Section 4 of the VRA found unconsitutional

Ok, let me try this again. I will show you and you will say it doesn't restrict. That's how this game Is played.

Here is an example and you will respond the way I said you would:

In North Carolina, Republicans have proposed bills that would cut early voting. This is the definition of a restriction.

Now, read your lines and tell me "This is not a restriction it's *insert stupid adjective*"

Annnd go!

how does cutting early voting prejudice one group over another? how does it limit the right to vote? how does it restrict anyone from voting?

You people know what you are doing. what if the Democrats passed a voting law that required all voting to take place with in city limits only? You see how that works. No one is being they cant vote but a certain segment has to jump through hoops for it.

teapublicans think they are smart. I hope for the day the Populace wakes up to this group.

That would probably run afoul of local voting laws that require voting to take place within the precinct in question. So removing such law or removing such precincts would as a class be discriminitory against those who reside in the precinct, and hence illegal.

I dont recall early voters forming a specific class of voters.
Ok, let me try this again. I will show you and you will say it doesn't restrict. That's how this game Is played.

Here is an example and you will respond the way I said you would:

In North Carolina, Republicans have proposed bills that would cut early voting. This is the definition of a restriction.

Now, read your lines and tell me "This is not a restriction it's *insert stupid adjective*"

Annnd go!

how does cutting early voting prejudice one group over another? how does it limit the right to vote? how does it restrict anyone from voting?

Because previously they could and Republicans want it to stop...otherwise known as restricting.

restricting present participle of re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

I see you've chosen the ignorance route where you pretend not to understand simple words. I assume you'll keep asking silly questions. Let's see.

you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.
how does cutting early voting prejudice one group over another? how does it limit the right to vote? how does it restrict anyone from voting?

Because previously they could and Republicans want it to stop...otherwise known as restricting.

restricting present participle of re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

I see you've chosen the ignorance route where you pretend not to understand simple words. I assume you'll keep asking silly questions. Let's see.

you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.

Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?
Ok, let me try this again. I will show you and you will say it doesn't restrict. That's how this game Is played.

Here is an example and you will respond the way I said you would:

In North Carolina, Republicans have proposed bills that would cut early voting. This is the definition of a restriction.

Now, read your lines and tell me "This is not a restriction it's *insert stupid adjective*"

Annnd go!

how does cutting early voting prejudice one group over another? how does it limit the right to vote? how does it restrict anyone from voting?

You people know what you are doing. what if the Democrats passed a voting law that required all voting to take place with in city limits only? You see how that works. No one is being they cant vote but a certain segment has to jump through hoops for it.

teapublicans think they are smart. I hope for the day the Populace wakes up to this group.

no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?
Because previously they could and Republicans want it to stop...otherwise known as restricting.

restricting present participle of re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

I see you've chosen the ignorance route where you pretend not to understand simple words. I assume you'll keep asking silly questions. Let's see.

you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.

Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

if semantics is all you have to argue about, you have already lost.

You are just butthurt that some asshat G-08 burecrat in DC can't tell somebody in Podunk Arkansas that he needs HIS approval to move a ballot box 30 ft.
how does cutting early voting prejudice one group over another? how does it limit the right to vote? how does it restrict anyone from voting?

You people know what you are doing. what if the Democrats passed a voting law that required all voting to take place with in city limits only? You see how that works. No one is being they cant vote but a certain segment has to jump through hoops for it.

teapublicans think they are smart. I hope for the day the Populace wakes up to this group.

no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?

They also have this new invention called the absentee ballot.
Because previously they could and Republicans want it to stop...otherwise known as restricting.

restricting present participle of re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

I see you've chosen the ignorance route where you pretend not to understand simple words. I assume you'll keep asking silly questions. Let's see.

you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.

Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.
you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.

Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.

Look, I'm no fan of courts approving redistricting, but are you really attempting to deny that early voting is not effective in letting guys who work in more manual, lower pay, more "timeclock" jobs vote?
Because previously they could and Republicans want it to stop...otherwise known as restricting.

restricting present participle of re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

I see you've chosen the ignorance route where you pretend not to understand simple words. I assume you'll keep asking silly questions. Let's see.

you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.

Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

oh and as long as we are talking about being caught. there was never any republican bill that was seeking to eliminate early voting. so lets keep it real
you've elected to do the song and dance routine and not answer any questions. by eliminating early voting no one is deprived of their right to vote. no one is prohibited from voting. There is nothing in the constitution that says voting has to be opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that all takes manpower to operate and even makes fraud tougher to control. there are also many options available if you are not near a polling place on election day.

Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.

restricting present participle of
re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

They are allowed to early voting now and repubs want to stop it...look at the definition. Its called Restricting. Maybe you don't like the definition or something, IDK
Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.

Look, I'm no fan of courts approving redistricting, but are you really attempting to deny that early voting is not effective in letting guys who work in more manual, lower pay, more "timeclock" jobs vote?

polls are open well beyond timeclock hours. and how does this impact only timeclock workers? most white collar off the clock don't work 8 hr days. travel out of town frequently and may not be in their voting location on voting day. it does not effect the on the clock worker
Caught ya. We were discussing RESTRICTING right? or are you moving the goal posts already?

you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.

restricting present participle of
re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

They are allowed to early voting now and repubs want to stop it...look at the definition. Its called Restricting. Maybe you don't like the definition or something, IDK

you caught yourself in a lie. in no bill did republicans ever try to stop it
how does cutting early voting prejudice one group over another? how does it limit the right to vote? how does it restrict anyone from voting?

You people know what you are doing. what if the Democrats passed a voting law that required all voting to take place with in city limits only? You see how that works. No one is being they cant vote but a certain segment has to jump through hoops for it.

teapublicans think they are smart. I hope for the day the Populace wakes up to this group.

no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?

Don't worry it will not work. Also we have a plan for you in 2014.

You people know what you are doing. what if the Democrats passed a voting law that required all voting to take place with in city limits only? You see how that works. No one is being they cant vote but a certain segment has to jump through hoops for it.

teapublicans think they are smart. I hope for the day the Populace wakes up to this group.

no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?

Don't worry it will not work. Also we have a plan for you in 2014.


gun control has a plan for you in 2014. don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.

restricting present participle of
re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

They are allowed to early voting now and repubs want to stop it...look at the definition. Its called Restricting. Maybe you don't like the definition or something, IDK

you caught yourself in a lie. in no bill did republicans ever try to stop it

The 3rd stage of denial. Deny it ever happened.

The GOP War on Voting | Politics News | Rolling Stone

I have links, you have lip flap. And in your next response wont be a link. It'll be more lip flap saying "not true, not true, not true!"
no one has to jump through any hoops. you vote in the town where you live. if you are out of town you have multiple options to place your vote. how does eliminating early voting restrict one group over another? are you going to try to tell me some welfare slug may be out of town on business or traveling abroad?

Don't worry it will not work. Also we have a plan for you in 2014.


gun control has a plan for you in 2014. don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

was that a threat?
restricting present participle of
re·strict (Verb)


1.Put a limit on; control.
2.Deprive (someone or something) of freedom of movement or action.

They are allowed to early voting now and repubs want to stop it...look at the definition. Its called Restricting. Maybe you don't like the definition or something, IDK

you caught yourself in a lie. in no bill did republicans ever try to stop it

The 3rd stage of denial. Deny it ever happened.

The GOP War on Voting | Politics News | Rolling Stone

I have links, you have lip flap. And in your next response wont be a link. It'll be more lip flap saying "not true, not true, not true!"

just as i though. no law mentioned to eliminate early voting. try again. this time with a link that actually backs up your claim
So now everyone can see the game repubs play. First they deny reality, then they deny links to reality, then when all else fails they play dumb.
you caught nothing. how are they restricted from voting? again, there is no requirement that voting be open all day every day. how does stoping early voting restrict anyone from voting. nice spin atempt however.

Look, I'm no fan of courts approving redistricting, but are you really attempting to deny that early voting is not effective in letting guys who work in more manual, lower pay, more "timeclock" jobs vote?

polls are open well beyond timeclock hours. and how does this impact only timeclock workers? most white collar off the clock don't work 8 hr days. travel out of town frequently and may not be in their voting location on voting day. it does not effect the on the clock worker

It's not only because many of us can slip out at lunch and vote, or even "run an errand." It's because of lines. You got a guy who works physical labor ten hours, and lives in a less affluenet poll district with typically longer wait times, he isn't gona vote. look this isn't rocket science, and it's not even open to honest debate. It's about depressing a vote. And, I generally vote republican. But it's calling a spade a spade.

You want to say the feds have no biz telling states to not do this? Fine by me. Maybe that's even right, though I see a difference in suppressing votes and drawing district lines to benefit one party. But, don't for a second say it's "a right thing to do," cause it's not and it stinks like shite.
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