See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Then, if they get it, the one or two people getting a job at that franchise will be making $15.00 an hour and the other six people who used to work there will be unemployed.

I think they will not be unemployed as quickly as people think, because there is to much positive emphasis being put into this technology, and it's success rates by some here, but why are they defending this technology in this way ? I mean it's like their saying na na na boo boo, you will be let go soon, and the quicker the better ? What's in it for people to talk this way about people who work at McDonalds ?

I mean someone said that they tried this technology at the Jack in the Box, but it bombed, so I wonder if McDonalds is just looking and hoping for a way out, and this instead of just doing what is right by it's employee's instead ? Where it will work, and where it will not work is highly subjective really, but it can be tested always in ways that don't cause to much havoc or loss in profits due to idiotic thinking or worse greedy thinking.
College tuitions soar each year, advancing far in excess of the inflation rate. The overall inflation rate since 1986 increased 115.06%, which is why we pay more than double for everything we buy. On the other hand, during the same time, tuition increased a whopping 498.31%.
and you want to blame McD's??

The biggest contributor to the price of higher education is government.
Low interest loans, federal subsidies and grants make for a condition where universities have zero incentive to control prices.
Meanwhile West Virginia University just hired a new president at a salary of over $700,000 per year plus pension and a nice expense account.
Living room actually, overlooking downtown. High rise condo...but thanks for describing your desire.

Sandra seems to be more relevant than ever.

She is the perfect spokesperson for the moocher class.

Asking her university to supply pharmaceuticals in their health plans...quite popular. That you attack her relentlessly for it...just underscores the never ending GOP war on women.

War on women you say? Is that akin to asking someone to shit in Palins mouth? Seems similar to me. But then again I never really understood using FAKE BULLSHIT TALKING POINTS to further an agenda. Fact is your agenda on the left is so bad that you have to mask it with unimportant talk about meaningless bullshit like THE WAR ON WOMEN

You morons that actually believe this crap are a total laughing stock. As are the dumbass Americans that fall for it.
I am betting it opens right into your bedroom....taking any and all cummers...

Sandra's 15 minutes are up.

Living room actually, overlooking downtown. High rise condo...but thanks for describing your desire.

Sandra seems to be more relevant than ever.

Oh honey, I wouldn't even stick franco's dick in there.

Now Franco would need the finger cot... Rush Limbaugh! Foxnews! Wow, I rule, bam! He's one of the three people who watch MS-NBC.

As for Candy, once again she can't address the point that the issue isn't contraception, the issue is forcing other people to pay for it. Sandra Fluke was a liar, she lied about the cost of contraception and she lied that it wasn't available, there were 5 planned parenthood clinics within 8 miles of Georgetown who would provide it for free. She was on a political campaign to force her catholic school to violate their religion because it was in the selfish interest of her religion, liberalism.
Not wanting to pay for other people's birth control is hating birth control. Pretty much the intelligence of all your posts. So will you pay for my groceries or do you hate food?

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I've been thinking about going to CVS and demanding the free rubbers Obama promised.
They probably don't have your size, try some finger cots.


So they make a microscopic size for all those far left males?
Living room actually, overlooking downtown. High rise condo...but thanks for describing your desire.

Sandra seems to be more relevant than ever.

Oh honey, I wouldn't even stick franco's dick in there.

Now Franco would need the finger cot... Rush Limbaugh! Foxnews! Wow, I rule, bam! He's one of the three people who watch MS-NBC.

As for Candy, once again she can't address the point that the issue isn't contraception, the issue is forcing other people to pay for it. Sandra Fluke was a liar, she lied about the cost of contraception and she lied that it wasn't available, there were 5 planned parenthood clinics within 8 miles of Georgetown who would provide it for free. She was on a political campaign to force her catholic school to violate their religion because it was in the selfish interest of her religion, liberalism.

Excellent rebuttal.
Simple solution.
Stop providing welfare to them.
It amazes me that so many liberals think the government (tax payers like me) are expected to financially support low wage or no wage people. I didn't bring them into this world, let them earn their own keep.

And many of us that think companies such as McD's should not be subsidizing them for their crappy decisions once made crappy decisions ourselves but learned to move past them because we realized we must become sufficient for ourselves rather than demand others to provide for us. It is called learning to be responsible for ones own life decisions.

We are looking at 60 million crappy decisions to accept jobs at McDonalds, WalMart, manufacturing, menial labor, service jobs

Do you have 60 million better paying jobs that these workers can move in to?

