See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

I was watching some syfy awhile back. It was set in the future, where corporations were the government.

That is conservative utopia.

Progressive utopia, is a road paved to hell. Don't need a syfy movie to tell me this


Don't worry, there are no conservatives in progressive utopia. That's why we call it utopia.

That is because progressive utopia does not exist. Nor will it ever exist. Not here anyway.
Seek( out side our borders) and ye shall find.
Living room actually, overlooking downtown. High rise condo...but thanks for describing your desire.

Sandra seems to be more relevant than ever.

Oh honey, I wouldn't even stick franco's dick in there.

Now Franco would need the finger cot... Rush Limbaugh! Foxnews! Wow, I rule, bam! He's one of the three people who watch MS-NBC.

As for Candy, once again she can't address the point that the issue isn't contraception, the issue is forcing other people to pay for it. Sandra Fluke was a liar, she lied about the cost of contraception and she lied that it wasn't available, there were 5 planned parenthood clinics within 8 miles of Georgetown who would provide it for free. She was on a political campaign to force her catholic school to violate their religion because it was in the selfish interest of her religion, liberalism.

Was Fluke arguing for insurance coverage at only Georgetown or across the country?

If you resent paying for the contraception of others, how do you feel about your insurance paying for their babies?
What is prefrable? A low paying job that allows a person to learn a work ethic, experience, references, and a skill set that allows him to qualify for better jobs?

Or chronic unemployment?

Or government controls that assign a job of a particular status and class to people that ensures they won't starve, but they can never hope for much of anything better?

Ya'll pick.

The minimum wage has been FALLING for 45 years. This is what conservatives have wanted.

Now what have Americans gotten, as a consequence, that is so much better?
SO what?..There should not even be a minimum wage.
Not to the extent that small business should be mandated to participate.
Large companies can absorb the additional cost. Small business must make adjustments that sometimes alienate their customers or their local community.
The same people that advocate for a minimum wage are also the same people that think taxpayers should support anybody earning said minimum wage or less.
I'm a taxpayer, I shouldn't be forced to support anybody, any citizen, simply because they earn less than I.
Was Fluke arguing for insurance coverage at only Georgetown or across the country?

If you resent paying for the contraception of others, how do you feel about your insurance paying for their babies?

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?
Was Fluke arguing for insurance coverage at only Georgetown or across the country?

If you resent paying for the contraception of others, how do you feel about your insurance paying for their babies?

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?

Liberals are allergic to personal responsibility.
Would you like to guess how many minimum wage increases there have been since MacDonald's began?

Go ahead, take a guess without googling. Use the 1955 date of the first franchise.

I have no need to. I figured this all before, when the subject came up. Bet you haven't checked to see how their prices have coincided with it have you? See, you choose to only look at one half of the equation. Go google that. Prices have risen less than wages have.
Tell me also how much harder has that job gotten? Less, I bet, due to automation.

The minimum wage, adjusted for inflation, peaked in 1969. Despite all the wailing and moaning around each subsequent min. wage increase,

the reality is that the minimum wage has been falling, and people working minimum wage have been getting poorer and poorer.

Why can't Mcdonalds at least pay what they paid in 1969, adjusted for inflation? Was it SO hard for Mcdonalds to make money in 1969?

wow, so now you want to use 1969?
Well, let's go with your first year of 1955. At that time minimum wage was 25 cents. adjusted for inflation in to todays' dollars that would mean they whould only be making $2.18 an hour. And the burger you can get today for 99 cents that was 15 cents in 1955? Adjusted for inflation that burger should cost 1.31 today. Sounds like McD's is doing something right.
Now let's look at 1969 and see what happens. The minimum wage was $1.30. Adjusted for inflation that today would be $8.27. The median pay for a permanent employee at McDonald’s Corporation is $10.02 per hour.
The median pay for a part-time employee at McDonald’s Corporation is $8.43 per hour.
And these are their benefits today -
Competitive wages
Free uniforms*
Free or discounted meals
Flexible hours
Medical insurance*
Prescription drug coverage*
24-hour nurse line access
Vision discount*
Available dental*
Additional Benefits
Short-term disability*
Term life insurance*
Paid holidays*
Educational assistance*
Oh honey, I wouldn't even stick franco's dick in there.

Now Franco would need the finger cot... Rush Limbaugh! Foxnews! Wow, I rule, bam! He's one of the three people who watch MS-NBC.

