Section 4 of the VRA found unconsitutional

Hell, reduce it all to one day, nationwide, and be done with it.

Can't make it?

File an absentee ballot.

Forgot to do either on the appointed day?

Tough shit.

You'll just have to live with your oversight until the next election.

Time to begin holding folks accountable for such oversights rather than molly-coddle-ing them and feeding the deficiency.
no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?

Don't worry it will not work. Also we have a plan for you in 2014.


[ame=]black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube[/ame]
Im no Panther. They are a hate group now.
for the intellect impaired-

Chief Justice John Roberts in Shelby County v. Holder, June 25, holding unconstitutional Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, which prevents some jurisdictions from making changes in voting procedures until approved by federal authorities:

Striking down an Act of Congress "is the gravest and most delicate duty that this Court is called on to perform." Blodgett v. Holden, 275 U. S. 142, 148 (1927) (Holmes, J., concurring).

We do not do so lightly. That is why, in 2009, we took care to avoid ruling on the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act when asked to do so, and instead resolved the case then before us on statutory grounds. But in issuing that decision, we expressed our broader concerns about the constitutionality of the Act. Congress could have updated the coverage formula at that time, but did not do so. Its failure to act leaves us today with no choice but to declare §4(b) unconstitutional. The formula in that section can no longer be used as a basis for subjecting jurisdictions to preclearance.

Our decision in no way affects the permanent, nationwide ban on racial discrimination in voting found in §2. We issue no holding on §5 itself, only on the coverage formula. Congress may draft another formula based on current conditions. Such a formula is an initial prerequisite to a determination that exceptional conditions still exist justifying such an "extraordinary departure from the traditional course of relations between the States and the Federal Government." Presley, 502 U. S., at 500–501. Our country has changed, and while any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions.
Because previously they could and Republicans want it to stop...otherwise known as restricting.

restricting present participle of re·strict (Verb)

wrong, republicans do not want it to stop. never submited any legislation to have it stop.

True...not stop, restrict. I see you've abandoned all else

right you said stop. now that was a lie wasn't it?

Meh mistake but if you want to feel better, sure. I lied and feel really bad about it. Ok...

now tell me this. why do these poor black people need all of these extra days to vote? what are they doing that is so important that we need to spend additional taxpayer dollars we don't have to add extra days to accomodate them? what is reasonable? where in the constitution does it say we have to make exceptions to accomodate people at a cost? no one is restricted from voting by reducing the number of days. by your logic you could say democrats are restricting them by not pushing for 365 days

Doesn't matter why or what you think is easy. Its not about you. Its about other people. They need it because it's already provided, there.'re not adding extra days. Those days are already on the books. Now you are moving from the "There Is no restriction" argument to "Restrictions are ok because..." argument. Cant be both ways
True...not stop, restrict. I see you've abandoned all else

right you said stop. now that was a lie wasn't it?

Meh mistake but if you want to feel better, sure. I lied and feel really bad about it. Ok...

now tell me this. why do these poor black people need all of these extra days to vote? what are they doing that is so important that we need to spend additional taxpayer dollars we don't have to add extra days to accomodate them? what is reasonable? where in the constitution does it say we have to make exceptions to accomodate people at a cost? no one is restricted from voting by reducing the number of days. by your logic you could say democrats are restricting them by not pushing for 365 days

Doesn't matter why or what you think is easy. Its not about you. Its about other people. They need it because it's already provided, there.'re not adding extra days. Those days are already on the books. Now you are moving from the "There Is no restriction" argument to "Restrictions are ok because..." argument. Cant be both ways

because its already provided? wtf kind of answer is that? how much other stuff that used to be provided by the government is no longer provided? Things change. we can no longer afford to accommodate these hard working welfare slugs who have such busy schedules they can't make it to the polls on voting day. there is no constitutional right to keep polls open for 12 days. go back 2 decades and they didn't have it. early voting is a relatively new concept. its not like it has been a long standing tradition.
You people know what you are doing. what if the Democrats passed a voting law that required all voting to take place with in city limits only? You see how that works. No one is being they cant vote but a certain segment has to jump through hoops for it.

teapublicans think they are smart. I hope for the day the Populace wakes up to this group.

no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?

Don't worry it will not work. Also we have a plan for you in 2014.


Yeah nothing but three pages of nothing. I have links and I told you, you would respond with more flap.

Try not to make me look like a prophet next time

links that prove nothing. nice work. so show me one proposal, just one where republicans tried to eliminate early voting.

Federal court rejects Florida early voting changes


A federal court gave five Florida counties four extra days of early voting in this fall’s elections.


Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau

TALLAHASSEE -- Florida’s decision to reduce the days of early voting discourages African-Americans from voting and cannot take effect in Hillsborough and four other counties in the November election, a panel of judges ruled late Thursday.

Read more here: TALLAHASSEE: Federal court rejects Florida early voting changes - Florida -

Your response: Not true. Never happened.
From your link:
The ruling by a three-judge tribunal in U.S. District Court in Washington means that five counties must offer 12 days of early voting, instead of the eight called for under the new law.​

Eight ISN'T enough? WTF?

Just how stupid do you think blacks are?
links that prove nothing. nice work. so show me one proposal, just one where republicans tried to eliminate early voting.

Federal court rejects Florida early voting changes


A federal court gave five Florida counties four extra days of early voting in this fall’s elections.


Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau

TALLAHASSEE -- Florida’s decision to reduce the days of early voting discourages African-Americans from voting and cannot take effect in Hillsborough and four other counties in the November election, a panel of judges ruled late Thursday.

Read more here: TALLAHASSEE: Federal court rejects Florida early voting changes - Florida -

Your response: Not true. Never happened.
From your link:
The ruling by a three-judge tribunal in U.S. District Court in Washington means that five counties must offer 12 days of early voting, instead of the eight called for under the new law.​

Eight ISN'T enough? WTF?

