Secular extremism is killing Christianity in America

The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Isn't it religious freedom when Christian churches choose to stop persecuting gays?

how are they 'persecuting' gays....?
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
that goes double for cultish secular beliefs......
America has always been trailblazer of the future, not custodian of the past. So opposing same-sex marriage on grounds of tradition is a chancy proposition.

But this approach has another major flaw: What conservatives regard as traditional marriage is not very traditional at all. It's radically different from what prevailed a century or two centuries ago. And if you want to talk about "thousands of years," you'll find that almost everything about marriage has changed.

The biblical King Solomon, after all, was a dedicated polygamist, with 700 wives. Monogamy has always been the norm in Christianity, but not as part of a marriage of equals.

The 18th-century English jurist William Blackstone explained, "By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in the law; that is, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."

Women generally couldn't enter into contracts without permission from their husbands. In legal status, they were a notch above sheep and goats. In America, it was not until well into the 19th century that states began to grant married women something resembling full property rights.

Even then, marriage had attributes that traditionalists would like to forget. Husbands who forced themselves on their wives were not guilty of rape, since they were legally entitled to sexual access. Contraception was forbidden in many states. Only in 1965 did the Supreme Court decide that such laws "violate the right of marital privacy."

The ideal of marriage enshrined in the 1950s reflects a myopic nostalgia for a phase that didn't last. The 1960s brought no-fault divorce, which allowed wives as well as husbands to dissolve their bonds without proving some terrible transgression by the spouse.

This was an earthquake, causing unprecedented numbers of unions to collapse. A writer for the conservative Family Research Council said that under no-fault divorce laws, marriage became "nothing more than notarized dating." Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage said their effect was nothing less than "the abolition of marriage."

In a sense, she's right. But you don't see many conservatives trying to repeal no-fault laws in the name of "traditional marriage." Gallagher misses the more fundamental point: This institution is not something passed down unaltered from generation to generation, like the family silver. It is continually in flux, taking forms that would surprise our forebears.

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The secular extremism characterizing much of the contemporary political scene sometimes makes it hard to realize Christianity was once the primary motivating force behind the great human rights movements of America.

The LGBT movement is a cult.

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

The result is that open war has been declared on Christianity in America.

As the attacks ratchet up, Christians urgently need to understand continued capitulation to the demands of the radicals who are pushing for the fringe demands of the LGBT movement means the death of religious freedom in America. It also means a cult’s radical doctrines replace Christian mores.

Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Isn't it religious freedom when Christian churches choose to stop persecuting gays?

how are they 'persecuting' gays....?
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
Then why do gays get to impose their beliefs on an unwilling public?
You know, I've seen several churches here in Amarillo move to bigger facilities because their congregation expanded so much.

There have also been several churches built here in the past few years.

If churches are growing, as well as new ones are being built, how is Christianity being "killed"?
Isn't it religious freedom when Christian churches choose to stop persecuting gays?

how are they 'persecuting' gays....?
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
that goes double for cultish secular beliefs......
false !
your belief is just as cultish as what you are falsely accusing me of being .
what gay people are seeking is parity
equality · equivalence · uniformity · consistency
nothing more .
equality for all is a basic American right.
Isn't it religious freedom when Christian churches choose to stop persecuting gays?

how are they 'persecuting' gays....?
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
Then why do gays get to impose their beliefs on an unwilling public?
why do Christians ?
don't try to bullshit your way out of that fact!
America has always been trailblazer of the future, not custodian of the past. So opposing same-sex marriage on grounds of tradition is a chancy proposition.

But this approach has another major flaw: What conservatives regard as traditional marriage is not very traditional at all. It's radically different from what prevailed a century or two centuries ago. And if you want to talk about "thousands of years," you'll find that almost everything about marriage has changed.

The biblical King Solomon, after all, was a dedicated polygamist, with 700 wives. Monogamy has always been the norm in Christianity, but not as part of a marriage of equals.

The 18th-century English jurist William Blackstone explained, "By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in the law; that is, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."

Women generally couldn't enter into contracts without permission from their husbands. In legal status, they were a notch above sheep and goats. In America, it was not until well into the 19th century that states began to grant married women something resembling full property rights.

Even then, marriage had attributes that traditionalists would like to forget. Husbands who forced themselves on their wives were not guilty of rape, since they were legally entitled to sexual access. Contraception was forbidden in many states. Only in 1965 did the Supreme Court decide that such laws "violate the right of marital privacy."

