See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

You oppose free public education also?

Why educate someone else's child?

Oddly enough, I didn't say that.
Care to address the points I actually did make?
Or are you just being a troll?

You are ducking the question Alan

You do not want to pay for the choices others make. Does that include education?

Free and low cost contraception saves more money than it costs. Want to go back to when women had 5-6 children?

Do you oppose your insurance paying for the maternity costs of others? That is their choice also

So far, it is you that hasn't answered my questions to the post you responded to.
It is you that is "ducking".
Here, let me repeat the questions, feel free to address them,

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?
Your characterization of someone who wishes her employer would cover medicine as first a "whore" then a "slut" is just an indication that you're a moron. That you can't see how this empowers your opponents in the political arena only underscores just how unsophisticated you are there loser.

That is why she's up there in my avatar...because it forces you guys to channel you other words, you act like the idiotic caveman republican you are.

And I couldn't be happier.

Actually that avatar signifies the type of person you are. Quick to side with a mealy mouthed whiny ass entitled jerk.
Get this now. Sandra Flake has been OVER for a long time.
Nobody cares.

You cared enough to comment.
Why is that?


There are much better advocates for feminism out there.

Emily Bazelon

Hannah Rosin

Amanda Marcotte (my favorite)

But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.

why is it they all those 'advocates' have to be ugly?
do they think that advertising their super availability will make them more desirable?
You oppose free public education also?

Why educate someone else's child?

Oddly enough, I didn't say that.
Care to address the points I actually did make?
Or are you just being a troll?

You are ducking the question Alan

You do not want to pay for the choices others make. Does that include education?

Free and low cost contraception saves more money than it costs. Want to go back to when women had 5-6 children?

Do you oppose your insurance paying for the maternity costs of others? That is their choice also

Divert divert divert!
Actually that avatar signifies the type of person you are. Quick to side with a mealy mouthed whiny ass entitled jerk.
Get this now. Sandra Flake has been OVER for a long time.
Nobody cares.

You cared enough to comment.
Why is that?


There are much better advocates for feminism out there.

Emily Bazelon

Hannah Rosin

Amanda Marcotte (my favorite)

But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.

why is it they all those 'advocates' have to be ugly?
do they think that advertising their super availability will make them more desirable?

I wouldn't EVER be with a feminist. Fuck them stupid bitches. They all bitch about equality then demand special carve outs. Let them join the likes of OWS or the moronic gay parades.
A self proclaimed whore is classy?

Gotta love Republicans don't ya?

The gift that keeps on giving

Two weeks ago, he was urging his fellow Confederates to go against their instincts and stop trying to threaten, belittle, or attack women. I guess you can't ask a leopard to change his spots.

Yes, there is a misogynist under every bed.
I cannot believe someone as stupid as you owns a computer.
Gotta love Republicans don't ya?

The gift that keeps on giving

Two weeks ago, he was urging his fellow Confederates to go against their instincts and stop trying to threaten, belittle, or attack women. I guess you can't ask a leopard to change his spots.

Yes, there is a misogynist under every bed.
I cannot believe someone as stupid as you owns a computer.

Funny thing is that little story you quoted is a complete fabrication.

They can't help but lie to further their cause.
I wouldn't EVER be with a feminist. Fuck them stupid bitches. They all bitch about equality then demand special carve outs. Let them join the likes of OWS or the moronic gay parades.

why would one want to make herrself a poster child for being a political whore, if the above mentioned contraception can be obtained FREE at PP or if that is not available - it costs about 50$ per month?
I wouldn't EVER be with a feminist. Fuck them stupid bitches. They all bitch about equality then demand special carve outs. Let them join the likes of OWS or the moronic gay parades.

why would one want to make herrself a poster child for being a political whore, if the above mentioned contraception can be obtained FREE at PP or if that is not available - it costs about 50$ per month?

Because the far left hates giving choices to people other than what they say is a choice for them.
You oppose free public education also?

Why educate someone else's child?

Oddly enough, I didn't say that.
Care to address the points I actually did make?
Or are you just being a troll?

You are ducking the question Alan

You do not want to pay for the choices others make. Does that include education?

It's a false analogy to compare having an abortion because someone doesn't use birth control and doesn't want the kid to every kid going to school, including those of responsible parents who planned the baby and can afford it. I am actually against government education, but your analogy is still ridiculous.

Free and low cost contraception saves more money than it costs. Want to go back to when women had 5-6 children?
So you're saying that the stupid sluts will use birth control if it's provided free by government force, otherwise they're not going to. Got it. Sounds like it would be cheaper to cut off their welfare for having more kids rather than follow them around and beg them to use birth control...

