See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Who's that goofy looking chick in your avatar?

Sandra Fluke; the Republican's worst nightmare. A classy woman they can't intimidate, who is articulate, and speaks her mind. Put another way, when you look at the monumental deficit the GOP has to overcome in the upcoming 2016 national election (see graphic below), independent minded women who are immune from the bitter, resentful, chauvinistic, sexist, and downright immature "slut" references will play a large role. Couple that with the very real possibility that women will be going to the polls as never before to install Hillary as the first female POTUS, you fellas have your work cut out for you.


Really? Who are you guys going to run who can narrow those states with double-digit deficits?


Who is Sandra Fluke? Oh, the "give me my pills for free" chick?...You are still beating that dead horse. Newsflash there thunder thighs, Fluke is very much over. She was over a week after she got labeled for her greed.
You must have a real empty life if you are pinning your hopes of political success on that non existent flyspeck.
Note to you..Sandra whatever her name is....Nobody cares. Really. The name never comes up in conversation. Never heard in the news. Not on talk shows. no place.
But I guess you must need a friend. So go for it. You and her can trade your estrogen laden whining and bitching about non existent issues.
Why is it that most feminists are either really stupid or unattractive?
BTW presidents are not "installed". They are elected.
She has NO shot.

So inconsequential, you've spent the entire afternoon trying to convince us of that...interesting.

Grumps called her both a "slut" and a "whore" today.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think about what Grumps said?
Interesting that the far left has changed the subject to FREE BC pills for those that refuse to pay for it themselves vs how the server at McDonalds is getting replaced with touch screens.

Maybe we should just replace all women with touch screens and then this far left talking point will disappear.
Nah, I'm just happy to keep this topic at the top of the message board. This sub-topic is very enjoyable to me to see you whining about someone like Ms. Fluke; it's an added bonus.

The Dems seem to enjoy winning national have you felt about them lately?



Old hat....BTW there were several polls a few weeks ago that confirmed had the election been today, Romney would have won by the same or a larger margin than that of Obama's..
I distcntly remember you libs whining like little school girls about the electoral college and how unfair it is..
Romney won over 80% of the country.
Had electoral votes been apportioned as they are in Nebraska and Maine, Romney would have won. But all of that is as unimportant as your crowing about the margin of victory in 2012.
What's more important is the Dems failed to win governor seats they were hoping to get. They did not make significant gains in the US Senate or House. The dems have several vulnerable seats coming up for choice next year. And most importantly, your side unwittingly dashed the filibuster. That was not smart.
Your trumpeting the feminist agenda and how important you believe you are with your false indignation over the alleged mistreatment of women in this country is a load of talking point clap trap.
The facts belie your false claims. One of those facts is that there are over 50 Fortune 500 companies run by women. Also that women make a up a majority of students of higher learning.
Now, is the country really still stealing your share of the cookies?
Please. You are just a whiner who wants more than to which you are entitled.
You cared enough to comment.
Why is that?


There are much better advocates for feminism out there.

Emily Bazelon

Hannah Rosin

Amanda Marcotte (my favorite)

But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.

why is it they all those 'advocates' have to be ugly?
do they think that advertising their super availability will make them more desirable?

I wouldn't EVER be with a feminist. Fuck them stupid bitches. They all bitch about equality then demand special carve outs. Let them join the likes of OWS or the moronic gay parades.
Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex onc a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil


Old hat....BTW there were several polls a few weeks ago that confirmed had the election been today, Romney would have won by the same or a larger margin than that of Obama's..
Gee, now if we could only get a new election scheduled...that may matter.

I distcntly remember you libs whining like little school girls about the electoral college and how unfair it is..
Really...332-206 seems pretty fair.

Romney won over 80% of the country.
Now you're on drugs.

Had electoral votes been apportioned as they are in Nebraska and Maine, Romney would have won.
OH, but they aren't. too bad, so sad.

But all of that is as unimportant as your crowing about the margin of victory in 2012.
What, 332-206 bothers you? Good.

What's more important is the Dems failed to win governor seats they were hoping to get.
Yeah, that matters.

They did not make significant gains in the US Senate or House. The dems have several vulnerable seats coming up for choice next year. And most importantly, your side unwittingly dashed the filibuster. That was not smart.
They won seats in the Senate last year but, yes, you are right, the GOP should do well in 2014...

Your trumpeting the feminist agenda and how important you believe you are with your false indignation over the alleged mistreatment of women in this country is a load of talking point clap trap.
Incorrect...unless you think losing MN by 22% of the female vote, is good for you. Or Michigan by what, 16%....Ohio by double digits also?

The facts belie your false claims. One of those facts is that there are over 50 Fortune 500 companies run by women. Also that women make a up a majority of students of higher learning.
Now, is the country really still stealing your share of the cookies?
Please. You are just a whiner who wants more than to which you are entitled.

And polls show that they are voting Democratic by wide majorities....just wait until they get the financial muscle to go along with the statistical advantage.

332-206 may be remembered as the good ol days by you plantation owner types.
The goalpost are right where they always have been lately on the other side of the Democrats from where you're standing loser.

Because the last midterms never happened right? Lol

Selective memory is great huh...

Which is why I said "national elections" try to keep up.

Congressional elections are considered national.
In a pure sense of the term, there is only one nationally elected office. President.
You obviously enjoy keeping yourself uninformed. Libs love their little cocoons.
Sandra Fluke; the Republican's worst nightmare. A classy woman they can't intimidate, who is articulate, and speaks her mind. Put another way, when you look at the monumental deficit the GOP has to overcome in the upcoming 2016 national election (see graphic below), independent minded women who are immune from the bitter, resentful, chauvinistic, sexist, and downright immature "slut" references will play a large role. Couple that with the very real possibility that women will be going to the polls as never before to install Hillary as the first female POTUS, you fellas have your work cut out for you.


