It's funny to watch. Texans can be the same way sometimes.
Okay, for one thing, as flawed as Hillary is, it’s stupid and immature to judge who she is as a person based on her laugh. I understand why you perceive her as arrogant, but her demeanor wasn’t meant for politics so people just assume she had a stick up her ass about poor people. None of this changes the fact that she was the most accomplished candidate out of anyone in the 2016 race. You can pretend financial success is the ultimate goal of human superiority, but I’m sure even you can admit she is far more intelligent than Trump. Doesn’t that matter?

And I’ll explain why I think he is insecure. In terms of his wealth, daddy gave him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses. There’s nothing about Trump’s personality or intelligence that explains why he is as successful as he is.

Now when you bring up his wife, you make a fair point about how could he be insecure if he landed an attractive wife? How could he handle public speaking? The thing about Trump is that he is a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. People with this condition behave very confidently. They, on the immediate surface, believe they are god’s gift to man. However, deep down they are still very insecure. If circumstance in their life does not align with their perception of being exceptional, it makes them angry and distraught. You see that with the way Trump makes the bullshit claim any negative polls about him are “fake news”. It’s both immature and pathetic.

That stick up her ass isn't just for poor people.
Is it not odd that the Hildebeast and John McCain are both wearing orthopedic "boots"? Could it be because they are wearing ankle bracelets to monitor their movements while the 1,400 plus sealed indictments are being served? The Podesta brothers are yet another creatures of the swamp and fighting disclosure of their impending trials.......leftards? Methinks that you don't have a fucking clue as to what is going to happen if the "white hats" get their way and these crooks from both sides get their's not gonna be pretty.

You forgot the vast right winged conspiracy against her husband.
Trump is obsessed with her.

And Obama.


Nope. he keeps fucking with them because he knows it drives them nuts and there isn't a thing they can do about it.

I love this President. We've never had one like him. :laugh:
Wrong, he knows it riles his ignorant base. The idiots need someone to hate. Keeps them from thinking about how the GOP is screwing them over. It's classic bait and switch.
As a human being, I feel sorry for Secretary Clinton.

1. She was told by everyone that it would be a cake walk on November 8, 2016.

2. President Obama used his prestige to support her, so she thought that would be decisive.

3. She graciously accepted her defeat at the hands of Senator Obama in 2008, so she felt that it was her turn in 2016.

4. She cannot believe that her chances of becoming president are now very low.

a. Nevertheless, one cannot predict anything in politics.

b. If the Democrats do nominate her again, it is possible that she could win if enough voters are that disillusioned with President Trump. And if there is sufficient voter fraud, which I do believe exists.

5. I agree with other posters that it is she who is obsessed with the President. He, I feel, would love to forget about her.

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