The ideal of marriage enshrined in the 1950s reflects a myopic nostalgia for a phase that didn't last. The 1960s brought no-fault divorce, which allowed wives as well as husbands to dissolve their bonds without proving some terrible transgression by the spouse.

This was an earthquake, causing unprecedented numbers of unions to collapse. A writer for the conservative Family Research Council said that under no-fault divorce laws, marriage became "nothing more than notarized dating." Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage said their effect was nothing less than "the abolition of marriage."

In a sense, she's right. But you don't see many conservatives trying to repeal no-fault laws in the name of "traditional marriage." Gallagher misses the more fundamental point: This institution is not something passed down unaltered from generation to generation, like the family silver. It is continually in flux, taking forms that would surprise our forebears.

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America has been a trailblazer in many ways but not in the matter of faux marriage......the Euros are way ahead of us....and their imposition of a secular driven multicultural society is the driving force of their demise....
how are they 'persecuting' gays....?
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
that goes double for cultish secular beliefs......
false !
your belief is just as cultish as what you are falsely accusing me of being .
what gay people are seeking is parity
equality · equivalence · uniformity · consistency
nothing more .
equality for all is a basic American right.
'parity'....? you've got to be kidding....

first it was 'tolerance'........and you got that

now it's 'parity'......meaning total acceptance and normalization of faux marriage?......sorry buddy.....
You know, I've seen several churches here in Amarillo move to bigger facilities because their congregation expanded so much.

There have also been several churches built here in the past few years.

If churches are growing, as well as new ones are being built, how is Christianity being "killed"?
it's under attack from the secular leftist cultists......if they had their way Christianity would be corralled exclusively inside the churches....
America has always been trailblazer of the future, not custodian of the past. So opposing same-sex marriage on grounds of tradition is a chancy proposition.

But this approach has another major flaw: What conservatives regard as traditional marriage is not very traditional at all. It's radically different from what prevailed a century or two centuries ago. And if you want to talk about "thousands of years," you'll find that almost everything about marriage has changed.

The biblical King Solomon, after all, was a dedicated polygamist, with 700 wives. Monogamy has always been the norm in Christianity, but not as part of a marriage of equals.

The 18th-century English jurist William Blackstone explained, "By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in the law; that is, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."

Women generally couldn't enter into contracts without permission from their husbands. In legal status, they were a notch above sheep and goats. In America, it was not until well into the 19th century that states began to grant married women something resembling full property rights.

Even then, marriage had attributes that traditionalists would like to forget. Husbands who forced themselves on their wives were not guilty of rape, since they were legally entitled to sexual access. Contraception was forbidden in many states. Only in 1965 did the Supreme Court decide that such laws "violate the right of marital privacy."

The ideal of marriage enshrined in the 1950s reflects a myopic nostalgia for a phase that didn't last. The 1960s brought no-fault divorce, which allowed wives as well as husbands to dissolve their bonds without proving some terrible transgression by the spouse.

This was an earthquake, causing unprecedented numbers of unions to collapse. A writer for the conservative Family Research Council said that under no-fault divorce laws, marriage became "nothing more than notarized dating." Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage said their effect was nothing less than "the abolition of marriage."

In a sense, she's right. But you don't see many conservatives trying to repeal no-fault laws in the name of "traditional marriage." Gallagher misses the more fundamental point: This institution is not something passed down unaltered from generation to generation, like the family silver. It is continually in flux, taking forms that would surprise our forebears.

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America has been a trailblazer in many ways but not in the matter of faux marriage......the Euros are way ahead of us....and their imposition of a secular driven multicultural society is the driving force of their demise....
total paranoid extremist bullshit .
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
that goes double for cultish secular beliefs......
false !
your belief is just as cultish as what you are falsely accusing me of being .
what gay people are seeking is parity
equality · equivalence · uniformity · consistency
nothing more .
equality for all is a basic American right.
'parity'....? you've got to be kidding....

first it was 'tolerance'........and you got that

now it's 'parity'......meaning total acceptance and normalization of faux marriage?......sorry buddy.....
let your homophobia/bigotry flag fly!
You know, I've seen several churches here in Amarillo move to bigger facilities because their congregation expanded so much.

There have also been several churches built here in the past few years.

If churches are growing, as well as new ones are being built, how is Christianity being "killed"?
it's under attack from the secular leftist cultists......if they had their way Christianity would be corralled exclusively inside the churches....