Do you oppose your insurance paying for the maternity costs of others? That is their choice also

You don't understand risk pooling, do you? Don't worry, that was rhetorical. Crap, I don't know how to explain this with words you know. See Dick run...
That you mis-diagose Ms. Fluke as first a whore and a slut and you're going to need the women's vote in 2016? Not at all. Keep it up doc. You're the best thing that happened to the Democrats.... You're just too ignorant to know it. :lol:

If you think im the best thing to happen for you you're a complete idiot. No one knows me, no one hears me and my voice is no more or less important than yours despite the fact that no one hears us.

For every moron like you there are actually probably hundreds of more not on this board who feel just like you and are just too unsophisticated to see what a dis-service you do to your own cause.

Think about Clint Eastwood. He's up there making an ass of himself and the entire audience is laughing along with the nation except they think he is scoring points, not looking like the out of touch angry white-man party you have become. not only are you a sexist feminist, you are also a self hating racist...Against Caucasians.
You are just a barrel of laughs.
Don't you feminazis realize that the more you push your sexist agenda, the more you marginalize yourselves.
Oddly enough, I didn't say that.
Care to address the points I actually did make?
Or are you just being a troll?

You are ducking the question Alan

You do not want to pay for the choices others make. Does that include education?

Free and low cost contraception saves more money than it costs. Want to go back to when women had 5-6 children?

Do you oppose your insurance paying for the maternity costs of others? That is their choice also

So far, it is you that hasn't answered my questions to the post you responded to.
It is you that is "ducking".
Here, let me repeat the questions, feel free to address them,

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?

Let me quote the great Hillary Rodham Clinton
It takes a village Allan

We care about our villages children. We want them to grow up to be strong members of our society. We don't want their parents overburdened with unwanted children. We want them educated. We want them to see doctors when they are sick.

That is the way societies work Allan

The larger question for our society is...

Why are you such a callous fucker?
Ame®icano;8266883 said:
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..
McD will need many more touchscreens to replace all the cashiers.

Beside, touchscreens were coming regardless of strike.
I think touch screens in a McD's is a huge mistake on there part, and they will find that out quickly. People want to deal with a living breathing person when getting their order filled, because if something goes wrong, then they feel that they are getting something done quickly about it. If McDonalds tries to go even cheaper in that industry, and this in order to boost profits even more all out of greed instead of need, then I feel that the customers will rebel on them big time. Hey they don't need anymore problems in which takes them down for even one more notch in the scheme of things. This is what I think.

Listen people, all they have to do is introduce a proper pay scale system for their employee's, and this will let them (the employee's) know up front what they are into when working for a corporation like McD's. Undoubtedly they have the pay scale system set up wrong or their would be no problems like we are hearing about. Another thing is or that I can't stand about this corporation, is that they are discriminating against workers of other races, because some of their locations that you enter have only one race working in them, and that should be a huge red flag to the American people about what this corporations is all about in this way. It appears that they are working cheap labor in this way, and then sending them over to the government in order to get the government to subsidize their lack of a living wage that is not being paid to them. They are a bad corporate citizen in America if you ask me, and they should be dealt with in that way by our government, and by we the people of this United States of America.

Proof positive you have no clue how thin margins are for most small business.
Once again, your propensity to keep yourself uninformed has you blaming the Mc Donald's Corp when it has been well documented that 85% of the stores are franchises.
Jesus Christ the density of the liberal mind is distracting.
I wouldn't EVER be with a feminist. Fuck them stupid bitches. They all bitch about equality then demand special carve outs. Let them join the likes of OWS or the moronic gay parades.

why would one want to make herrself a poster child for being a political whore, if the above mentioned contraception can be obtained FREE at PP or if that is not available - it costs about 50$ per month?

Because the far left hates giving choices to people other than what they say is a choice for them.

They believe that women will not realize the impact of a baby on their lives and won't bother to get birth control or keep their legs together, so they're going to get pregnant unless we pay for their birth control because we're responsible for their baby and this is cheaper for us than having their kid, so we need to do the right thing and fund their sex.

Now these same women who will get pregnant because they aren't responsible enough to take care of it on their own or even go to a planned parenthood that will give it to them for free now will in fact not only get birth control but use it if they can do that and file a claim with their insurance company.

WTF? Yeah, they really are that dumb.
Your characterization of someone who wishes her employer would cover medicine as first a "whore" then a "slut" is just an indication that you're a moron. That you can't see how this empowers your opponents in the political arena only underscores just how unsophisticated you are there loser.