First off, dial down the rhetoric. Fast food workers make up 4.1 million.
Most of whom make OVER minimum wage.
"Move in to"?...Umm No....But they can train into better workers with more skills and thus be eligible to attain higher paying positions
Simple solution.
Stop providing welfare to them.
It amazes me that so many liberals think the government (tax payers like me) are expected to financially support low wage or no wage people. I didn't bring them into this world, let them earn their own keep.

And many of us that think companies such as McD's should not be subsidizing them for their crappy decisions once made crappy decisions ourselves but learned to move past them because we realized we must become sufficient for ourselves rather than demand others to provide for us. It is called learning to be responsible for ones own life decisions.

We are looking at 60 million crappy decisions to accept jobs at McDonalds, WalMart, manufacturing, menial labor, service jobs

Do you have 60 million better paying jobs that these workers can move in to?

Your post presupposes the disappearance of these entry level jobs.
That is unrealistic.

No one forces McDonalds to offer whatever benefits they do offer or Wal Mart or Target, or Dicks or Carl's Jr. I used McDonalds corporate information since they are a publicly traded company....

Their dividend--what they pay you for owning their stock--rose from about 22 cents a quarter 10 years ago to over 80 cents a quarter today. With about a billion shares outstanding, they pay out $3B to people who have done nothing other than own their stock. In that same 10 years, those of us who consume McDonalds food would argue the food has gotten worse if anything.

I would argue that if they cut that dividend by something like 25, that would save $1B or so (one dollar less) and found a way to raise wages, they'd have a better restaurant serving better products.

But again, nobody forces them to offer what they do offer. It could be much worse.
You are indeed a financial genius!
Hey dingbat...Have you any clue what would happen if what you claim to be necessary occurs?....Investors would pull their money out of Mc Donald's Corp and place it elsewhere for a better return. The result of your very insightful idea would be the reverse of your theory.
BTW, I have a question....Just what do you think happens to all that 401k money and pension money collected from work a day people?.....Answer. It gets invested in companies just like Mc Donald's Corp.....
Of course to you that is an obscenity.
And many of us that think companies such as McD's should not be subsidizing them for their crappy decisions once made crappy decisions ourselves but learned to move past them because we realized we must become sufficient for ourselves rather than demand others to provide for us. It is called learning to be responsible for ones own life decisions.

We are looking at 60 million crappy decisions to accept jobs at McDonalds, WalMart, manufacturing, menial labor, service jobs

Do you have 60 million better paying jobs that these workers can move in to?

First off, dial down the rhetoric. Fast food workers make up 4.1 million.
Most of whom make OVER minimum wage.
"Move in to"?...Umm No....But they can train into better workers with more skills and thus be eligible to attain higher paying positions
4.1 million dollars eh ? Now out of how many of those fast food workers do you think make minimum wage ? What is the average income of a fast food worker who has worked at the same job for at least the last 4 years lets say ? Is it above minimum wage ? If not then why would you think a person would still be at minimum wage after 4 years had gone by in a job ? I guess the person would be a good worker if still in a job after 4 years wouldn't you agree, so why would they be held back maybe ? Then if they are held back, are these workers getting government assistance to subsidize their pay ? If they are getting the subsidy, then are we the tax payers picking up the tab for this mega corporation whom know this, and play this form of entitlement to the hilt ?
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And many of us that think companies such as McD's should not be subsidizing them for their crappy decisions once made crappy decisions ourselves but learned to move past them because we realized we must become sufficient for ourselves rather than demand others to provide for us. It is called learning to be responsible for ones own life decisions.

We are looking at 60 million crappy decisions to accept jobs at McDonalds, WalMart, manufacturing, menial labor, service jobs

Do you have 60 million better paying jobs that these workers can move in to?

First off, dial down the rhetoric. Fast food workers make up 4.1 million.
Most of whom make OVER minimum wage.
"Move in to"?...Umm No....But they can train into better workers with more skills and thus be eligible to attain higher paying positions

Exactly. Now, you start at minimum wage and if you learn the job and are reliable, you get a raise. Democrats want to make sure that fewer and fewer people are hired in the first place. No one is going to pay people wages they are not worth. But they do vote for Democrats...

Good for McDonald's. Capitalism is economic freedom, the tyranny of socialism benefits no one but the political leaders, and they buy votes from the sheep who vote for them. And they are cheap votes to buy.
How can the government lower taxes, when the corporations or big businesses of America, are using it for a dumping ground of people who need help because they (companies who can afford to) refuse to do what is right and helpful to America on this front themselves ?

