Secretary Tillerson is firing senior State Department diplomats in droves

Actually he didn't. Economic growth was stagnant, personal wealth didn't increase all that much. The housing market wasn't that good. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high. The unemployment numbers never really went down that much, and employers had to cut hours to stay under the Obamacare radar.
Fucking nailed Mr. Galt! Nailed it!
Media fed simpletons parroting the same horseshit for the last year.

Quintessential simpleton : miketx
Right, I've been crying about Trump being impeached and arrested for over a year now, but somehow I can never prove anything nor do I ever have any evidence other than what the heroic media feeds me.
Republicans whined and complained about Obama for 8 years and demanded he be impeached for 8 years. And there was not even enough for an investigation. Yep.

Oh there was plenty enough for an investigation, his whole political structure was corrupt to the bone. Unfortunately even after the GOP took everything in 2010, there were too many mush-mouthed establishment Republicans in Congress to push the issue. besides, Obama had the singular characteristic of being the "first black President". During the touchy-feelie political-correctness of the times, nobody would dare think of impeaching the "first black president".

Obama was in reality, the irreproachable model of America's first "Affirmative Action" President and to commence any actions to hold him accountable, would have been considered "racist". remember, he was in office during a time which the GOP was was trying to portray the image of the "good guys". Even though Obama had a complete and utter disregard for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the GOP held the House and Senate, they literally let him get away with murder.
I am afraid your opinion is not what educated presidential historians think. He has been rated the 12th best president ever.


Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll

A skewed, ignorant poll. Obozo should be the very last.
RE: Secretary Tillerson is firing senior State Department diplomats in droves
et al,

OK, in any organization having such a diversified set of goals and objectives --- like the State Department --- there will be dead weight. All organizations are not without room for improvement.

And, you have to remember, that neither President Trump or Secretary Tillerson are not career patriots --- in the sense that they every stepped-up to serve the nation at risk or in peril. And neither one actually knows how to dig into a problem and really get their hands dirty. President Trump was elected President because the peope wanted to send a wake-up call to the Democratic and Republican main stream about their overall poor performance.

Only once in a very great while does an Abraham Lincoln, a Franklin D. Roosevelt, or a Dwight Eisenhower come along; President Trump will be relegated to the ranks of a James Buchanan. He will make no truly lasting contribution to America. But the adverse impact he has on the competent face of the White House as the point of origin as the world leader may be a blessing in disguise. Similarly, the brain drain over at the State Department could present a great opportunity for the "next" administration to reset foreign policy without having to explain why. Only once in a millennium does America grow a the likes of a General George Marshall, both a statesman (former Secretary of State) and a soldier (General of the Army). President Trump will never do anything even remotely relevant to that of FDR; just as Secretary Tillerson doesn't have what it takes to be anything like Secretary Marshal or Secretary Colin Powell. Neither is equipped to even sense the enormity of the task they have --- even as they sit in the chair. (Although they both play the part of a banana republic potentate very well.)
But similarly, the State Department has its own little fiefdoms. Secretary Tillerson, as an experienced Corporate Executive of a quasi-American Business doesn't have the where with all to look at the future and plan to shape the diplomatic terrain in favor of America. That is probably why he is allowing his staff to walk through the halls and leave havoc behind their draconian wake. I had to chuckle at the article about Director Bill Miller (DS) not being able to get an audience with the Secretary. I worked for Bill in Baghdad. He is what he is. And he allowed some of his hierarchy to mistreat some of their resources and assets. So, while he probably left sooner than he wanted, some of those DS Special Agents, a very temperamental bunch with an inflated view of their own talent or importance, are now feeling what they made others feels.

Overall, neither The President nor the Secretary of State can do as much damage as the last couple administrations before they are replaced. But maybe they will inspire to other to work a little harder for America and its people. Maybe it will inspire the career diplomat to exercise a little more humility, rather than marching to the beat of the pompous.

Just My Thought,

You are truly blind about the president. He WILL have a legacy that will have a major impact upon our judicial process and will last for many decades to come, the 100+ conservatives he is and will appoint to the federal bench.