As for Candy, once again she can't address the point that the issue isn't contraception, the issue is forcing other people to pay for it. Sandra Fluke was a liar, she lied about the cost of contraception and she lied that it wasn't available, there were 5 planned parenthood clinics within 8 miles of Georgetown who would provide it for free. She was on a political campaign to force her catholic school to violate their religion because it was in the selfish interest of her religion, liberalism.

Was Fluke arguing for insurance coverage at only Georgetown or across the country?

If you resent paying for the contraception of others, how do you feel about your insurance paying for their babies?

This was a logical fallacy called a "false dilemma."

In a free market, you would be paying for insurance you need. The only reason your insurance would pay for someone else's baby is if government forced it to. So, you're presenting us with do you want government to force you to this or that?

In the end though, you're a liar just like Sandra Fluke. You can get free and very cheap birth control at endless places now. The reason you want to force insurance companies to pay for it is because you're socialists. You have fabricated a need, and justifying advancing government power through that false need.

Be honest, you know government doesn't need to be involved in this one. You just want it to. So you're lying your ass off to get that.
Would you like to guess how many minimum wage increases there have been since MacDonald's began?

Go ahead, take a guess without googling. Use the 1955 date of the first franchise.

I have no need to. I figured this all before, when the subject came up. Bet you haven't checked to see how their prices have coincided with it have you? See, you choose to only look at one half of the equation. Go google that. Prices have risen less than wages have.
Tell me also how much harder has that job gotten? Less, I bet, due to automation.
You didn't answer the question.

That is because it is a "who cares/what difference does it make" type question.
As a percentage of the workforce min wage workers make up a smaller percentage of job holders than in the past.
6 Things You Don't Know About Minimum Wage | The Fiscal Times
--. The share of workers earning minimum wage has dropped sharply in the past 30 years.
In 1980 and 1981, at the beginning of what was then the worst recession since World War II, the proportion of workers earning minimum wage, or less, hit 15 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since then, that percentage has fallen to less than 5 percent. (The BLS excludes from its analysis the populations of the 19 states that have minimum wages higher than the federal rate.) There are actually slightly more people making less than minimum wage than making the minimum – the law exempts employees in certain industries, like workers on small farms, fishing operations, or seasonal amusement parks. -
The Obama administration is trying to start a national debate on income inequality in the middle of a crisis involving a health insurance website that has a myriad of problems, not to mention an economy that simply cannot get out of second gear, and he's tied it to the minimum wage. A wage that affects less than 1% of the adult working population of the country.
Having said that, it's time to move on to other far more important issues. This is a non starter.
This is a another typical liberal "cause".. a deflection from the real issues. Crap.
^^^The heartbreak of economic illiteracy on parade^^^

It doesn't help anyone to be turned into a government dependent. And the government's eternal quest to do this is what is suppressing economic growth and job creation.

What makes being dependent on a corporation any better?
Non sequitur.
The method by which government dependency programs are funded is compulsory. Made that way by law of the captive market.
Employment is free market. One can choose to work for which ever company they choose. They can opt out for an entrepreneurial opportunity for themselves.

And you can move to another country.
Yeah, they had the soda dispensers before computers came along. We've also had vending machines for ages.

I think the companies are telling employees that they aren't really needed at all. They could have done this ages ago, in fact, many companies could do away with some workers and replace them with machines. I'm sure the liberals secretly cheer more job losses because that's more people on welfare and it brings us one little step closer to destroying the capitalist America.
That's a rather cynical analysis.

Do you really subscribe to that kind of de facto McCarthyist reasoning? If so, I respectfully suggest you abandon the indoctrinated tendency to think in terms of left and right and apply simple abstract reasoning to situations like this. The only category which is cheering job losses is that which profits from it.

The most radical left-wing activists have no wish to "destroy capitalist America." We fully understand that capitalism which is regulated by practical and equitable socialist policies, which is what existed from the 40s to the 80s, is by far the best possible economic system. And our only objective is to resurrect that system by restoring the regulations which have been removed by the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush administrations. Briefly stated, it is critically important to the survival of America as we've known it that we convert from supply side (Reaganomics) to demand side economics -- which promotes capitalist growth.

Reaganomics promotes vertical hoarding of the Nation's wealth resources, which is the problem we're having today. Please give this some thought.
Honesty is a bitch huh? I call a spade a spade without worrying about your politically correct bullshit.

Perhaps I should have just suggested someone shit down her throat and then you would look the other way.


Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Birth control pills cost the same whether you have sex once a month or ten times a day.
Was Fluke arguing for insurance coverage at only Georgetown or across the country?

If you resent paying for the contraception of others, how do you feel about your insurance paying for their babies?

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?
You oppose free public education also?