Really? Who are you guys going to run who can narrow those states with double-digit deficits?


Who is Sandra Fluke? Oh, the "give me my pills for free" chick?...You are still beating that dead horse. Newsflash there thunder thighs, Fluke is very much over. She was over a week after she got labeled for her greed.
You must have a real empty life if you are pinning your hopes of political success on that non existent flyspeck.
Note to you..Sandra whatever her name is....Nobody cares. Really. The name never comes up in conversation. Never heard in the news. Not on talk shows. no place.
But I guess you must need a friend. So go for it. You and her can trade your estrogen laden whining and bitching about non existent issues.
Why is it that most feminists are either really stupid or unattractive?
BTW presidents are not "installed". They are elected.
She has NO shot.

So inconsequential, you've spent the entire afternoon trying to convince us of that...interesting.

Grumps called her both a "slut" and a "whore" today.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think about what Grumps said?

Well...what do you think of what he said?
Because the last midterms never happened right? Lol

Selective memory is great huh...

Which is why I said "national elections" try to keep up.

Congressional elections are considered national.
No...they are held in districts. Countries have a lot of districts...districts do not have countries.
In a pure sense of the term, there is only one nationally elected office. President.
Yes and five of the last six were won by the Democrats in terms of popular votes, 4 of the last 6 were won by Democrats in terms of the Electoral college.
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex onc a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil

Then why else would Republicans get all Butthurt about insurance coverage that in the long run will probably save them money and at worst, add pennies to their premium?
How exactly, would you give tax-relief from people who do not pay taxes? Another dingbat!

What do you expect from someone who not only is hanging on to a story that no one cares about( Sandra Flake) any longer, but calls themselves a "limozine liberal"...
Rich libs are the worst kind. Because they NEVER use their own money. They run these "hey look at what I'm doing" fund raisers. Never donating their own money.
Rich libs are the real country club snobs who look down their nose pretending to be all prim and proper. Meanwhile they are busy behind closed doors figuring out ways to shelter their money from the very taxes and fees they pay politicians to enact.

That's twice you've talked about the "unimportant" Sandra Fluke....

The door to my balcony is open...
I am in reply to YOUR insistence at mentioning the name of that person.
You are the one with that person in your avatar.
Don't delude yourself into thinking you are somehow important or special.
That person is ion your avatar because you realize she has been forgotten.
But, if you want to live your life below the fold inside the ad section, be my guest.
That woman and 50 cents gets you a senior coffee at the local fast food joint.
Which is why I said "national elections" try to keep up.

Congressional elections are considered national.
No...they are held in districts. Countries have a lot of districts...districts do not have countries.
In a pure sense of the term, there is only one nationally elected office. President.
Yes and five of the last six were won by the Democrats in terms of popular votes, 4 of the last 6 were won by Democrats in terms of the Electoral college.
You clearly stated that the GOP "can't win"...That's a lie.
And you have nerve to call someone else a loser?..
Meanwhile, the guy behind the counter at Subway that gives (shocking me extra lettuce and light mustard just got my $7.55...drove by a McDonalds on the way to Subway come to think of it.

Did you tip him in order to bring his wage up to $15 an hour?
Just curious.

Of course not. She just wants someone else to use THEIR money to accomplish that.
What do you expect from someone who not only is hanging on to a story that no one cares about( Sandra Flake) any longer, but calls themselves a "limozine liberal"...
Rich libs are the worst kind. Because they NEVER use their own money. They run these "hey look at what I'm doing" fund raisers. Never donating their own money.
Rich libs are the real country club snobs who look down their nose pretending to be all prim and proper. Meanwhile they are busy behind closed doors figuring out ways to shelter their money from the very taxes and fees they pay politicians to enact.

That's twice you've talked about the "unimportant" Sandra Fluke....

The door to my balcony is open...
I am in reply to YOUR insistence at mentioning the name of that person.
And yet you feel compelled to comment even further...

You are the one with that person in your avatar.
Say her name...

Don't delude yourself into thinking you are somehow important or special.
Say my name....

That person is ion your avatar because you realize she has been forgotten.
Maybe my "sandwich chomping assistant" can give you spelling lessons.

But, if you want to live your life below the fold inside the ad section, be my guest.
A reference to the 1970' apropos for the Leave it to Beaver GOP housefly...

That woman and 50 cents gets you a senior coffee at the local fast food joint.

What makes being dependent on a corporation any better?
Non sequitur.
The method by which government dependency programs are funded is compulsory. Made that way by law of the captive market.
Employment is free market. One can choose to work for which ever company they choose. They can opt out for an entrepreneurial opportunity for themselves.

And you can move to another country.

Yer joking, right?
I guess my factual post REALLY hit a nerve with you...good.
If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex onc a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil

Then why else would Republicans get all Butthurt about insurance coverage that in the long run will probably save them money and at worst, add pennies to their premium?

This may clear it up.

Rick Santorum...the 2nd place finisher in the GOP primaries from last year said this:

1. Opposing birth control
Quote: "One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." (Speaking with, Oct. 18, 2011)

He's set to run again in 2016 and probably finish very strongly as the GOP shock troops again assail what they see is promiscuity and disobedience by women.
Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day

Are you lying or just unfamiliar with sex in general?

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