And it is very likely that he will appoint one or more conservative associates to SCOTUS.
Quintessential simpleton : miketx
Right, I've been crying about Trump being impeached and arrested for over a year now, but somehow I can never prove anything nor do I ever have any evidence other than what the heroic media feeds me.
Republicans whined and complained about Obama for 8 years and demanded he be impeached for 8 years. And there was not even enough for an investigation. Yep.

Oh there was plenty enough for an investigation, his whole political structure was corrupt to the bone. Unfortunately even after the GOP took everything in 2010, there were too many mush-mouthed establishment Republicans in Congress to push the issue. besides, Obama had the singular characteristic of being the "first black President". During the touchy-feelie political-correctness of the times, nobody would dare think of impeaching the "first black president".

Obama was in reality, the irreproachable model of America's first "Affirmative Action" President and to commence any actions to hold him accountable, would have been considered "racist". remember, he was in office during a time which the GOP was was trying to portray the image of the "good guys". Even though Obama had a complete and utter disregard for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the GOP held the House and Senate, they literally let him get away with murder.
I am afraid your opinion is not what educated presidential historians think. He has been rated the 12th best president ever.


Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll
Rated 12th? What a laugh. Name one accomplishment that helped the American people and didn't make our lives worse.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office. Be honest, did that really hurt anyone?

It was like a T-ball participation trophy.
When looking at State Department chaff, those leaving can be graded on a military scale. Four and three star generals. Those are the ones relegated to lesser jobs and who are leaving in droves. Just what needs to be done to drain the swamp at Foggy Bottom.
Quintessential simpleton : miketx
Right, I've been crying about Trump being impeached and arrested for over a year now, but somehow I can never prove anything nor do I ever have any evidence other than what the heroic media feeds me.
Republicans whined and complained about Obama for 8 years and demanded he be impeached for 8 years. And there was not even enough for an investigation. Yep.

Oh there was plenty enough for an investigation, his whole political structure was corrupt to the bone. Unfortunately even after the GOP took everything in 2010, there were too many mush-mouthed establishment Republicans in Congress to push the issue. besides, Obama had the singular characteristic of being the "first black President". During the touchy-feelie political-correctness of the times, nobody would dare think of impeaching the "first black president".

Obama was in reality, the irreproachable model of America's first "Affirmative Action" President and to commence any actions to hold him accountable, would have been considered "racist". remember, he was in office during a time which the GOP was was trying to portray the image of the "good guys". Even though Obama had a complete and utter disregard for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the GOP held the House and Senate, they literally let him get away with murder.
I am afraid your opinion is not what educated presidential historians think. He has been rated the 12th best president ever.


Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll

A skewed, ignorant poll. Obozo should be the very last.

C-SPAN has a liberal bias? Whoda thunk?
Every Obama and Clinton employee should have been fired the first day! Had we done THAT a lot of this hold over crap would not have happened.
Right, I've been crying about Trump being impeached and arrested for over a year now, but somehow I can never prove anything nor do I ever have any evidence other than what the heroic media feeds me.
Republicans whined and complained about Obama for 8 years and demanded he be impeached for 8 years. And there was not even enough for an investigation. Yep.

Oh there was plenty enough for an investigation, his whole political structure was corrupt to the bone. Unfortunately even after the GOP took everything in 2010, there were too many mush-mouthed establishment Republicans in Congress to push the issue. besides, Obama had the singular characteristic of being the "first black President". During the touchy-feelie political-correctness of the times, nobody would dare think of impeaching the "first black president".

Obama was in reality, the irreproachable model of America's first "Affirmative Action" President and to commence any actions to hold him accountable, would have been considered "racist". remember, he was in office during a time which the GOP was was trying to portray the image of the "good guys". Even though Obama had a complete and utter disregard for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the GOP held the House and Senate, they literally let him get away with murder.
I am afraid your opinion is not what educated presidential historians think. He has been rated the 12th best president ever.


Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll
Rated 12th? What a laugh. Name one accomplishment that helped the American people and didn't make our lives worse.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office. Be honest, did that really hurt anyone?

It was like a T-ball participation trophy.

In the imaginary world of the liberals, everyone wins a Nobel Peace Prize. Never mind that your drone strikes kill more innocent civilians than George W, Bush's.
Republicans whined and complained about Obama for 8 years and demanded he be impeached for 8 years. And there was not even enough for an investigation. Yep.