^^^The heartbreak of economic illiteracy on parade^^^

It doesn't help anyone to be turned into a government dependent. And the government's eternal quest to do this is what is suppressing economic growth and job creation.

What makes being dependent on a corporation any better?
Non sequitur.
The method by which government dependency programs are funded is compulsory. Made that way by law of the captive market.
Employment is free market. One can choose to work for which ever company they choose. They can opt out for an entrepreneurial opportunity for themselves.
People best wake up to why the feds are operating in the ways that they are now, because it appears that they are screwing we the working class over in this nation, and this while they give favors to these corporations who will in turn make sure that these workers will get to the voting booths on the day that is needed. It's the only explanation that I have for what is going on in all of this now. Otherwise why would the feds subsidize mega corporations and their workforces who depend on the FREE MARKET ? How did this happen or get to going in these ways ?
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Candycorn claims their food has gotten worse over the last decade. Funny thing is regulations and pc nonsense is the cause of that. Has nothing to do with budgets. Low salt low fat crappy ass oil for the fries etc..

All in an attempt to please loons and regulators.
[ Why do you think it is my responsibility to support somebody that I had no involvement in bringing into this world?

It's your responsibility if you accept citizenship and/or residency in this nation, and engage in taxable activities. You may wish to live in a vacuum, and maybe somewhere that's possible, but not here.

Oh? Prove it.
That is not our responsibility. Someone in government decided it was. His name was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Meanwhile, the guy behind the counter at Subway that gives (shocking me extra lettuce and light mustard just got my $7.55...drove by a McDonalds on the way to Subway come to think of it.

Did you tip him in order to bring his wage up to $15 an hour?
Just curious.
Jobs will not be lost.

There will be new jobs for people installing repairing and programming the new machines.

And for an alternative; how about people who aspire to nothing but making fries learn a more valuable skill.?

The person that says "Would you like fries with that?" isn't going to learn how to fix the machine.

What makes you state THAT?
How can you make a blanket statement that says essentially low wage workers are condemned to being incapable of learning anything beyond their limited knowledge.
That is an outrageous statement.
Because they are still saying, "Would you like fries with that", and protesting for higher wages rather than learning a new skill and moving on to better wages.
I didn't say they were condemned to it, I merely pointed out the actions they are taking. Actions that are taking them nowhere, not improving their lives.
Here is what else I know happened along time ago, and it could be of the same mindset that I'm talking about, where as I knew a corporate thinker who had a mindset that the government was always having to deal with or either it got along with, yet all depending on if the government official is corrupted or not as well.

One time I worked for a company that had people going out of town to work, but we did not actually have to go out of town to work ourselves you see. The mileage was enough to get some benefits as if the crews were going out of town at the time, even though they weren't. So the boss I remember asked each of us to take a pay cut voluntarily to $7.00 dollars an hour, and then he would make the difference back up in per-diem or in out of town expenses to be paid. Now this was offered as a pre-taxed thing, so the employee would get the difference of the money without being taxed on it immediately. Now what he didn't tell the many who opted in for this, is that they would have to pay the taxes on the money at the end of the year, because it was income, but the corporation would be free from paying the taxes on the incomes this way through the original income that was paid at the higher levels.

I didn't go for this scam in that I felt was being played on the government by this person, so I opted out. Others went along, and I saw how this guy was exhausting every angle/option that he had with this government loop whole in the tax system that was offered, and therefore it's ignorance of these things and/or such goings on in which he was doing at that time.

PS. This guy was later locked up by the government in which was all because he was a crook from hell, and he would try anything that he could in order to make a profit without being taxed on that profit, even if it was illegal. The workers in the end were the ones getting screwed, so how's that for corporate activities that were going in representation of, and this by corrupt corporate officials who figure these kinds of things out in their life ? The thing now that I wonder is this, has the government become guilty in these schemes with corporations today, and are we the fools found in it all now ?
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What is prefrable? A low paying job that allows a person to learn a work ethic, experience, references, and a skill set that allows him to qualify for better jobs?

Or chronic unemployment?

Or government controls that assign a job of a particular status and class to people that ensures they won't starve, but they can never hope for much of anything better?

Ya'll pick.

The minimum wage has been FALLING for 45 years. This is what conservatives have wanted.

Now what have Americans gotten, as a consequence, that is so much better?
SO what?..There should not even be a minimum wage.
Not to the extent that small business should be mandated to participate.
Large companies can absorb the additional cost. Small business must make adjustments that sometimes alienate their customers or their local community.

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