That is why she's up there in my avatar...because it forces you guys to channel you other words, you act like the idiotic caveman republican you are.

And I couldn't be happier.

Actually that avatar signifies the type of person you are. Quick to side with a mealy mouthed whiny ass entitled jerk.
Get this now. Sandra Flake has been OVER for a long time.
Nobody cares.

You cared enough to comment.
Why is that?


There are much better advocates for feminism out there.

Emily Bazelon

Hannah Rosin

Amanda Marcotte (my favorite)

But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.

I expect nothing more from a militant feminist.
Like i said, you've marginalized yourself.
I do not know, nor do I care about these people. They are in the grand scheme, of no consequence to me or anyone else.
More far left propaganda!


You lost the women's vote in Minnesota by 22%. That can't be tied to immigrant or minority women solely. No propaganda there...just scary stats for the GOP.

You lost the women's vote in Iowa by 16%...Iowa and their "heartland values"...

Polls Show Obama Losing Support Among Youth, Latinos, Women, Unions
Obama's Losing It: I'm A Millennial, And I'm Disappointed In Obama
An aside to this alleged love affair you believe women have with Dear Leader...
Woman losing health coverage due to Obamacare - KCTV5

The fact is no self respecting independent educated career oriented woman would want to place their allegiance with a person like Obama who thinks women are incapable of taking care of their own needs, families and career choices.
Actually that avatar signifies the type of person you are. Quick to side with a mealy mouthed whiny ass entitled jerk.
Get this now. Sandra Flake has been OVER for a long time.
Nobody cares.

You cared enough to comment.
Why is that?


There are much better advocates for feminism out there.

Emily Bazelon

Hannah Rosin

Amanda Marcotte (my favorite)

But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.

I expect nothing more from a militant feminist.
Like i said, you've marginalized yourself.
I do not know, nor do I care about these people. They are in the grand scheme, of no consequence to me or anyone else.

It sort of reminds me of that wife of a politician that lost once. She was quoted as saying, "I don't know anyone who didn't vote for my husband." Your ignorance is my bliss.

You lost the women's vote in Minnesota by 22%. That can't be tied to immigrant or minority women solely. No propaganda there...just scary stats for the GOP.

You lost the women's vote in Iowa by 16%...Iowa and their "heartland values"...

Polls Show Obama Losing Support Among Youth, Latinos, Women, Unions
Obama's Losing It: I'm A Millennial, And I'm Disappointed In Obama
An aside to this alleged love affair you believe women have with Dear Leader...
Woman losing health coverage due to Obamacare - KCTV5

The fact is no self respecting independent educated career oriented woman would want to place their allegiance with a person like Obama who thinks women are incapable of taking care of their own needs, families and career choices.

And they would place it in someone who thinks they could not take care of their reproductive choice?

You're batting a thousand there....
You are ducking the question Alan

You do not want to pay for the choices others make. Does that include education?

Free and low cost contraception saves more money than it costs. Want to go back to when women had 5-6 children?

Do you oppose your insurance paying for the maternity costs of others? That is their choice also

So far, it is you that hasn't answered my questions to the post you responded to.
It is you that is "ducking".
Here, let me repeat the questions, feel free to address them,

How about if people pay for their own contraception and their own children?
It's not my responsibility to pay for their choices. What part about that do you not understand?
Their choices, their decisions, not mine. Why do you think I should be held responsible for their actions?

Let me quote the great Hillary Rodham Clinton
It takes a village Allan

We care about our villages children. We want them to grow up to be strong members of our society. We don't want their parents overburdened with unwanted children. We want them educated. We want them to see doctors when they are sick.

That is the way societies work Allan

The larger question for our society is...

Why are you such a callous fucker?
I'm a callous fucker because Hillary Clinton is wrong, and calling me a callous fucker is the only way you can explain it. The government isn't a village.
True callous fuckers demand that I support those that won't support themselves or their families. They put that responsibility and burden upon me, even though I had nothing to do with their situation, their choices, their family.
It's not my responsibility to pay for the birth control of others or for their children if they fail to use birth control.

BTW, you spelled my name incorrectly.
I wouldn't EVER be with a feminist. Fuck them stupid bitches. They all bitch about equality then demand special carve outs. Let them join the likes of OWS or the moronic gay parades.

why would one want to make herrself a poster child for being a political whore, if the above mentioned contraception can be obtained FREE at PP or if that is not available - it costs about 50$ per month?

it's even cheaper than that. Something like $21 for 3 months, I believe at places like Walmart, etc.

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