Oh there was plenty enough for an investigation, his whole political structure was corrupt to the bone. Unfortunately even after the GOP took everything in 2010, there were too many mush-mouthed establishment Republicans in Congress to push the issue. besides, Obama had the singular characteristic of being the "first black President". During the touchy-feelie political-correctness of the times, nobody would dare think of impeaching the "first black president".

Obama was in reality, the irreproachable model of America's first "Affirmative Action" President and to commence any actions to hold him accountable, would have been considered "racist". remember, he was in office during a time which the GOP was was trying to portray the image of the "good guys". Even though Obama had a complete and utter disregard for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the GOP held the House and Senate, they literally let him get away with murder.
I am afraid your opinion is not what educated presidential historians think. He has been rated the 12th best president ever.


Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll
Rated 12th? What a laugh. Name one accomplishment that helped the American people and didn't make our lives worse.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office. Be honest, did that really hurt anyone?

It was like a T-ball participation trophy.

In the imaginary world of the liberals, everyone wins a Nobel Peace Prize. Never mind that your drone strikes kill more innocent civilians than George W, Bush's.
Oh there was plenty enough for an investigation, his whole political structure was corrupt to the bone. Unfortunately even after the GOP took everything in 2010, there were too many mush-mouthed establishment Republicans in Congress to push the issue. besides, Obama had the singular characteristic of being the "first black President". During the touchy-feelie political-correctness of the times, nobody would dare think of impeaching the "first black president".

Obama was in reality, the irreproachable model of America's first "Affirmative Action" President and to commence any actions to hold him accountable, would have been considered "racist". remember, he was in office during a time which the GOP was was trying to portray the image of the "good guys". Even though Obama had a complete and utter disregard for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the GOP held the House and Senate, they literally let him get away with murder.
I am afraid your opinion is not what educated presidential historians think. He has been rated the 12th best president ever.


Obama ranked 12th best president by historians in new C-SPAN poll
Rated 12th? What a laugh. Name one accomplishment that helped the American people and didn't make our lives worse.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office. Be honest, did that really hurt anyone?

It was like a T-ball participation trophy.

In the imaginary world of the liberals, everyone wins a Nobel Peace Prize. Never mind that your drone strikes kill more innocent civilians than George W, Bush's.


I love seeing leftists get a pepper spray shampoo.
Got us out of the Great Recession. The worst recession since the Great Depression. That’s one thing he did. And before you ask how, go fuck yourself. And what else? You asked for one so again go fuck yourself
By doing what? What regulation did he implement to bring us out of the Greatest Recession in the Universe? Being black or was it time?

ETA: The recession was caused by the Housing Crises scandal made possible by the Democrats. We have video.
RE: Secretary Tillerson is firing senior State Department diplomats in droves
longknife et al,

A lot of people whine about judicial appointments. But the fact is, the appoint is only made upon the "advice and consent" of the Senate,

You are truly blind about the president. He WILL have a legacy that will have a major impact upon our judicial process and will last for many decades to come, the 100+ conservatives he is and will appoint to the federal bench.

And it is very likely that he will appoint one or more conservative associates to SCOTUS.

There are many things about the Judicial System that is difficult to understand; but the inner working and hidden mechanism of the court are truly mysterious to most of us Any you may be right, I don't have a view to understanding the federal courts. And the federal court system is (in my view) silent when they should be active --- and --- active when they should be silent.

I don't see a danger from the court -- in the same fashion as many moralist do. I don't really care what the appointments to the Supreme Court holds for the future. But anything that impacts the future here The President is concerned, is purely coincidental.

Like I say, you could be right that in small increments The President will have some marginal effect; but it will not be apended to his legacy, any more that is has for any other previous President.

But The President will not have a lasting impact on American History unless he can change the politically incompetent way that Congress does business.

Most Respectfully,
He won the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office. Be honest, did that really hurt anyone?

It was like a T-ball participation trophy.
Okay... We'll give Obama one accomplishment. His receiving of the Nobel Peace Prize singlehandedly caused that award to be totally diminished in stature. A Cracker Jack prize is worth more.

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