But it's not only in the churches. Over the past 12 years or so, preachers have become more and more vocal about their political stance and have been encouraging their parish to follow their lead politically.

Besides.................I thought there was SUPPOSED to be a separation between Church and State.
Good question. Not baking cakes on denand seems to be the worst of it.
the line against the LGBT cultists must be drawn somewhere......once they impose participation in faux marriages they will next force faux marriages in churches....
church marriages are as faux as it gets .
religious belief does not give it adherents the right to impose their belief on the public .
that goes double for cultish secular beliefs......
false !
your belief is just as cultish as what you are falsely accusing me of being .
what gay people are seeking is parity
equality · equivalence · uniformity · consistency
nothing more .
equality for all is a basic American right.
'parity'....? you've got to be kidding....

first it was 'tolerance'........and you got that

now it's 'parity'......meaning total acceptance and normalization of faux marriage?......sorry buddy.....
if by you, you mean Americans for equality then yes
if you are saying I gay then no because I'm not
God bless secular extremism. Religious cults must be obliterated.
Religious extremism is bad for humanity. That is a fact...

I look at the middle east and Africa. Why are those places fucked up? Religious extremism!
The greatest foe of Christianity has always been the soul-destroying pathos of the religious far right.
Non believers sure spend an exorbinant amount of time whining and bawling about something they don't believe in
You know, I've seen several churches here in Amarillo move to bigger facilities because their congregation expanded so much.

There have also been several churches built here in the past few years.

If churches are growing, as well as new ones are being built, how is Christianity being "killed"?
it's under attack from the secular leftist cultists......if they had their way Christianity would be corralled exclusively inside the churches....

But it's not only in the churches. Over the past 12 years or so, preachers have become more and more vocal about their political stance and have been encouraging their parish to follow their lead politically.

Besides.................I thought there was SUPPOSED to be a separation between Church and State.
America has always been trailblazer of the future, not custodian of the past. So opposing same-sex marriage on grounds of tradition is a chancy proposition.

But this approach has another major flaw: What conservatives regard as traditional marriage is not very traditional at all. It's radically different from what prevailed a century or two centuries ago. And if you want to talk about "thousands of years," you'll find that almost everything about marriage has changed.

The biblical King Solomon, after all, was a dedicated polygamist, with 700 wives. Monogamy has always been the norm in Christianity, but not as part of a marriage of equals.

The 18th-century English jurist William Blackstone explained, "By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in the law; that is, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."

Women generally couldn't enter into contracts without permission from their husbands. In legal status, they were a notch above sheep and goats. In America, it was not until well into the 19th century that states began to grant married women something resembling full property rights.

Even then, marriage had attributes that traditionalists would like to forget. Husbands who forced themselves on their wives were not guilty of rape, since they were legally entitled to sexual access. Contraception was forbidden in many states. Only in 1965 did the Supreme Court decide that such laws "violate the right of marital privacy."

The ideal of marriage enshrined in the 1950s reflects a myopic nostalgia for a phase that didn't last. The 1960s brought no-fault divorce, which allowed wives as well as husbands to dissolve their bonds without proving some terrible transgression by the spouse.

This was an earthquake, causing unprecedented numbers of unions to collapse. A writer for the conservative Family Research Council said that under no-fault divorce laws, marriage became "nothing more than notarized dating." Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage said their effect was nothing less than "the abolition of marriage."

In a sense, she's right. But you don't see many conservatives trying to repeal no-fault laws in the name of "traditional marriage." Gallagher misses the more fundamental point: This institution is not something passed down unaltered from generation to generation, like the family silver. It is continually in flux, taking forms that would surprise our forebears.

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America has been a trailblazer in many ways but not in the matter of faux marriage......the Euros are way ahead of us....and their imposition of a secular driven multicultural society is the driving force of their demise....
total paranoid extremist bullshit .
nope.....facts are facts.....
You know, I've seen several churches here in Amarillo move to bigger facilities because their congregation expanded so much.

There have also been several churches built here in the past few years.

If churches are growing, as well as new ones are being built, how is Christianity being "killed"?
it's under attack from the secular leftist cultists......if they had their way Christianity would be corralled exclusively inside the churches....

But it's not only in the churches. Over the past 12 years or so, preachers have become more and more vocal about their political stance and have been encouraging their parish to follow their lead politically.

Besides.................I thought there was SUPPOSED to be a separation between Church and State.

Tell that to the State that is telling the Church what they can and what they can't do.

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