Why educate someone else's child?
Ever heard of self service gas pumps? Apparently not.

What about them?
Great for consumers!
Ever get gas in NJ? Having to wait on some cantankerous jerk who hates his job? Watch as he takes his sweet time getting to each car? Then has the nerve to stand there with this look on his face like he deserves a tip for pumping your gas?
It comes are no surprise that 48 or 49 states permit self serve gasoline.
Are you shitting me?

Full serve in NJ is great. Cold and rain and you sit in your car and have someone pump it for you. NEVER seen anyone expect a tip

Cheapest gas in the Northeast too

The gas is cheap for two reasons. LOwest transport costs in the nation. Second lowest gas tax in the nation at 10 or 11 cents per gallon.
BTW, I grew up in NJ....Full serve SUCKS.
Oh, most gas stations in self serve states have giant canopies overhead to keep customers out of the elements while pumping gas.....Nice try though.
NJ is STUCK with full serve due to a very powerful lobby and union interests that whenever a referendum is on the statewide ballot to bring self serve, the NJ Gasoline Retailer's Assn and the union interests lobby very hard against and of course spend millions on negative ads. Each time it gets closer to being passed. Eventually NJ will leave the stone age and get with it.
Please, you've never seen a tip jar at a gas station in NJ? Right in that little booth right by the pumps?
I've seen the guy literally stand there at the pump or in eyeshot of the driver waiting for a tip. It happens all the time. The way they give back the change. Always in ones. WTF do you think THAT is? It's called mining for tips. The receipt the card user must sign even has a line for a tip. Of all the nerve.
Was Fluke arguing for insurance coverage at only Georgetown or across the country?

If you resent paying for the contraception of others, how do you feel about your insurance paying for their babies?

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?
You oppose free public education also?

Why educate someone else's child?

Oddly enough, I didn't say that.
Care to address the points I actually did make?
Or are you just being a troll?
  • Thanks
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What makes being dependent on a corporation any better?
Non sequitur.
The method by which government dependency programs are funded is compulsory. Made that way by law of the captive market.
Employment is free market. One can choose to work for which ever company they choose. They can opt out for an entrepreneurial opportunity for themselves.

And you can move to another country.

How quaint. You idiots welcome illegal aliens but tell conservative americans to leave.
The banks were way ahead of the 1982 they introduced ATMs because national healthcare was coming....

Who's that goofy looking chick in your avatar?

Sandra Fluke; the Republican's worst nightmare. A classy woman they can't intimidate, who is articulate, and speaks her mind. Put another way, when you look at the monumental deficit the GOP has to overcome in the upcoming 2016 national election (see graphic below), independent minded women who are immune from the bitter, resentful, chauvinistic, sexist, and downright immature "slut" references will play a large role. Couple that with the very real possibility that women will be going to the polls as never before to install Hillary as the first female POTUS, you fellas have your work cut out for you.


Really? Who are you guys going to run who can narrow those states with double-digit deficits?


Who is Sandra Fluke? Oh, the "give me my pills for free" chick?...You are still beating that dead horse. Newsflash there thunder thighs, Fluke is very much over. She was over a week after she got labeled for her greed.
You must have a real empty life if you are pinning your hopes of political success on that non existent flyspeck.
Note to you..Sandra whatever her name is....Nobody cares. Really. The name never comes up in conversation. Never heard in the news. Not on talk shows. no place.
But I guess you must need a friend. So go for it. You and her can trade your estrogen laden whining and bitching about non existent issues.
Why is it that most feminists are either really stupid or unattractive?
BTW presidents are not "installed". They are elected.
She has NO shot.
How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?
You oppose free public education also?

Why educate someone else's child?

Oddly enough, I didn't say that.
Care to address the points I actually did make?
Or are you just being a troll?

You are ducking the question Alan

You do not want to pay for the choices others make. Does that include education?

Free and low cost contraception saves more money than it costs. Want to go back to when women had 5-6 children?

Do you oppose your insurance paying for the maternity costs of others? That is their choice also
I've seen two grocery chains start to phase out "self-checkouts". Yes, they did save labor costs. Yes, they also pissed off a lot of customers who left carts half full of stuff and walked out in frustration when the software screwed them over.

Customers like that either don't come back or, if they do, will go to an attended line and if it's too long bitch loudly, discouraging others from even continuing into the store.

I bet most of them pulled the machines because of theft.

Our Walmart got rid of them due to what the manager told me was "shrinkage"...
Another term for shoplifitng.
In fact most stores that have them also have an upgraded security system where if the bar code is not scanned, the item will set off a very loud alarm when the item is passed through the doors.

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