Just how stupid do you think blacks are?

daveman is a member of a certain group in which one member has identified them as a racist group. Think about that when you read his post.
right you said stop. now that was a lie wasn't it?

Meh mistake but if you want to feel better, sure. I lied and feel really bad about it. Ok...

now tell me this. why do these poor black people need all of these extra days to vote? what are they doing that is so important that we need to spend additional taxpayer dollars we don't have to add extra days to accomodate them? what is reasonable? where in the constitution does it say we have to make exceptions to accomodate people at a cost? no one is restricted from voting by reducing the number of days. by your logic you could say democrats are restricting them by not pushing for 365 days

Doesn't matter why or what you think is easy. Its not about you. Its about other people. They need it because it's already provided, there.'re not adding extra days. Those days are already on the books. Now you are moving from the "There Is no restriction" argument to "Restrictions are ok because..." argument. Cant be both ways

because its already provided? wtf kind of answer is that? how much other stuff that used to be provided by the government is no longer provided? Things change. we can no longer afford to accommodate these hard working welfare slugs who have such busy schedules they can't make it to the polls on voting day. there is no constitutional right to keep polls open for 12 days. go back 2 decades and they didn't have it. early voting is a relatively new concept. its not like it has been a long standing tradition.

I know things change thanks. When things are reduced such as # of days for early voting that is called restricting. Are you still denying that restricting is even happening anymore? Or are you on to your new point which is "Ok, they are restricting but its ok because..."?
Meh mistake but if you want to feel better, sure. I lied and feel really bad about it. Ok...

Doesn't matter why or what you think is easy. Its not about you. Its about other people. They need it because it's already provided, there.'re not adding extra days. Those days are already on the books. Now you are moving from the "There Is no restriction" argument to "Restrictions are ok because..." argument. Cant be both ways

because its already provided? wtf kind of answer is that? how much other stuff that used to be provided by the government is no longer provided? Things change. we can no longer afford to accommodate these hard working welfare slugs who have such busy schedules they can't make it to the polls on voting day. there is no constitutional right to keep polls open for 12 days. go back 2 decades and they didn't have it. early voting is a relatively new concept. its not like it has been a long standing tradition.

I know things change thanks. When things are reduced such as # of days for early voting that is called restricting. Are you still denying that restricting is even happening anymore? Or are you on to your new point which is "Ok, they are restricting but its ok because..."?

it does not restrict their ability to vote. it changes the number of days they have to vote but it does not limit or restrict their ability to vote. They still have other option s at their didposal even if they weren't available those days. so their ability to place a vot is not restricted at all
Reducing the # of days is restricting not expanding. You're playing word games

i just realized, i live in a democratic state. however i live in a very white area. I just checked and we have no early voting in our area. not only don't we have 12 days, or even 8 days, we only have one. Election day. Are you telling me democrats are restricting my voting rights?
Your response: Not true. Never happened.
From your link:
The ruling by a three-judge tribunal in U.S. District Court in Washington means that five counties must offer 12 days of early voting, instead of the eight called for under the new law.​

Eight ISN'T enough? WTF?

Just how stupid do you think blacks are?

daveman is a member of a certain group in which one member has identified them as a racist group. Think about that when you read his post.
WTF are you babbling about? I am responsible ONLY for what I say. You would do well to remember that.

Meanwhile, it looks like you, too, think blacks are too stupid to vote within 8 days.
Reducing the # of days is restricting not expanding. You're playing word games

i just realized, i live in a democratic state. however i live in a very white area. I just checked and we have no early voting in our area. not only don't we have 12 days, or even 8 days, we only have one. Election day. Are you telling me democrats are restricting my voting rights?

Pffft. Everybody knows white people can vote in one day.

Liberals insist, however, that black people are incapable of voting in less than 12 days.
Reducing the # of days is restricting not expanding. You're playing word games

i just realized, i live in a democratic state. however i live in a very white area. I just checked and we have no early voting in our area. not only don't we have 12 days, or even 8 days, we only have one. Election day. Are you telling me democrats are restricting my voting rights?
Bingo... same here... one day is all that we've traditionally allowed...

Anything else ought to be perceived as mere Local Convenience Accommodation...

And NOBODY has a Constitutional Right to a Local Convenience Accommodation, so long as all voters are treated identically within a given Voting District... about needin' a Waaaaambulance dispatched to the scene!

Last edited:
nice spin try but fail again. you said republicans tried to restrict voting by eliminating early voting.

let me ask you, does it hurt more when someone else bitchslaps you, or when you bitchslap yourself?

teapublicans love that decision for what reason? If the law has been used to stop bigotry at the polls then why would someone want it removed? There can be only one reason why someone would. What if the court made a ruling that beating your wife was no longer a crime? What would you think about the husband that screams YES! With a fist pump?

There is reason you like this decision. care to be truthful as to why?

let me ask you this, why do blacks feel they need to have 12 days to vote? Us white folks can get it done in a day.

I see you avoided the question. You gave a non response.
Reducing the # of days is restricting not expanding. You're playing word games

Eight ISN'T enough? WTF?

Just how stupid do you think blacks are?

Were not talking about enough or what you think enough is. We're talking about restricting unless you and others here have conceded that point and want to change the subject.

Do you concede?
You're certainly in a tough spot, aren't you?

On the one hand, you believe that blacks are inferior and need extra time to do what the rest of us only need one day for.

On the other hand, you know that if you actually admit it, you'll (correctly) be labeled a racist. But only by conservatives -- your fellow progs feel the same way about blacks.

No one is being disenfranchised by reducing early voting to 8 days. That's utterly ludicrous.

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